DTMPLAYREC.HLB  —  PlayRec  Glossary frame
  Benchmark file

    A file containing the expected result screen images
    for a test execution.

  Multi-Screen Workstation

    A workstation with more than one display monitor.

  Options file

    A file in which operating settings for the
    Play/Record tool have been saved.


    The process of playing back recorded X windows
    keyboard and mouse movements.


    The process of recording X windows keyboard and mouse
    movements for later playback.

  Result file

    A file containing the result screen images from a
    test execution.


    A sequence of mouse motion and keystrike information,
    along with control information, recorded in a Script
    (session) file.

  Script File

    A file into which mouse motions and keystrike
    information is recorded by the DTM :  X Play/Record
    tool.  Also known as a Session file.

  Screen Capture

    Capture of an image of the X-windows screen on which
    record or play takes place.

  Session File

    See Script File.

  Single-Screen Workstation

    A workstation with one display monitor.
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