HELPLIB.HLB  —  PMDF  QM  User Mode Commands, SPAWN
    Create a subprocess.


      SPAWN  [command]

    Qualifiers            Defaults

    /INPUT=in-file-spec   None
    /OUTPUT=out-file-spec None
    /PROCESS=name         None
    /SYMBOLS              /SYMBOLS
    /WAIT                 /WAIT

1  –  Restrictions

    Cannot be used from a captive account.

2  –  Parameters


    Optional parameter specifying the command string for the
    subprocess to execute. After the command completes, the
    subprocess terminates and control is returned to the parent

3  –  Description

    The SPAWN command can be used to either issue a single DCL
    command from within PMDF QM or to leave PMDF QM temporarily, do
    other work (e.g., type out a file, generate a directory listing,
    etc.), and then return to PMDF QM.

    By default, the context of the current process is copied to the
    subprocess. This behavior can be controlled with the /LOGICAL_
    NAMES and /SYMBOLS qualifiers.

4  –  Qualifiers

4.1    /INPUT


    Specifies an input command file from which the subprocess is to
    draw command input. Once command processing is completed, the
    subprocess terminates. When you specify both a command string and
    input file, then the command string is first processed and then
    the commands from the input file.


       /LOGICAL_NAMES (default)

    The /LOGICAL_NAMES qualifier specifies that the logical names
    of the parent process are to be copied to the subprocess. This
    is the default behavior. Specify /NOLOGICAL_NAMES to prevent the
    subprocess from inheriting the logical name definitions of its

4.3    /OUTPUT


    Specifies the output file to which the output of the subprocess
    is to be directed. If the /OUTPUT qualifier is omitted, then
    subprocess output is directed to the current SYS$OUTPUT device
    (generally, your terminal).

4.4    /PROCESS


    Specifies the process name to associate with the subprocess.
    If not specified, a default name of the form USERNAME_n, where
    "USERNAME" is your username, is used.

4.5    /SYMBOLS

       /SYMBOLS (default)

    The /SYMBOLS qualifier specifies that the DCL symbol definitions
    of the parent process are to be copied to the subprocess. This
    is the default behavior. Specify /NOSYMBOLS to prevent the
    subprocess from inheriting the symbol definitions of its parent.

4.6    /WAIT

       /WAIT (default)

    By default, your current (parent) process will wait until the
    subprocess has finished its processing and terminated. This
    default behavior is explicitly selected with the /WAIT qualifier.
    The /NOWAIT qualifier allows you to continue working from your
    current process while the subprocess is running. When you specify
    /NOWAIT, you should also specify the /OUTPUT qualifier so as to
    prevent the subprocess output from appearing on your terminal

5  –  Examples


      Directory D1:[BOB]

      A.TXT;10    125/126
      A.TXT;9     124/126
      A.TXT;8     124/126

      Total of 3 files, 373/378.
      qm.user> SPAWN PURGE/LOG A.TXT
      %PURGE-I-FILPURG, D1:[BOB]A.TXT;9 deleted (126 blocks)
      %PURGE-I-FILPURG, D1:[BOB]A.TXT;8 deleted (126 blocks)
      %PURGE-I-TOTAL, 2 files deleted (252 blocks)

      In this example, the SPAWN command is used to obtain a
      directory listing of the files A.TXT, and then to purge back
      old versions of that file. The ability to do this is useful
      when you find that you have insufficient disk quota to create
      and edit a mail message you want to send.

    2.qm.user> SPAWN
      $ LOGOUT
        Process BOB_1 logged out at 23-AUG-2012 12:12:51.42

      In this example a SPAWN command with no command string is
      issued. This places you into the subprocess where you can issue
      DCL commands and perform other processing. When you are done
      with the subprocess and ready to return to PMDF QM, use the
      LOGOUT or EOJ command.
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