PMDF-DIRSYNC includes a number of command line utilities that
    can be used to convert between LDIF files and other formats,
    or in doing testing of directory synchronization features. In
    particular, some of these utilities are intended for use in
    implementing directory agents in combination with a SYNC_LDIF


    Convert to or from LDIF format.


      PMDF DIRSYNC/CONVERT  source[=file-spec]


    Command Qualifiers             Defaults

    /ATTRIBUTES=attribute-list     See text
    /DEBUG                         /NODEBUG
    /DELTA                         /NODELTA
    /DOMAIN=cc-domain              See text
    /DN=attribute-list             See text
    /FNF                           /NOFNF
    /HEADER                        /HEADER
    /OPTION                        See text
    /REBUILD                       /NOREBUILD
    /SCOPE=keyword                 /SCOPE=LOCAL
    /SPACE=substitution-character  See text
    /VERBOSE=value                 See text

1.1  –  Parameters


    This required parameter is a keyword or keyword=file-spec value
    specifying the input for the converter. The valid keywords are
    A1, CC, COMMA, DDS, LDAP, LDIF, MSMAIL, and TRUELDIF. In the case
    of CC, COMMA, LDIF, MSMAIL, and TRUELDIF, the keyword takes a
    required file specification value, specifying the name of the
    directory file to use as input.


    This required parameter is a keyword or keyword=file-spec value
    specifying the output for the converter. The valid keywords are
    case of CC, COMMA, LDIF, MSMAIL, and TRUELDIF, the keyword takes
    a required file specification value, specifying the name of the
    directory file to output.

1.2  –  Description

    The PMDF DIRSYNC/CONVERT command converts between LDIF format
    and other directory formats, such as ALL-IN-1, cc:Mail, PMDF
    databases, the DDS, comma-separated fields, LDAP, Microsoft
    Mail, and standard LDIF. The parameters for the command specify
    from which and to which format to convert, and in the case
    of file-based formats, the names of the files for input or
    output. Depending on the values of source and destination
    parameters, some other qualifiers can be available; see Valid
    PMDF DIRSYNC/CONVERT Qualifier Combinations. Note that these
    qualifiers must appear after the non-LDIF parameter; thus the
    general place to specify them is at the end of the command

    Table 2 Valid PMDF DIRSYNC/CONVERT Qualifier Combinations

    Source        Destination              Valid qualifiers


    A1            LDIF=file-    /DEBUG     /NODEBUG
    LDIF=file-    A1            /DEBUG     /NODEBUG


    CC=file-spec  LDIF=file-    /DEBUG     /NODEBUG
                                /FNF       /NOFNF
    LDIF=file-    CC=file-spec  /DEBUG     /NODEBUG

                          Comma-separated fields

    COMMA=file-   LDIF=file-    /ATTRIBUTES
    spec          spec
                                /DEBUG     /NODEBUG
                                /HEADER    /NOHEADER
    LDIF=file-    COMMA=file-   /ATTRIBUTES
    spec          spec
                                /DEBUG     /NODEBUG
                                /HEADER    /NOHEADER


    LDIF=file-    DB            /DEBUG     /NODEBUG
                                /REBUILD   /NOREBUILD


    DDS           LDIF=file-    /DEBUG     /NODEBUG
    LDIF=file-    DDS           /DEBUG     /NODEBUG

                              Microsoft Mail

    MSMAIL=file-  LDIF=file-    /DEBUG     /NODEBUG
    spec          spec
    LDIF=file-    MSMAIL=file-  /DEBUG     /NODEBUG
    spec          spec

                              LDAP or X.500

    LDAP          LDIF=file-    /DEBUG     /NODEBUG
    LDIF=file-    LDAP          /DEBUG     /NODEBUG

                              Standard LDIF

    TRUELDIF=file-LDIF=file-    /DEBUG     /NODEBUG
    spec          spec
    LDIF=file-    TRUELDIF=file-/DEBUG     /NODEBUG
    spec          spec
                                /DELTA     /NODELTA

    For instance, to dump an LDAP directory to an LDIF file, the
    command syntax would be:


    where PMDF_TABLE:SYNC_LDAP_OPTION. is a file containing at least
    the mandatory options LDAP_SERVER, LDAP_USER, LDAP_PASSWORD, and
    LDAP_BASE. See the PMDF System Manager's Guide for a detailed
    discussion of these options; in brief, LDAP_SERVER specifies
    the (TCP/IP) name of the LDAP server and the port on which the
    LDAP server runs, LDAP_USER and LDAP_PASSWORD specify the name
    and password to use to bind to the LDAP server, and LDAP_BASE
    specifies the location in the Directory Information Tree of the
    subtree of information to be extracted.

1.3  –  Command Qualifiers

1.3.1    /ATTRIBUTES


    This qualifier is valid when /DESTINATION or /SOURCE is COMMA,
    and in such cases either /ATTRIBUTES=attribute-list or /HEADER
    must be specified. This option specifies the LDIF file attributes
    to be written to or read from the comma-separated fields file.

1.3.2    /DEBUG

       /NODEBUG (default)

    The option enables debugging.

1.3.3    /DELTA

       /NODELTA (default)

    These qualifiers are valid when /DESTINATION=TRUELDIF, and
    control the interpretation of the source LDIF file and hence what
    is generated as the corresponding output true LDIF file. /DELTA
    tells PMDF that the LDIF file entries should be interpreted
    as delta (add) entries; /NODELTA tells PMDF that the LDIF file
    entries should be interpreted as absolute entries.



    Valid keywords are A1, CCMAIL, COMMA, DDS, FF, LDAP, LDIF, MSMAIL
    (a synonym for FF), and TRUELDIF. Either this qualifier or the
    /SOURCE qualifier must be specified with a non-LDIF keyword
    value. If /DESTINATION is not explicitly specified, the default

1.3.5    /DN


    This qualifier is valid-and indeed mandatory-in conjunction with
    /SOURCE=COMMA. This mandatory option specifies the attributes to
    use for constructing a distinguished name.

1.3.6    /DOMAIN


    This qualifier is valid when /SOURCE=CCMAIL. This optional
    qualifier specifies the pseudodomain name associated with the
    cc:Mail users.

1.3.7    /FNF

       /NOFNF (default)

    This qualifier is valid in conjunction with /SOURCE=CCMAIL. This
    option controls whether entries will be generated in "Last,
    First" format or in "First Last" format. The default is "Last,
    First" format.

1.3.8    /HEADER

       /NOHEADER (default)

    This qualifier is valid in conjunction with /DESTINATION=COMMA
    or /SOURCE=COMMA, and in such cases either /HEADER or
    /ATTRIBUTES=attribute-list must be specified. This qualifier
    specifies whether a "header" line containing attribute names is
    to be read from or written to the comma-separated fields file.

1.3.9    /OPTION


    When the source or destination is A1 or LDAP, then this option
    is mandatory. This option specifies the file from which to read
    option settings such as password, etc.. For instance, if there
    is a channel that normally performs the A1 or LDAP extraction
    or updating, and the PMDF DIRSYNC/CONVERT command is being
    executed manually to do a manual extract or update, specifying
    /OPTION=channel-option-file can be appropriate.

1.3.10    /REBUILD

       /NOREBUILD (default)

    When the destination is DB, this option can be used to specify a
    list of databases which should be rebuilt from scratch (all prior
    existing entries deleted), rather than merely updated.

1.3.11    /SCOPE


    This qualifier is valid in conjunction with /SOURCE=DDS. This
    option controls the DDS search scope. Allowed values are LOCAL,
    WORLD, or CACHE.

1.3.12    /SOURCE


    Valid keywords are A1, CCMAIL, COMMA, DDS, FF, LDAP, LDIF, MSMAIL
    (a synonym for FF), and TRUELDIF. Either this qualifier or the
    /DESTINATION qualifier must be specified with a non-LDIF keyword
    value. If /SOURCE is not explicitly specified, the default is

1.3.13    /SPACE


    This qualifier is valid in conjunction with /DESTINATION=COMMA or
    /SOURCE=COMMA. This optional qualifier specifies the character
    used in the LDIF file in place of the space character in
    attribute names (since space is not a legal character in an LDIF
    attribute name). If the /HEADER qualifier is being used, then
    the resulting "header" line written to the comma-separated output
    file will contain the space character in place of any occurrences
    of the character specified with /SPACE in the attribute names.

1.3.14    /VERBOSE


    The qualifier is valid in conjunction with /SOURCE=LDAP or
    /DESTINATION=LDAP. value is an integer specifying the level of

2    /COOK

    Process an LDIF file according to a recipe file.


      PMDF DIRSYNC/COOK  in-ldif-file-spec out-ldif-file-spec

    Command Qualifiers             Defaults

    /RECIPE=file-spec              See text

2.1  –  Parameters


    The specification of the LDIF file to read as input.


    The specification of the LDIF file to read as input.

2.2  –  Description

    The PMDF DIRSYNC/COOK utility uses a recipe file to generate an
    output LDIF file from an input LDIF file. The recipe file can be
    either a cooking recipe file, or a serving recipe file.

2.3  –  Command Qualifiers

2.3.1    /RECIPE


    This required qualifier specifies the recipe file to use for
    converting the input LDIF file to the output LDIF file.


    Perform differencing of two LDIF files.


      PMDF DIRSYNC/DIFFERENCES  auth-ldif-file-spec



    Command Qualifiers             Defaults

    /DEBUG                         /NODEBUG
    /EXCLUDE=attribute-list        See text.
    /INCLUDE=attribute-list        See text.
    /NAME=directory-name           See text.

3.1  –  Parameters


    The specification of the authoritative LDIF file to read as


    The specification of the old LDIF file to read as input.


    The specification of the delta LDIF file to generate as output.

3.2  –  Description

    The PMDF DIRSYNC/DIFFERENCES command performs differencing of two
    LDIF files and generates a delta LDIF file of the differences.

3.3  –  Command Qualifiers

3.3.1    /DEBUG

       /NODEBUG (default)

    The option enables debugging.

3.3.2    /EXCLUDE


    This option can be used to specify attributes to ignore when
    doing the differencing. By default, if neither /EXCLUDE nor
    /INCLUDE is specified, all attributes are compared.

3.3.3    /INCLUDE


    This option can be used to specify attributes to compare when
    doing the differencing. By default, if neither /EXCLUDE nor
    /INCLUDE is specified, all attributes are compared.

3.3.4    /NAME


    This option can be used to specify the name of the directory
    being compared, thereby allowing proper treatment of entries with
    an IGNORE_FOR attribute.


4.1    /DIRBOT

    Run a SYNC_DIRBOT channel.



    Command Qualifiers             Defaults

    /LEFTOVERS                     See text
    /NOUPDATE=dirlist              See text
    /UPDATE=dirlist                See text

4.1.1  –  Parameters


4.1.2  –  Description

    The PMDF DIRSYNC/DIRBOT utility can be used to run a SYNC_DIRBOT
    channel. If no qualifiers are specified, this is equivalent to


    Special qualifiers can be used to override the normal operation
    of the channel.

    Using the /LEFTOVERS qualifier forces the DIRBOT to use any
    .OLD LDIF files for directories that do not currently have new
    LDIF files present. When a directory update is forced with the
    /LEFTOVERS switches, and no cookie is available to send back to a
    directory, the cookie value "biscuit" is used. The various sync_
    xxx_master channels know about this value and will accept the

    The /UPDATE or /NOUPDATE qualifier can be used to control
    just which directories will be sent the results of the DIRBOT

4.1.3  –  Command Qualifiers    /LEFTOVERS

    Use of the /LEFTOVERS qualifiers causes the DIRBOT to use .OLD
    LDIF files for any directories that do not presently have
    new LDIF files present. That is, specifying /LEFTOVERS is
    equivalent to having BEST_WITHIN set to an infinite time for
    every directory.    /UPDATE


    By default, if neither /UPDATE nor /NOUPDATE is specified,
    the DIRBOT sends its updates resulting from processing as
    normal, as specified in its option file. Use of /UPDATE or
    /NOUPDATE can be used to override the normal handling. Specifying
    /UPDATE=(dir1,dir2,...) will cause the updates to be sent only
    to the specified list of directories dir1,dir2,.... Specifying
    /NOUPDATE=(dir1,dir2,...) will cause the updates to be sent
    to all directories except the specified list of directories
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