2.$ SUBMIT/NAME=BATCH24/HOLD TESTALL Job BATCH24 (queue SYS$BATCH, entry 467) holding In this example, the SUBMIT command enters the procedure TESTALL.COM as a batch job and specifies that the job be held for later processing. The job is not released until the SET ENTRY/RELEASE command is entered. The /NAME qualifier requests that the batch job be identified as BATCH24. 3.$ SUBMIT TEST.COM Job TEST (queue SYS$BATCH, entry 493) pending $ BATCH_JOB = $ENTRY . . . $ DELETE/ENTRY='BATCH_JOB' In this command sequence, the $ENTRY symbol is used to refer to a particular job in the queue file. The SUBMIT command creates a batch job to run the command procedure TEST.COM. In addition, the SUBMIT command defines $ENTRY as a local symbol whose value is the entry number of the job (493 in this example). The second statement assigns the value $ENTRY to the local symbol BATCH_JOB. The last line of the example deletes the job by using the symbol BATCH_JOB to identify it. 4.$ DEFINE JUNE WORKZ:[SCHREURS]ANNUAL_REPORT.COM $ SUBMIT JUNE Job ANNUAL_REPORT (queue SYS$BATCH, entry 229) started on ZOO_BATCH In this example, the logical name JUNE is created and equated to ANNUAL_REPORT.COM with the DEFINE command. Using the logical name JUNE, the user submits ANNUAL_REPORT.COM to the batch queue. Note that the system translates the logical name JUNE to ANNUAL_REPORT.COM before ANNUAL_REPORT.COM is submitted to the batch queue. Also, the log file produced is named ANNUAL_REPORT.COM rather than JUNE.COM. Note also that the job is submitted to the generic queue SYS$BATCH, but runs on the execution queue ZOO_BATCH. 5.$ SUBMIT/HOLD/QUEUE=ANYRADQ /RAD=1 TEST.COM Job TEST (queue ANYRADQ, entry 23) holding $ SHOW ENTRY/FULL 23 Entry Jobname Username Blocks Status ----- ------- -------- ------ ------ 23 TEST SYSTEM Holding On idle batch queue ANYRADQ Submitted 24-JUL-2001 14:19:37.44 /KEEP /NOPRINT /PRIORITY=100 /RAD=0 File: _$1$DKB200:[SWEENEY.CLIUTL]TEST.COM;1 In this example, TEST.COM is submitted to the queue ANYRADQ. There is no RAD setting on the ANYRADQ queue. 6.$ SUBMIT/HOLD/QUEUE=BATCHQ1 /RAD=1 TEST.COM Job TEST (queue BATCHQ1, entry 24) holding $ SHOW ENTRY 24/FULL Entry Jobname Username Blocks Status ----- ------- -------- ------ ------ 24 TEST SYSTEM Holding On idle batch queue BATCHQ1 Submitted 24-JUL-2001 14:23:10.37 /KEEP /NOPRINT /PRIORITY=100 /RAD=0 File: _$1$DKB200:[SWEENEY.CLIUTL]TEST.COM;2 In this example, the queue, BATCHQ1, is defined with /RAD=0. Therefore, use of the SUBMIT command creates a job that runs on RAD 0, even though RAD 1 was specified.
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