only in restore operations. Beginning with OpenVMS Version 7.2, on a save operation, /NOINCREMENTAL allows you to control the amount of file data that is saved. Use this qualifier only if you are sure that you want to save specific files and do not want to save all data. In recent versions of OpenVMS, the /SINCE=BACKUP incremental save operation has been refined so that files that are saved are accurate and not redundant. As a result, the /NOINCREMENTAL and /SINCE=BACKUP qualifiers are not allowed together. This ensures an accurate /INCREMENTAL restore. /NOINCREMENTAL is valid only in BACKUP save operations. It is not related to the /INCREMENTAL qualifier, which is valid only in restore operations.

2.44    /OVERLAY

    Writes over an existing file when an identically-named file is
    encountered during the restore operation. If the identically-
    named files are not the same size, the file is extended (when the
    file being restored is larger) or retains its allocation (when
    the file being restored is smaller).

    By default, BACKUP does not restore a file with the same file
    name, file type, and version number as a file that already exists
    in a directory. Rather, BACKUP issues an error message and does
    not restore the file. The /NEW_VERSION and /REPLACE qualifiers
    also override this default, but produce different results than
    the /OVERLAY qualifier.

2.45    /OWNER_UIC

    The /OWNER_UIC qualifier has been superseded by /BY_OWNER.
    VSI recommends that you substitute /BY_OWNER for /OWNER_UIC in
    command procedures and operator instructions. See the description
    of /BY_OWNER for more information.

2.46    /PHYSICAL

    Specifies that BACKUP is to ignore any volume structure on the
    input device and is to process the volume in terms of physical
    blocks. If you write a save set with the BACKUP/PHYSICAL command,
    you must also restore it with the BACKUP/PHYSICAL command.

    For physical copy operations between disks, the output device
    must be either the same size or a larger-capacity disk.

    If the output device is larger than the input device, only disk
    blocks less than the size of the input device are written to the
    output device. Depending on the volume structure of the input
    device, the extra uninitialized blocks at the end of the output
    device might create an unusable disk volume.

    If the input device contains a FILES-11 ODS-2 or ODS-5 volume,
    you can expand the volume size on the output device after the
    restore by using the DCL command SET VOLUME/LIMIT/SIZE.

    For all physical operations, the output disk cannot have a bad
    block in any location that corresponds to a good block on the
    input disk. (This restriction does not apply to RA or more recent
    disk architectures.)



    Use the /PROGRESS_REPORT qualifier to display the progress of
    a BACKUP operation on the current output device in every 'n'
    seconds. This qualifier expects an integer value from the user
    and does not have any default value.

    (When you use BACKUP to back up or restore data interactively,
    press Ctrl/T to display the progress of the operation.)



    Defines the protection you want applied to a save set on a disk
    or to a magnetic tape volume. The code indicates the type of
    access (read, write, execute, and delete) available to the four
    categories of users (system, owner, group, and world).

    Protection information applies to all save sets stored on a
    tape. If you write the save set to either a Files-11 disk or a
    sequential disk without using the /PROTECTION qualifier, the
    default is the process default protection.

    To initialize a magnetic tape with the correct protection,
    specify the output save-set qualifier /REWIND with the
    /PROTECTION qualifier. If you do not specify /REWIND with
    /PROTECTION, the protection information, if any, in the volume
    header record is not changed. However, specifying /PROTECTION
    without /REWIND ensures that continuation volumes receive the
    correct protection.

2.49    /RECORD

    Records the current date and time in the BACKUP date field of
    each file header record once a file is successfully saved or
    copied. If you do not specify the /RECORD qualifier, BACKUP does
    not change the BACKUP date field of each processed file. Observe
    the following restrictions:

    o  The /RECORD qualifier is valid only with Files-11 Structure
       Levels 2 and 5 volumes.

    o  To use the /RECORD qualifier you must either own the file or
       have SYSPRV privileges.

    o  You cannot use the /RECORD qualifier with the /DELETE

    o  You can use the /RECORD qualifier in BACKUP save or copy
       operations only.


    Dismounts and unloads a tape after a BACKUP save operation writes
    a save set to the tape (and optionally verifies the save set
    information on that tape). By using the /RELEASE_TAPE qualifier
    in conjunction with either the /DELETE or /RECORD qualifiers, you
    can make a tape drive available for other operations before the
    BACKUP command completes.

    The tape remains allocated until you enter the DEALLOCATE

2.51    /REPAIR

    Helps BACKUP to reset the RMS file attribute of a save set file
    which gets corrupted when a save set is transferred via HTTP
    or copied using FTP or compressed and uncompressed using ZIP.

    You can use the /REPAIR qualifier to repair the save set attributes.

2.52    /REPLACE

    When you use /REPLACE in a copy or restore operation, and an
    identically named file exists in both the input and output
    specifiers, BACKUP performs the following tasks:

    o  Copies or restores a new version of the file with the same
       directory specification, file name, type, and version number

    o  Deletes the copy of the file that previously existed on the
       output disk

    In this way, the previous copy of the file is replaced with the
    restored version. Note that the version number is not incremented
    because the old copy of the file is deleted. If you want to keep
    the versions from both the input and the output specifiers, use
    the output file qualifier /NEW_VERSION.

    If you do not use /REPLACE, /OVERLAY, or /NEW_VERSION, and the
    version number of the file being restored is identical to the
    version number of the existing file, BACKUP reports an error and
    does not restore the file.

2.53    /REWIND

       /NOREWIND (default)

    As an input save-set qualifier, causes the input tape reel to be
    rewound (/REWIND) or not rewound (/NOREWIND) to beginning-of-tape
    (BOT) before BACKUP searches for the save-set name specified in
    the input specifier.

    As an output save-set qualifier, specifies that the output
    magnetic tape is to be rewound and initialized before the
    save operation begins (/REWIND) or that the tape is neither
    to be rewound nor initialized before the save operation begins
    (/NOREWIND). Initializing the tape removes access to any existing
    data on the tape.

    If you want to start processing at BOT, and the magnetic tape is
    already positioned beyond BOT, specify /REWIND. Otherwise, the
    magnetic tape begins (or resumes) processing from the logical
    end-of-tape (EOT) marker.

    Use the /[NO]REWIND qualifier for magnetic tape save sets only.

2.54    /SAVE_SET

    Defines the input or output specifier as a BACKUP save set.
    Normally, BACKUP treats specifiers that refer to disk files as
    Files-11 files and specifiers that refer to tapes as BACKUP save

    You must specify the /SAVE_SET qualifier when the input or output
    specifier is a BACKUP save set on a Files-11 disk.

2.55    /SELECT


    Selects the specified files for processing.

    If you specify more than one file, separate the file
    specifications with commas and enclose the list in parentheses.

    Do not use a device specification when you define the files to be
    selected. You can use most standard wildcard characters, but you
    cannot use wildcard characters denoting latest version of files
    (;)  and relative versions of files (;-n).

    You cannot use the /SELECT qualifier in image save operations.

2.56    /SINCE


    Selects files dated equal to or later than the specified date
    and time. You can enter the time in either absolute time or delta
    time. Specify these time values according to the rules described
    in the OpenVMS User's Manual.

    You can also specify the time using one of the following options:

    BACKUP     The BACKUP/RECORD operation (available only on Files-
               11 Structure Levels 2 and 5 volumes)

    TODAY      The current day, month, and year at 00:00:00.0 o'clock

    TOMORROW   24 hours after midnight last night

    YESTERDAY  24 hours before midnight last night

2.57    /SIZE

       /SIZE = [n]

    The logical volume size is recorded in the save-set header during
    a backup operation. By default, during a restore operation, the
    logical volume size is not preserved because restoring a save
    set of 2 GB to a 4-GB disk, for example, results in only 2 GB of
    available disk space.

    The /SIZE qualifier, however, allows you to preserve the logical
    volume size on the target device. Alternatively, you can specify
    the logical volume size of the target device by using the
    optional keyword value n.



    Writes a file expiration date other than the current date to the
    file header label of the save set.

    VSI recommends that you specify an expiration date whenever you
    create a BACKUP save set on magnetic tape using /REWIND. Daily
    BACKUP tapes should expire in seven days, weekly BACKUP tapes
    should expire in one month, and monthly BACKUP tapes should
    expire in one year.

    Specify the date in absolute time format, according to the rules
    described the OpenVMS User's Manual. If you do not specify an
    expiration date, today's date is written to the volume header
    record when you perform a save operation using /REWIND.

2.59    /TRUNCATE

       /NOTRUNCATE (default)

    Controls whether a copy or restore operation truncates a
    sequential output file at the end-of-file (EOF) when creating
    it. By default, a copy or restore operation uses the allocation
    of the input file to determine the size of the output file.

2.60    /VERIFY

    Specifies that the contents of the output specifier be compared
    with the contents of the input specifier after a save, restore,
    or copy operation is completed. If a file does not compare
    successfully, BACKUP displays an error message.

2.61    /VOLUME


    Indicates that a specific disk volume in a disk volume set is to
    be processed. The /VOLUME qualifier is valid only when used with
    the /IMAGE qualifier. Using this qualifier allows you to perform
    BACKUP operations on a disk volume set when you have only one
    disk drive with which to perform BACKUP operations.

2.62    /WINDOW


    Specifies the number of mapping pointers to be allocated for file
    windows. By default, file window has 7 mapping pointers and it
    increases as file is more fragmented. Window is taken from nonpaged
    pool and is charged against process BYTLM quota. This may result
    in performance degrade when BACKUP tries to map the 8th extent
    of the file. Contiguous files are always completely mapped, but
    noncontiguous files may or may not be completely mapped.

    You can use the following keywords with the /WINDOW qualifier:

    FULL        Default full mapping.
    LIMITED     Optional limited size window.

2.63    /ZLIB_LEVEL


    The /ZLIB_LEVEL qualifier provides a tuning mechanism for the
    amount of compression performed and resulting CPU time required
    when creating a compressed save set using /DATA_FORMAT=COMPRESS.

    The compression value n is required syntax and may range from 1 to 9.

    A value of 1 provides only the initial level of compression, using the
    least amount of CPU possible.  This value corresponds to the need
    to finish backups in the smallest time possible but still compressing
    the data to some degree.  Even with this smallest value, the data
    compression can be very dramatic.

    A value of 9 provides the highest level of compression, but requires
    more CPU time to accomplish.  This value corresponds to the need
    to produce the smallest backup save sets possible, for example to
    fit on a fixed size output media which is near capacity.

    If /ZLIB_LEVEL is not specified, BACKUP uses the default compression
    value which is equivalent to level 6.

    /ZLIB_LEVEL is only valid in conjunction with /DATA_FORMAT=COMPRESS.
    It is only used for save set creation.  The qualifier is ignored for
    restore operations.

3  –  Using Compression

    BACKUP can create and restore compressed save sets.

    Using compression may significantly reduce the size of a save set.
    Additional CPU time is required to process compressed files.

    See the /DATA_FORMAT qualifier for details.

    Note that when simultaneously using both compression and encryption
    to create a save set, the data is encrypted first.  This means
    that very little data compression can then be accomplished.

4  –  Using Encryption

    BACKUP can create and restore encrypted save sets.

    Using encryption may be required due to your data archival security
    policy or for transferring files via non-secure channels.
    Additional CPU time is required to process encrypted files.

    See the /ENCRYPT qualifier for details.

    Note that when simultaneously using both compression and encryption
    to create a save set, the data is encrypted first.  This means
    that very little data compression can then be accomplished.

5  –  Examples

    1.$ BACKUP
      _From: DBA1:[000000...]
      _To: MTA0:13NOVBAK.BCK,MTA1:/LABEL=(DLY101,DLY102)

      This BACKUP command saves the entire contents of the disk
      DBA1 onto a multivolume tape save set. This command does not
      initialize the first tape in the save set, but does initialize
      subsequent tapes. The first tape in the save set must be
      labeled DLY101 and the second tape in the save set must be
      labeled DLY102.


      This BACKUP command copies selected files in the directory
      [PLI.WORK] to the directory [PLI.SAV]. BACKUP processes only
      those files that have been modified since 24 hours preceding
      midnight last night. Note that the /MODIFIED qualifier is
      not required, as its action is the default when the /SINCE
      qualifier is specified.


      This BACKUP command saves the highest version of each file in
      directory [PLI.WORK] to a disk save set on DBA3. The /SAVE_
      SET qualifier is required because the output save set is on a
      Files-11 disk.


      This BACKUP command copies the entire RX02 floppy disk mounted
      on device DYA0 to the RX02 floppy disk mounted on device
      DYA1. Both devices must have been mounted with the DCL command

    5.$ BACKUP
      _From: DB1:[SCHED]*.*

      This BACKUP command saves all files in the directory SCHED
      on disk DB1 at the local node to the network save set SCH.BCK
      at remote node DENVER. The /SAVE_SET qualifier is required to
      identify the output specifier as a save set on a Files-11 disk.


      This BACKUP command lists the BACKUP summary information,
      the original BACKUP command used, and the file name, size,
      and creation date for each file in the save set created in
      the previous example. The /SAVE_SET qualifier is required
      to identify the input specifier as a save set on a Files-11


      This command restores files from the magnetic tape save set
      named NOV2SAVE.BCK to the directory tree from which they
      were saved (the [USER] directory tree). The /REWIND qualifier
      directs BACKUP to rewind the tape to the beginning-of-tape
      before beginning the restore operation.

    8.$ BACKUP WORK$:[TESTFILES...]*.*;*  MUA0:TEST.SAV  -

      This command saves all files in the directory [TESTFILES] and
      its subdirectories to a save set named TEST.SAV using a TA90E
      tape drive. The /MEDIA_FORMAT=COMPACTION qualifier specifies
      that the tape drive automatically compacts and blocks together
      data records on the tape.

      _From: DKA100:

      This example uses the /EXACT_ORDER qualifier to specify the
      exact order of labels for the BACKUP operation. Note that
      if you specify the /ASSIST qualifier, BACKUP would display
      messages on the operator terminal. BACKUP performs the
      following tasks:

      a. Compares the volume label of the tape in MKB100: with
         the first label that you specified on the command line
         (TAPE1). If the labels match exactly, BACKUP begins the
         save operation. If the labels do not match or if the tape
         does not have an ANSI label, BACKUP displays the following

           %BACKUP-W-MOUNTERR, volume 1 on MKB100: was not mounted because
            its label does not match the one requested
           %BACKUP-W-EXLABEER, volume label processing failed because
            volume TAPE4 is out of order, Volume label TAPE1 was expected
            specify option (QUIT, NEW tape, OVERWRITE tape, USE loaded tape)

         Depending on the option you specify, you can quit the backup
         operation (QUIT), dismount the old tape and mount a new
         one (NEW), overwrite the label and the data on the tape
         (OVERWRITE), or write the data to the tape using the loaded
         tape's label (USE).

      b. When the operation fills the first tape, it displays the
         following message:

           %BACKUP-I-RESUME, resuming operation on volume 2
           %BACKUP-I-READYWRITE, mount volume TAPE2 on MKB100: for writing
           Respond with YES when ready:

      c. When you load the second tape and enter YES, BACKUP compares
         the label of the second tape with the second label you
         specified on the command line (TAPE2) just as it did in
         step 1a.

      d. Assuming the volume labels match, BACKUP continues
         processing until it completes the operation or runs out
         of volume labels. If you do not specify enough labels on the
         command line to complete the operation, BACKUP prompts you
         to enter a label for the tape in the drive as follows:

           %BACKUP-W-MOUNTERR, volume 4 on MKB100: was not mounted because
            the label was not specified
            specify EXACT_ORDER label (up to 6 characters)

         BACKUP then compares the label on the tape with label you
         specify as described previously.

      _From: DKA100:[TEST]

      Because this example does not use the /LABEL qualifier, BACKUP
      uses the existing label on the tape. If the tape does not
      have an ANSI label, and it is the first tape in the operation,
      BACKUP displays the following error message:

        %BACKUP-F-NOTANSI, tape is not valid ANSI format

      If the tape does not have an ANSI label, and is not the first
      tape in the operation, BACKUP displays the following error
      message prompting you to specify a label:

        %BACKUP-W-MOUNTERR, volume 2 on MKB100: was not mounted because
         the label was not specified
         specify EXACT_ORDER label (up to 6 characters)


       BACKUP checks to make sure you specify a valid label.
       If the label is not valid (for example, longer than six
       characters), BACKUP displays an error message. In previous
       versions of the OpenVMS operating system, BACKUP truncated
       long volume labels.

    11.Creating the save set with the /INTERCHANGE qualifier does
       not save the Access Control Lists (ACLs) from the source
       $ DIR/ACL

       Directory $4$DKB0:[SOURCE]


       Total of 2 files.
       %BACKUP-I-ODS5CONV, structure level 5 files will be
               converted to structure level 2 on $4$DKB0:
       -BACKUP-I-ODS5LOSS, conversion may result in loss
                     of structure level 5 file attributes
       %BACKUP-S-COPIED, copied $4$DKB0:[SOURCE]TEST1.DAT;1
       %BACKUP-S-COPIED, copied $4$DKB0:[SOURCE]TEST2.DAT;1

       Directory $4$DKB0:[000000]


       Total of 1 file.

       %BACKUP-S-CREATED, created $4$DKB0:[000000.TARGET]
       %BACKUP-S-CREATED, created $4$DKB0:[000000.TARGET]
       $ DIR /ACL [.TARGET]

       Directory $4$DKB0:[000000.TARGET]


       Total of 2 files.

    12.Restoring the save set without the /INTERCHANGE qualifier
       will restore the ACLs from the source directory.

       $ DIR /ACL

       Directory $4$DKB0:[SOURCE]


         Total of 2 files.

       %BACKUP-S-COPIED, copied $4$DKB0:[SOURCE]TEST1.DAT;1
       %BACKUP-S-COPIED, copied $4$DKB0:[SOURCE]TEST2.DAT;1
       %BACKUP-S-CREATED, created $4$DKB0:[000000.TARGET]
       %BACKUP-S-CREATED, created $4$DKB0:[000000.TARGET]

       $ DIR /ACL [.TARGET]

       Directory $4$DKB0:[TARGET]


      Total of 2 files.

   13.Restoring the save set with the /INTERCHANGE qualifier
      will restore the ACLs from the destination directory.


      Directory $4$DKB0:[000000]


      Total of 1 file.

     %BACKUP-S-CREATED, created $4$DKB0:[000000.TARGET]
     %BACKUP-S-CREATED, created $4$DKB0:[000000.TARGET]
     $ DIR /ACL [.TARGET]

     Directory $4$DKB0:[000000.TARGET]


     Total of 2 files.
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