
   Available for interactive and noninteractive terminal tests only,
   the /FILTER qualifier selects one or more filters to remove
   run-time data from the result file that the test run produces.
   The valid values for keyword are as follows:

     Keyword       Filter

     ALL           Specifies that all the filters in this table be used

     DATE          Where the date form is abbreviated, the date filter
                   replaces date stamps by substituting a "d" for each
                   displayed number of the day of the month, an "m" for
                   each displayed letter of the month, and a "y" for
                   each displayed number of the year. Where the date
                   form is spelled out, the month name is replaced by
                   "month", the numeric day is replaced by "day", and
                   the year is replaced by "year".

                   The following list shows some examples of the date
                   filtering functions; this list is not all inclusive.

                     17-OCT-1998 with dd-mmm-yyyy
                     17 OCT 98 with dd mmm yy
                     98.OCT.17 with yy.mmm.dd
                     10/17/98 with mm/dd/yy
                     1998/10/17 with yyyy/mm/dd
                     October 17, 1998 with month day, year
                     Oct. 17, 1998 with month day, year
                     17.October.1998 with day.month.year
                     98-October-17 with year-month-day

     TIME          Replaces time stamps with the following forms:

                     15:37:53.22 with hh:mm:ss.xxxx
                     15:37:53 with hh:mm:ss
                     15:37 with hh:mm
                     3:37 PM with hh:mm xm
                     15H37m with hhHmmm
                     15H37' with hhHmm'
                     15.37 h with hh.mm h
                     15 h 37"53 s with hh h mm"ss s
                     15 h 37 min with hh h mm min
                     kl 15.37 with kl hh.mm
                     h 15.37 with h hh.mm

     FILE_NAMES    Replaces the file names with FILENAME.EXT

     DIRECTORIES   Replaces the directory specification field in
                   the file specification with DISK:[DIRECTORY]

     TRACE_BACK    Replaces 32-bit memory addresses with xxxxxxxx and
                   64-bit memory addresses with xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx.

     VERSION       Replaces file versions with VERSION

   If you specify more than one keyword, separate the keywords with
   commas and enclose the list in parentheses. If you specify only
   one keyword, omit the parentheses.
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