DNS$CPHELP.HLB  —  show  dns  clerk
 Displays current information about the specified DECdns clerk.


      SHOW [NODE node-id] DNS CLERK [attribute-specifier]



 The name of the node. If you do not specify a node name, the local
 node is assumed.


 The name of an attribute or an attribute group. Enter one or more of
 the following attribute specifiers:

 all [attributes]
 all characteristics
 all counters
 all status
 Authentication Failures
 Cache Bypasses
 Cache Hits
 Clerk Timeout
 Creation Time
 Default Namespace
 Incompatible Protocol Errors
 Miscellaneous Operations
 Read Operations
 Solicit Holddown
 Write Operations


 This command displays the names and values of the attributes or
 attribute groups named in attribute-specifier. You can also enter
 this command through the NCL interface. You can use any combination
 of attribute specifiers in any sequence in a single command. Use
 a comma to separate specifiers. If you do not supply any attribute
 specifier, the command displays all identifiers and their values.
 The following is a description of the clerk attributes:

1  –  attributes


 Clerk Timeout

 Specifies the default timeout of client interface calls. If no
 response is received in the specified time, an error message will
 be generated. The default is 60 seconds.

 Default Namespace

 Contains the name of the clerk's default namespace.

 Solicit Holddown

 Specifies the time (in seconds) to wait after initialization before
 soliciting advertisements from servers. The default is 15 seconds.


 Uniquely identifies the entity.


 Specifies the version of the DECdns architecture implemented by this


 Authentication Failures

 Specifies the number of times a requesting principal failed
 authentication procedures.

 Cache Bypasses

 Specifies the number of requests to read attributes for which the
 clerk was specifically directed by the requesting application to
 bypass its own cache. Instead, a server is contacted to get the
 requested information. This counter does not account for requests
 that the clerk is unable to satisfy from the cache or for requests
 to look up names or enumerate the contents of directories.

 Cache Hits

 Specifies the total number of read requests directed to this clerk
 that were satisfied entirely by the information contained in its
 own cache. This figure accounts only for requests to read attribute
 values and does not include requests to look up names or enumerate
 the contents of directories.

 Creation Time

 Specifies the time at which this entity was created.

 Incompatible Protocol Errors

 Specifies the number of times this clerk received a response to
 one of its own requests from a server running a protocol version of
 DECdns software that was incompatible with the protocol version of
 DECdns software the clerk was running. Clerk requests directed to
 servers running incompatible protocol versions do not complete.

 Miscellaneous Operations

 Specifies the number of operations other than read and write
 (that is, skulks, enumerating contents of directories, and so on)
 performed by this clerk.

 Read Operations

 Specifies the number of lookup operations performed by this clerk.
 This counter accounts only for requests to read attributes and does
 not include name lookups or enumerations of multiple names.

 Write Operations

 Specifies how many requests to modify data were processed by this



 Specifies the state of the DECdns clerk.

 Broken     The DECdns clerk has a fatal error condition.
 Initial    The DECdns clerk is in the process of initializing.
 Off        The DECdns clerk is not available.
 On         The DECdns clerk is running and available.
 Shut       The DECdns clerk is in the process of an orderly shutdown.

 You must have the NET$EXAMINE rights identifier on a VMS system. No
 special privileges are required on an ULTRIX system.

2  –  example

 The following command displays the state of the clerk running on
 node .mfg.ariel.

 dns> show node .mfg.ariel dns clerk state

3  –  known_namespace

 Displays current information about the specified namespace.


      SHOW [NODE node-id] DNS CLERK KNOWN NAMESPACE identifier

      [attribute-specifier] [prepositional-phrase]



 The name of the node. If you do not specify a node name, the local
 node is assumed.


 The identifier of the namespace. You can use one of the following
 identifiers: the simple name for the namespace, which can contain
 wildcard characters, or the NSCTS, which is the value of the
 namespace creation timestamp that is automatically assigned when
 the namespace is created. The format of the NSCTS is 14 pairs of hex
 digits (xx-xx).


 The name of an attribute or an attribute group. Enter one or more of
 the following attribute specifiers:

 all [attributes]
 all counters
 all identifiers
 all status
 Creation Time
 Explicit Creation


 A phrase that affects the content of command output. Specify the
 following prepositional phrase:

 with attribute [relop] value


 This command displays the names and values of the attributes or
 attribute groups named in attribute-specifier. You can also enter
 this command through the NCL interface. You can use any combination
 of attribute specifiers in a single command. Use a comma to separate
 the specifiers. If you do not supply any attribute specifier, the
 command displays all identifiers and their values.

 You must have the NET$EXAMINE rights identifier on a VMS system. No
 special privileges are required on an ULTRIX system.

3.1  –  attributes

 Every DECdns entity has attributes, which are pieces or sets of
 data associated with that entity. Characteristics are attributes
 that reflect or affect the operational behavior of an entity. The
 following are descriptions of valid characteristics: You can use
 any combination of attribute specifiers in a single command. Use a
 comma to separate the specifiers. If you do not supply any attribute
 specifier, the command displays all identifiers and their values.
 The following are descriptions of valid counters, identifiers, and
 status attributes:


 Creation Time

 Specifies the time at which the clerk added this known namespace to
 its cache.



 Specifies an external, human-readable name by which the namespace
 can be identified. If the namespace nickname is unique, the Name
 is the same as the Nickname. Otherwise, the Name is generated by
 appending _n to the nickname for some value of n that makes it
 unique. The Ambiguous attribute is then set true for the known


 Specifies the creation timestamp of the namespace.



 Indicates whether the nickname for this namespace is ambiguous;
 that is, more than one namespace known to this clerk has the same
 nickname. If true, the namespace nickname is ambiguous. If false,
 the namespace nickname is unique.

 Explicit Creation

 Specifies whether the namespace was created by a create command. If
 false, the namespace was created by the clerk itself.


 The name given to the namespace when it was created.

3.2  –  example

 The following command displays the identifiers of all namespaces
 with ambiguous nicknames.

 dns> show dns clerk known namespace *, with ambiguous=true

3.3  –  prepositional_phrases

 A phrase that affects the destination or content of command output.
 Be sure to precede the following prepositional phrase with a comma
 and a space:

 with attribute [relop] value        When used with a wildcard child-
                                     name, limits the output only
                                     to directories whose specified
                                     attributes have certain values.

4  –  manual_nameserver

 Displays the knowledge in the clerk's cache about a server that
 exists across a wide area network (WAN).



      [attribute-specifier] [prepositional-phrase]



 The name of the node. If you do not specify a node name, the local
 node is assumed.


 The name of the manual nameserver entity that you want to show. It
 can contain wildcard characters.


 The name of an attribute or an attribute group. Enter one or more of
 the following attribute specifiers:

 all [attributes]
 all characteristics
 all counters
 all identifiers
 all status
 Creation Time
 Failed Solicits
 Last Solicit
 Successful Solicits


 A phrase that affects the content of command output. Specify the
 following prepositional phrase:

 with attribute [relop] value


 This command displays the names and values from the attributes or
 attribute groups named in attribute-specifier. You can also enter
 this command through the NCL interface. You can use any combination
 of attribute specifiers in a single command. Use a comma to separate
 the specifiers. If you do not supply any attribute specifier, the
 command displays all identifiers and their values.

 You must have the NET$EXAMINE rights identifier on a VMS system. No
 special privileges are required on an ULTRIX system.

4.1  –  attributes

 The following are descriptions of valid characteristics, counters,
 identifiers, and status attributes:



 Specifes the DECnet/OSI address of the server that this entity


 Uniquely identifies the entity.


 Creation Time

 Specifies the time at which the clerk created knowledge of this
 server in its cache.

 Successful Solicits

 The number of times the clerk made a successful solicit connection
 to the server and received clearinghouse advertisement data back.

 Failed Solicits

 The number of times solicitation of clearinghouse advertisement data
 from the nameserver failed.



 Specifies an external, human-readable name by which the nameserver
 can be identified.


 Last Solicit

 Indicates the time at which the clerk last tried to solicit this

4.2  –  prepositional_phrases

 You can affect the content of command output by using prepositional
 phrases. Be sure to precede the following prepositional phrase with
 a comma and a space:

 with attribute [relop] value

 When used with a wildcard name, limits the output only to
 directories whose specified attributes have certain values.

4.3  –  example

 The following command displays the Name attribute of the manual
 nameserver rns.

 dns> show dns clerk manual nameserver rns Name

5  –  remote_clearinghouse

 Displays current information about the specified remote



      clearinghouse-name [attribute-specifier] [prepositional-phrase]



 The name of the node. If you do not specify a node name, the local
 node is assumed.


 A specific clearinghouse name or a complete directory specification
 followed by a wildcard template for matching simple names of


 The name of an attribute or an attribute group. Enter one or more of
 the following attribute specifiers:

 all [attributes]
 all characteristics
 all counters
 all identifiers
 Creation Time
 Miscellaneous Operations
 Read Operations
 Write Operations


 A phrase that affects the content of command output. Specify the
 following prepositional phrase:

 with attribute [relop] value


 This command displays the names and values of the attributes or
 attribute groups named in attribute-specifier. You can also enter
 this command through the NCL interface. You can use any combination
 of attribute specifiers in any sequence in a single command. Use
 a comma to separate specifiers. If you do not supply any attribute
 specifier, the command displays all identifiers and their values.

 You must have the NET$EXAMINE rights identifier on a VMS system. No
 special privileges are required on an ULTRIX system.

5.1  –  attributes

 The following are descriptions of valid characteristics, counters,
 and identifiers:



 Identifies the remote clearinghouse entity.


 Creation Time

 Specifies the time at which this entity was created.

 Miscellaneous Operations

 Specifies the number of operations other than read and write (that
 is, skulks, new epochs, and so on) performed by this clerk on the
 remote clearinghouse.

 Read Operations

 Specifies the number of lookup operations of any sort performed by
 the clerk on the remote clearinghouse.

 Write Operations

 Specifies the number of write operations performed by this clerk on
 the remote clearinghouse.



 Indicates the creation timestamp (CTS) of this entity.


 Specifies the full name of the clearinghouse.

5.2  –  prepositional_phrases

 You can affect the content of command output by using prepositional
 phrases. Be sure to precede the following prepositional phrase with
 a comma and a space:

 with attribute [relop] value

 When used with a wildcard clearinghouse-name, limits the output only
 to directories whose specified attributes have certain values.

5.3  –  example

 The following command displays the CTS of the remote clearinghouse
 .paris2_ch cached by the clerk on node .jmh.

 dns> show node .jmh dns clerk remote clearinghouse .paris2_ch cts
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