HELPLIB.HLB  —  PMDF  QCLEAN  Command Qualifiers



    The /CONTENT, /ENV_FROM, and /SUBJECT qualifiers are used to
    specify the substrings for which to search. Any combination of
    /CONTENT, /ENV_FROM, and /SUBJECT may be specified. However, only
    one of each may be used. When a combination of such qualifiers
    is used, the /MATCH qualifier controls whether the qualifiers
    are interpreted as further restrictions (/MATCH=AND), or as
    alternatives (/MATCH=OR).


       /DATABASE (default)

    The /DATABASE qualifier, the default, specifies that only message
    files identified by the queue cache database be searched. Use
    the /DIRECTORY_TREE qualifier to instead search all message files
    actually present in the channel queue directory tree.

3    /DELETE

       /HOLD (default)

    /HOLD is the default and means that matching message files will
    be held. Specify /DELETE to instead delete matching message

4    /MATCH


    The default is /MATCH=AND, meaning that any criteria specified
    by /CONTENT, /ENV_FROM, and /SUBJECT qualifiers must all match
    in order for the current hold or delete operation to be applied.
    Specifying /MATCH=OR means that a message will match as long as
    at least one such criterion matches.



    By default, each substring to be searched for must be at least 24
    bytes long (/MIN_LENGTH=24). This is a safety measure: the longer
    the substring, the less likely the chance of false "hits". Use
    the /MIN_LENGTH qualifier to override this limit.


       /NOTHREADS (default)

    The /THREADS qualifier may be used to accelerate searching on
    multiprocessor systems by dividing the work amongst multiple,
    simultaneously running threads. To run n simultaneous searching
    threads, specify /THREADS=n. The value n must be an integer in
    the range 1-8. The default is /NOTHREADS.


       /NOVERBOSE (default)

    The /VERBOSE qualifier may be used to request that the utility
    print out information about what it is doing as it operates.
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