DECW$HELPHELP.HLB  —  Overview  Over guide functions
  Most help topics include a list of related topics in
  the additional topics area. To see one of these
  additional topics, position the pointer over the topic
  you want and double click MB1.

  To see a list of all topics, choose Title... from the
  Search menu.

  To continue on this tour, double click on Returning to
  Previous Topics from the list of additional topics

1  –  buttons_goback

  There are two buttons at the bottom of the Help window,
  labeled Go Back and Exit.

  Clicking on the Go Back button displays the previous
  topic. This is useful if you want to review something,
  or if you find that you have taken the wrong path and
  you are not getting the help you thought you were going
  to get.

  Each time you click on the Go Back button, the next
  previous topic is displayed, until you return to the
  first frame. If the topic you want to see is a long way
  back, use the History... menu option from the Search

2  –  cshelp

  Context-sensitive help is a way of getting the
  information you need without starting from the
  overview topic. It allows you to access information
  based on the context you are working in.

  To use this feature, you press the Help button on the
  keyboard, move the pointer over the subject on the
  screen that you want help on, then click MB1. This
  operation is just like using the Shift key on a
  typewriter. You hold down the Help key until you press
  and release MB1, then release the Help key.

  If context-sensitive help is available on the subject
  you have chosen, it is displayed by the Help system,
  just as it would be if you had found the information by
  navigating from the Overview.

  If there is no context-sensitive help on your chosen
  topic, nothing will happen. In this case, access help
  by choosing the Overview menu item from the Help menu.

3  –  buttons_exit

  There are two buttons in the Help window, labeled Exit
  and Go Back.

  Selecting the Exit button closes the Help window
  and returns control to the application you were
  running when you asked for help.

  For information on other Help features, make an
  appropriate selection from the list of additional
  topics. Select one of the menus to look at some
  advanced help features.

4  –  Over guide window

  The Help window is split into three sections. Like all
  DECwindows applications, the top section is a menu bar.
  The menus in the Help menu bar are File, Edit, View,
  Search, and Using Help.

  Under the menu bar is the topic title and the help text
  describing the particular topic. For example, this is
  the second paragraph of help text in the topic titled
  Help Window.

  Under the help text is a section called Additional
  Topics. This is a list of other topic titles that  are
  relevant to the information provided in the current
  topic. For example, two of the additional topics below
  are called Help Texts and List of Additional Topics.

  To find out more about a particular section of the help
  window, select it from the list below.

4.1  –  over_guide_help_frame

  The help text is the part of the window where the
  information itself is displayed.

4.2  –  over_guide_list_box

  The list of additional topics identifies topics that can
  be selected from the current help topic.

  Double click on a topic to select it.
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