CTF$HELP.HLB  —  Running TRACE, Rights Identifiers
 To trace data on a local system or a remote server, you must hold
 specific rights identifiers in the rights database of the node you
 are invoking CTF from.  These rights identifers are:

     NET$TraceHeaders - trace protocol header information on local node
     NET$TraceAll - trace protocol header and data on local node
     NET$TraceHeadersRemote - trace protocol header info on remote server
     NET$TraceAllRemote - trace protocol header and data on remote server

 The difference between NET$TraceHeaders and NET$TraceAll is that
 NET$TraceAll will allow you to see the user data portion of the
 protocol data unit, which may contain sensitive or private information.
 These rights identifiers must be granted through the Authorize utility:

     $ GRANT/ID <rights_id> <username>
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