DECW$DXMHELP_HELP.HLB  —  Overview  Menus Search
  The Help window Search menu contains the following

  -  History...

     Displays a list of help topics you have already seen
     and lets you perform a Go To or Visit operation on
     any of them.

  -  Title...

     Displays a list of all the available help topic
     titles and allows you to perform a Go To or Visit
     operation on visit any of them. You can also enter a
     word or phrase, and only those topics that contain
     it are displayed.

  -  Keyword...

     Displays a list of help keywords and allows you to
     select any of them. All topics having that keyword
     are displayed, and you can then perform a Go To or
     Visit operation on any of them.

  For more information, choose the menu item from the
  list of additional topics below.

1  –  Menus Search History

  The History... item displays a dialog box that includes
  a list of all topics you have viewed during the current
  help session. The list of topics is in chronological
  order, but duplicates are not displayed.

  You can view any of the topics that are displayed by
  double clicking on the topic or by single clicking
  on the topic and then clicking on the Go To or Visit

2  –  Menus Search Title

  The History... item displays a dialog box that includes
  a Title entry box and an area for displaying topic

  To display a list of all help topics containing a
  specific word or phrase, enter the word or phrase in
  the Title entry box and click on the Apply button.

  You can view any of the topics that are displayed by
  double clicking on the topic or by single clicking
  on the topic and then clicking on the Go To or Visit

3  –  Menus Search Keyword

  The Keyword... menu item displays a dialog box that
  includes the available keywords, which are subjects
  associated with certain topics. The application
  determines what the keyword names are and which
  keywords are associated with specific help topics.

  To see a list of help topics associated with a specific
  keyword, either select the keyword from the list or
  enter it in the Keyword entry box, and then click on
  the Apply button.

  You can view any of the topics that are displayed by
  double clicking on the topic, or by single clicking
  on the topic and then clicking on the Go To or Visit
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