HELPLIB.HLB  —  SET  ENTRY  Qualifiers

1    /AFTER


    Requests that the specified job be held until after a specific
    time. If the specified time has already passed, the job is
    scheduled for processing.

    You can specify either absolute time or a combination of absolute
    and delta times. For complete information on specifying time
    values, see the OpenVMS User's Manual or the online help topic


       Releasing or rescheduling a job before its submission time
       is not supported for security reasons. Therefore, if you set
       the system time to a future time and submit a job on a node
       where the queue manager is running, you cannot release or
       reschedule that job back to the present time if you reset
       the system time.

       For example, you can set the system time to a future time of
       January 1, 2020 and submit a job to run on January 9, 2020;
       however, if you set the system time back to the present time
       and try to release the job to the present time, the job will
       be released to January 1, 2020.

       This situation impacts the following qualifiers: /AFTER,
       /NOHOLD, and /RELEASE.

    To specify /AFTER for a job on hold, you must also specify
    /NOHOLD in order to cause the job to be held only until the
    specified time. Jobs can be released before the specified time
    by using the /NOAFTER or /RELEASE qualifier with the SET ENTRY

2    /BURST


    Controls whether two file flag pages with a burst bar between
    them are printed preceding each file in a job.

    Use the /[NO]BURST qualifier to override the /DEFAULT qualifier
    options that have been set for the output queue you are using.
    The /[NO]BURST qualifier does not override the /SEPARATE
    qualifier options set for the queue.

    When you specify the /BURST qualifier for a file, the /[NO]FLAG
    qualifier does not add or subtract a flag page from the two flag
    pages that are printed preceding a file.



    Specifies the name or number of one or more characteristics to be
    associated with the job. Characteristics can refer to such things
    as color of ink. If you specify only one characteristic, you can
    omit the parentheses.

    A characteristic's number must range from 0 to 127. To see which
    characteristics have been defined for your system, use the SHOW
    QUEUE/CHARACTERISTICS command. To see which characteristics
    are associated with a particular queue, use the SHOW QUEUE/FULL

    A print job can be processed on an execution queue if none, some,
    or all of the characteristics associated with the queue also are
    associated with the job. That is, the job's characteristics must
    be a subset of the queue's characteristics. However, if any of
    the characteristics associated with the job are not associated
    with the queue, the job remains pending until one or more of the
    following occurs:

    o  The characteristics specified with the queue are changed
       to make the job's characteristics a subset of the
       queue's characteristics (using, for example, the SET

    o  The characteristics specified with the job are changed
       to make the job's characteristics a subset of the
       queue's characteristics (using, for example, the SET

    o  The job is moved to a queue on which all the job's
       characteristics have been specified (using, for example, the
       SET ENTRY/REQUEUE command).

    o  The job is deleted (using, for example, the DELETE/ENTRY

4    /CLI


    Specifies the name of a command language interpreter (CLI) to
    use in processing the batch job. The file name specifies that
    the CLI be SYS$SYSTEM:filename.EXE. If you do not specify the
    /CLI qualifier, the job is run by the CLI specified in the user
    authorization file (UAF), or whatever CLI was specified when the
    job was originally submitted to the queue.

5    /COPIES


    Specifies the number of copies to print. The value of n can be
    any number from 1 to 255. When you use the /COPIES qualifier
    with the SET ENTRY command, the number of copies can apply
    only to the entire print job. You cannot use this qualifier to
    specify different numbers of copies for individual files within a
    multifile job.



    Specifies a CPU time limit for the batch job. You can specify
    the time parameter as delta time, the value 0, INFINITE, or NONE.
    If the queue on which the job executes has a defined CPUMAXIMUM
    value, the smaller of the specified job and queue values is used.
    If the queue on which the job executes does not have a specified
    maximum CPU time limit, the smaller of the SUBMIT command and
    user authorization file (UAF) values is used. If the queue on
    which the job executes does not have a specified maximum CPU time
    limit and the UAF has a specified CPU time limit of NONE, either
    the value 0 or the keyword INFINITE allows unlimited CPU time. If
    you specify NONE, the specified queue or UAF value is used. CPU
    time values must be greater than or equal to the number specified
    by the system parameter PQL_MCPULM.

    For information on specifying time values, see the OpenVMS User's
    Manual or the online help topic Date.

7    /FEED


    Controls whether form feeds are inserted into the print job when
    the printer reaches the bottom margin of the form in use. You can
    suppress this automatic form feed (without affecting any of the
    other carriage control functions that are in place) by using the
    /NOFEED qualifier.

    When you use the /FEED qualifier with the SET ENTRY command, the
    qualifier applies to all files in the print job. You cannot use
    this qualifier to specify form feeds for individual files within
    a multifile job.

8    /FLAG


    Controls whether a flag page is printed preceding each file in a
    print job. The flag page contains the name of the user submitting
    the job, the job entry number, and other information about the
    file being printed.

    Use the /[NO]FLAG qualifier to override the installation-defined
    defaults that have been set for the output queue you are using
    or to override the qualifier specified in the PRINT command that
    queued the job.

9    /FORM


    Specifies the name or number of the form to be associated with
    the print job. If you omit the /FORM qualifier, the default form
    for the execution queue is associated with the job.

    Forms have attributes such as print image width and length or
    paper stock, which the print symbiont associates with a job when
    the job is processed. To see which forms have been defined for
    your system, use the SHOW QUEUE/FORM command. To find out which
    form is mounted currently on a particular queue and which form is
    specified as that queue's default form, use the SHOW QUEUE/FULL

    The stock of the form associated with the job must match the
    stock of the form mounted on the execution queue on which you
    want the job to be processed. If the stocks do not match, the job
    remains pending until one or more of the following occurs:

    o  A form with the same stock as the job's form is mounted on
       the queue (using, for example, the SET QUEUE/FORM_MOUNTED

    o  A form with the same stock as the queue's mounted form is
       specified with the job (using, for example, the SET ENTRY/FORM

    o  The job is moved to a queue on which the stock of the mounted
       form matches the stock of the job's form (using, for example,
       the SET ENTRY/REQUEUE command).

    o  The job is deleted (using, for example, the DELETE/ENTRY

10    /HEADER


    Controls whether a heading line is printed at the top of each
    output page in a print job.

11    /HOLD


    Controls whether the job is to be made available for processing
    or held for processing later. If you specify the /HOLD qualifier,
    the job is not released for processing until you enter SET

    You can use the /NOHOLD qualifier to release jobs that have been
    held for the following reasons:

    o  A job was submitted with the /HOLD qualifier.

    o  A completed job is being retained in a queue.

    o  A user-written symbiont has refused a job.


       Releasing or rescheduling a job before its submission time
       is not supported for security reasons. Therefore, if you set
       the system time to a future time and submit a job on a node
       where the queue manager is running, you cannot release or
       reschedule that job back to the present time if you reset
       the system time.

       For example, you can set the system time to a future time of
       January 1, 2020 and submit a job to run on January 9, 2020;
       however, if you set the system time back to the present time
       and try to release the job to the present time, the job will
       be released to January 1, 2020.

       This situation impacts the following qualifiers: /AFTER,
       /NOHOLD, and /RELEASE.

12    /JOB_COUNT


    Requests that an entire print job be printed n times, where n
    is a decimal integer from 1 to 255. This qualifier overrides the
    /JOB_COUNT qualifier with the PRINT command.

13    /KEEP


    Controls whether the batch job log file is deleted after it is

14    /LOG_FILE


    Creates a log file with the specified file specification. You can
    specify a different device name, as long as the process executing
    the batch job has access to the device on which the log file will
    reside. Logical names in the file specification are translated in
    the context of the process that executes the SET ENTRY command.

    If you omit the /LOG_FILE qualifier and specify the /NAME
    qualifier, the log file is written to a file having the same file
    name as that specified by the /NAME qualifier; the file type is
    .LOG. When you omit the /LOG_FILE qualifier, the job-name value
    used with the /NAME qualifier must be a valid file name.



    Indicates whether the print job must be printed on a printer that
    can print both uppercase and lowercase letters. The /NOLOWERCASE
    qualifier means that files can be printed on printers that print
    only uppercase letters. If all available printers can print both
    uppercase and lowercase letters, you do not need to specify the
    /LOWERCASE qualifier.

16    /NAME


    Names the job. The job name must be 1 to 39 alphanumeric
    characters. The SHOW ENTRY and SHOW QUEUE commands display the
    job name. For batch jobs, the job name is also used for the batch
    job log file. For print jobs, the job name is also used on the
    flag page of the printed output.

    The default job name is the name of the first file in the job.


    For a batch job, erases the value established by the most
    recently executed SET RESTART_VALUE command. For a print job,
    clears the stored checkpoint so that the job will restart from
    the beginning.


    Cancels file deletion for a job that was submitted with the
    /DELETE qualifier. If you did not specify the /DELETE qualifier
    when the job was originally submitted to the queue, you cannot
    use the SET ENTRY command to establish file deletion at a later
    time. You cannot use the /NODELETE qualifier to cancel deletion
    of individual files in a multifile job.

19    /NOTE


    Specifies a message of up to 255 characters to appear on the
    flag page of the print job. Enclose messages containing lowercase
    letters, blanks, or other nonalphanumeric characters (including
    spaces) in quotation marks (" ").

20    /NOTIFY


    Controls whether a message notifies you when your job has been
    completed or aborted. Notification is sent to any terminal
    session on the same OpenVMS Cluster system to which you are
    logged in.



    Specifies a message string of up to 255 characters to be sent to
    the operator just before the print job begins to print. Enclose
    the message in quotation marks (" ")  if it contains spaces,
    special characters, or lowercase characters.

22    /PAGES


    Specifies the number of pages to print for the specified job.
    You can use the /PAGES qualifier to print portions of long files.
    By default, all pages of the file are printed. When you use the
    /PAGES qualifier with the SET ENTRY command, the qualifier can
    apply only to an entire job. You cannot use this qualifier to
    specify different numbers of pages to be printed for individual
    files within a multifile job.

    The lowlim specifier refers to the first page of the file that
    you want to print. If you omit the lowlim specifier, the printing
    starts on the first page of the file.

    The uplim specifier refers to the last page of the file that you
    want to print. When you want to print to the end of the file but
    do not know how many pages are in the file, use quotation marks
    (" ") as the uplim specifier.

    You can omit the parentheses when you specify only a value
    for the uplim specifier. For example, /PAGES=10 prints the
    first 10 pages of the file; /PAGES=(5,10) prints pages 5 to 10;
    /PAGES=(5,"") starts printing at page 5 and continues until the
    end of the file is reached.



    Specifies from one to eight optional parameters to be passed to
    the job. Each parameter can have as many as 255 characters. If
    you specify only one parameter, you can omit the parentheses.
    To specify a parameter that contains any special characters or
    delimiters, enclose the parameter in quotation marks.

    For batch jobs, the parameters define values to be equated to the
    symbols named P1 to P8 in each command procedure in the job. The
    symbols are local to the specified command procedures.

24    /PASSALL


    Specifies whether the symbiont bypasses all formatting of the
    print job and sends the output QIO to the driver with format
    suppressed. All qualifiers affecting formatting, as well as the
    /HEADER, /PAGES, and /PAGE_SETUP qualifiers, are ignored.

    When you use the /PASSALL qualifier with the SET ENTRY command,
    the qualifier applies to the entire job. You cannot use this
    qualifier to specify PASSALL mode for individual files within a
    multifile job.

25    /PRINTER


    Queues the batch job log file for printing when the job is
    completed. The default output queue for the log file is
    SYS$PRINT. The /PRINTER qualifier allows you to specify an output
    queue. The /NOPRINTER qualifier assumes the /KEEP qualifier.



    Requires OPER (operator) or ALTPRI (alter priority) privilege
    to raise the priority above the value of the queue's maximum
    scheduling priority.

    Specifies the job-scheduling priority of the job. The value of
    n is an integer in the range of 0 to 255, where 0 is the lowest
    priority and 255 is the highest.

    The default value for the /PRIORITY qualifier is the value of
    the system parameter DEFQUEPRI. No privilege is needed to set the
    priority lower than the queue's maximum scheduling priority.

27    /RAD

       /RAD=n (Alpha/Integrity servers)

    Specifies the RAD number on which the submitted batch job is to

    When a job is submitted to a batch queue that does not have a
    RAD setting, the job will execute using the RAD specified. If the
    batch queue has a RAD setting, the job will execute using the RAD
    specified on the queue.

    RAD is supported on AlphaServer GS series systems and starting
    from OpenVMS Version 8.4, support is extended to NUMA capable
    Integrity servers.

28    /RELEASE

    You can use the /RELEASE qualifier to release jobs that have been
    held for the following reasons:

    o  A job was submitted with the /AFTER qualifier.

    o  A job was submitted with the /HOLD qualifier.

    o  A completed job is being retained in a queue.

    o  A user-written symbiont has refused a job.


       Releasing or rescheduling a job before its submission time
       is not supported for security reasons. Therefore, if you set
       the system time to a future time and submit a job on a node
       where the queue manager is running, you cannot release or
       reschedule that job back to the present time if you reset
       the system time.

       For example, you can set the system time to a future time of
       January 1, 2020 and submit a job to run on January 9, 2020;
       however, if you set the system time back to the present time
       and try to release the job to the present time, the job will
       be released to January 1, 2020.

       This situation impacts the following qualifiers: /AFTER,
       /NOHOLD, and /RELEASE.

29    /REQUEUE


    Requests that the job be moved from the original queue to the
    specified queue.

30    /RESTART


    Specifies whether a batch or print job is restarted after a
    system failure or a STOP/QUEUE/REQUEUE command.

31    /RETAIN


    Specifies the circumstances under which you want your jobs to be
    retained in a queue. When a job is retained in the queue, you can
    issue the SHOW QUEUE command after the job completes to see the
    status of the job. Without job retention, no record of a job is
    left in a queue after a job completes.

    Use the following options to specify job retention:

    o  ALWAYS-Holds the job in the queue regardless of the job's
       completion status.

    o  DEFAULT-Holds the job in the queue as specified by the queue's
       retention policy.

    o  ERROR-Holds the job in the queue only if the job completes

    o  UNTIL=time-value--Holds the job in the queue for the specified
       length of time, regardless of the job's completion status.


       You cannot specify a /NORETAIN qualifier with the SET
       ENTRY command (as system managers can with the commands
       INITIALIZE/QUEUE, START/QUEUE, and SET QUEUE); however, you
       can specify /RETAIN=DEFAULT with the SET ENTRY command. The
       default option holds the job in the queue as specified by
       the queue's retention policy. If the system manager has not
       specified retention for the queue, the job is not retained.

    How Job Retention Is Determined

    Although you can specify job retention options for your own jobs,
    the job retention option you specify may be overridden by the job
    retention option of the queue on which your job executed. If you
    submit or print a job to a generic queue, the generic queue's job
    retention setting may also override the job retention option you
    specify. This section describes how job retention is determined.

    An execution queue's job retention setting takes precedence
    over a generic queue's job retention setting; however, if the
    job's completion status does not match the job retention setting
    (if any) on the execution queue, then the generic queue's job
    retention setting attempts to control job retention. If the job's
    completion status does not match the job retention setting (if
    any) on the generic queue, then the user-specified job retention
    setting is used. Jobs submitted directly to execution queues are
    not affected by job retention settings on generic queues.

    If the execution queue's retention setting applies, the job is
    retained on the execution queue. Likewise, if the generic queue's
    retention setting applies, the job is retained on the generic
    queue. If the user-specified setting applies, the job is retained
    in the queue to which it was submitted.

    The following example illustrates how the queue manager
    determines job retention:

    Suppose you submit a job to a generic queue and specify
    /RETAIN=ALWAYS, and the job completes successfully.

    First, the queue manager compares the job's completion status
    to the execution queue's retention setting. Suppose the queue
    is set with /RETAIN=ERROR (retains only jobs that complete
    unsuccessfully). The job is not retained in the execution queue
    because the error condition was not met.

    Second, the queue manager compares the job's completion status to
    the generic queue's retention setting. Suppose the generic queue
    has no retention setting. The queue manager's comparison again
    fails to retain the job.

    Finally, the queue manager compares the job's completion
    status to the retention setting you specified for the job. This
    comparison reveals that the job should be retained. Because the
    user-specified setting leads the queue manager to retain the job,
    the job is held in the queue to which the job was submitted-in
    this case, the generic queue.

    For more information on types of queues, see the INITIALIZE/QUEUE
    command. For more information on setting retention options for

    Timed Retention

    Timed retention, which you specify using the UNTIL=time-value
    option, allows you to retain a job in the queue only as long as
    you need it. This eliminates the need to delete the job from the
    queue later.

    For example, the following command retains job 172 in the queue
    until 7:31 on April 19, when the job will automatically be
    deleted from the queue.

    $ SET ENTRY/RETAIN=UNTIL=19-APR-2001:07:31:0.0 172

    However, depending on the queue's job retention policy, the
    job might be retained indefinitely. The job retention policy
    set on the queue takes precedence over the user-specified job
    retention setting. Because system managers cannot specify timed
    job retention for a queue, any jobs retained as a result of a
    queue's setting are retained indefinitely.

    If you specify the /RETAIN=UNTIL=time-value option, you must
    supply a time value. The time value is first interpreted as
    a delta time, then as a combination time, and finally as
    absolute time. If you specify a delta time, the delta begins
    when the job completes. For example, if you specify SET
    ENTRY/RETAIN=UNTIL="+3:00", the job will be retained for three
    hours after the job completes. For information on specifying time
    values, see the OpenVMS User's Manual.

32    /SETUP


    Extracts the specified modules from the device control library
    (containing escape sequence modules for programmable printers)
    and copies the modules to the printer before each file in a print
    job is printed.

    When you use the /SETUP qualifier with the SET ENTRY command, the
    qualifier applies to the entire print job. You cannot use this
    qualifier to specify different setup modules for individual files
    within a multifile job.

33    /SPACE


    Controls whether the output of a print job is double-spaced.
    Specifying the /NOSPACE qualifier causes the output to be single-
    spaced. When you use the /SPACE qualifier with the SET ENTRY
    command, the qualifier applies to the entire job. You cannot use
    this qualifier to specify different spacing for individual files
    within a multifile job.

34    /TRAILER


    Controls whether a trailer page is printed at the end of each
    file in a print job. The trailer page displays the entry number,
    as well as information about the user submitting the job and the
    files being printed.

    When you use the /TRAILER qualifier with the SET ENTRY command,
    trailer pages are placed at the end of each file in a multifile

    Use the /[NO]TRAILER qualifier to override the installation-
    defined defaults that have been set for the output queue you are
    using or the qualifier specified in the PRINT command that queued
    the job.



    Defines, for a batch job, a working set default, which is the
    default number of physical pages that the job can use.

    If the queue on which the job executes has a nonzero default
    working set, the smaller of the specified job and queue values
    is used. If the queue on which the job executes has a working set
    default of zero, the smaller of the specified job value and the
    value established in the user authorization file (UAF) is used.

    Specify the value of n as a number of 512-byte pagelets on
    Alpha. Note that the operating system rounds up this value to the
    nearest CPU-specific page so that the actual amount of physical
    memory allowed may be larger than the specified amount on Alpha.
    If you specify zero or NONE, the specified queue or UAF value is
    used. Working set default values must range between the numbers
    specified by the system parameters PQL_MWSDEFAULT and WSMAX.



    Defines, for the batch job, a working set extent, which is the
    maximum amount of physical memory that the job can use. The job
    uses the maximum amount of physical memory only when the system
    has excess free pages. If the queue on which the job executes has
    a nonzero working set extent, the smaller of the specified job
    and queue values is used. If the queue on which the job executes
    has a working set extent of zero, the smaller of the specified
    job value and the value established in the user authorization
    file (UAF) is used.

    Specify the value of n as a number of 512-byte pagelets on
    Alpha. Note that the operating system rounds up this value to the
    nearest CPU-specific page so that the actual amount of physical
    memory allowed may be larger than the specified amount on Alpha.
    If you specify zero or NONE, the specified queue or UAF value is
    used. Working set extent values must range between the numbers
    specified by the system parameters PQL_MWSEXTENT and WSMAX.

37    /WSQUOTA


    Defines, for the batch job, a working set quota, which is the
    amount of physical memory that the job is guaranteed. If the
    queue on which the job executes has a nonzero working set quota,
    the smaller of the specified job and queue values is used. If the
    queue on which the job executes has a working set quota of zero,
    the smaller of the specified job value or the value established
    in the user authorization file (UAF) is used.

    Specify the value of n as a number of 512-byte pagelets on
    Alpha. Note that the operating system rounds up this value to the
    nearest CPU-specific page so that the actual amount of physical
    memory allowed may be larger than the specified amount on Alpha.
    If you specify zero or NONE, the specified queue or UAF value
    is used. Working set quota values must range between the numbers
    specified by the system parameters PQL_MWSQUOTA and WSMAX.
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