DNS$CPHELP.HLB  —  set  group
 Modifies characteristics of the specified group. The DNS$GroupRevoke
 characteristic specifies a timeout that determines how long a
 positive result from a group membership test operation may be cached
 by the clerk that issued the request.


      SET GROUP group-name DNS$GroupRevoke

      (expiration-time extension-time)



 The full name of the group.


 A date and time after which a clerk must verify that a principal
 is still a member of a group. The value is specified as yyyy-mm-dd-


 A period of time for which to renew the clerk's reliance on cached
 data when checking for group membership. After the specified
 expiration time, a clerk must verify group membership from the
 server. If the test is positive, the clerk adds the extension time
 to obtain a new expiration date. The extension time is specified as

 You must have write access to the group whose attribute you intend
 to modify.

1  –  example

 The following command specifies a group membership test of the group
 .sales.admingroup with an expiration time of December 31, 1991, that
 is extended 90 days if the clerk verifies membership.

 dns> set group .sales.admingroup DNS$GroupRevoke -
 _> (1991-12-31-12:00:00 090-00:00:00)
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