VMS Help  —  MRD Library, mrd_find_cartridge
    mrd_find_cartridge - Search for a cartridge by volume tag.

    Windows NT         mrd.dll
    UNIX               /usr/lib/libmrd.a
    OpenVMS            MRD$RTL.EXE

        #include <mrd_common.h>
        #include <mrd_message.h>

        int mrd_find_cartridge(
        const char     *robot_name,
        const char     *volume_tag,
        const int       element_type,
        const char     *element_start,
        const int       element_count,
        element_info_t *result,
        char           *result_name,
        int            *result_type,
        char           *log_info);

1  –  Parameters

    o  robot_name - The name of the robot device to be opened. On
       Digital UNIX, if the leading character of the name is not a
       slash (/), /dev/ will be prepended to the name.

    o  volume_tag- A NULL terminated character string that is the
       volume tag to search for.

    o  element_type - The type of robot element on which the
       operation takes place. If an element type of zero (0) is used,
       all elements will be searched starting at element 0 of each
       type and searching all the elements of that type on the robot.
       The order of this search is Slot, Drive, Transport and finally

    o  element_start- A NULL terminated character string that is the
       zero relative address of the element where the search should
       be started. This argument is not used when the element_type is
       zero (0).

    o  element_count - A volume tag search in a large library
       can take a long time. Some applications (a graphic user
       interface for example) may want to break up a large search
       into smaller, quicker sub-searches. When a specific element_
       type is specified only a range specified by the element_name
       and element_count will be searched. This argument is ignored
       when the element_type is zero (0).

    o  result_param- If an element matching the volume_tag string is
       found, the element_info_t will copied into the space pointed
       to by result.

    o  result_name- The zero relative element address of the matching
       element will be copied into the space pointed to by result_
       name. This space should be a character array of size MRD_NAME_

    o  result_type- The element type of the matching element will be
       copied into the space pointed to by result_type.

    o  log_info - This is a character array that should be at least
       MRD_MAX_LOG_STRING in length. If this function fails as the
       result of a SCSI error, this will be filled with the formatted
       request sense data. If this function fails as the result
       of an operating system error, the operating system message
       particular to the error will be copied into the array.

2  –  Description

    This routine allows searching for the element location of a piece
    of media using the volume tag as a search key. If the element_
    type value is zero (0), all elements will searched in the order
    Slot, Drive, Transport and Port. The element_name and element_
    count arguments will be ignored in this case.

    When a specific element type is specified, the search will be
    limited to that element type. The element_name will used as the
    starting location for a search and element_count as the number
    of elements from that address to search. Using these arguments
    a search of a large number of elements may be broken up into a
    number of smaller searches.

    When a matching element is found, the element_info_t data for
    that element will copied into the space pointed to by result.
    The zero relative element address and element type will also be
    copied into the space provided.

2.1  –  Element Info

    The element_info_t data structure is defined in the include file
    <mrd_common.h>. The fields of this data structure are described

    o  name - The name field holds the volume tag of the media if

    o  state - The state field can have one of the following values:

          ELELMENT_EMPTY, or

    o  port_type - If the element_type parameter specifies PORT, the
       port_type field will have one of the following values:


    o  status - The status field can have one of the following


    o  flags - Use the ELEMENT_VALID mask on the flags field to
       indicate whether or not the full Read Element Status data
       is valid. The ELEMENT_PVOLTAG and ELEMENT_AVOLTAG indicate
       whether the primary or alternate volume tags of the Read
       Element Status data are valid.

    o  element_addr - This is the address of the element, unadjusted
       for the starting address. The routine mrd_map_element(3mrd)
       can be used to convert an absolute element address to a
       relative address and type. This field will be set to -1 when
       the information is not valid.

    o  source_addr - On most SCSI-2 medium-changers, this is the
       address where a cartridge resided before being moved to its
       current location. The routine mrd_map_element(3mrd) can be
       used to convert an absolute element address to a relative
       address and type. This field will be set to -1 when the
       information is not valid. On some SCSI-2 medium-changers (the
       DLT family loaders) this will be the element address of the
       slot itself.

    o  data - This a copy of the SCSI-2 Read Element Status data
       when the ELEMENT_VALID bit is set in the flags field. A byte-
       order neutral declaration of this data structure is included
       in the <mrd_common.h> include file as the mrd_reades_t data

3  –  Example

     *   Example of mrd_find_cartridge(3mrd).  The command usage is:
     *      mrd_find robot_name volume_tag
    #ifndef   lint
    static   char   SccsId[] = "@(#)mrd_find.c   1.2 3/5/97" ;

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <mrd_common.h>
    #include <mrd_message.h>

    main(int argc, char *argv[])
       element_info_t   element ;   /* Element data result */
       int   status ;      /* status from mrd_find_cartridge(3mrd) */
       char   *robot ;      /* Medium changer to search */
       char   *volume_tag ;      /* Volume tag for which to search */
       int   type ;         /* Element type result */
       char   *content ;      /* element content */
       char   *format ;      /* format to print element data */
       char   address[MRD_NAME_SIZE+1] ;   /* Element name result */
       char   log_info[MRD_MAX_LOG_STRING+1] ;   /* error text */
       char   exception[BUFSIZ+1] ;      /* exception buffer */

        *   There are two required arguments; robot name and volume tag.
       if( argc < 3 ) {
          printf("usage: %s robot volume-tag\n", argv[0]) ;
          exit(1) ;

       robot      = argv[1] ;
       volume_tag = argv[2] ;

        *   Search all of the elements at the same time.  With the
        *   type set to zero, the values of element_address ("")
        *   and element_count (0), don't matter.
       status = mrd_find_cartridge(robot, volume_tag, 0, "", 0, &element,
             address, &type, log_info) ;

       if( status != MRD_STATUS_SUCCESS )
         printf("Can't find volume %s: %s: %s.\n", mrd_strstatus(status),
             log_info[0] ? log_info : "none") ;

        *   Need to print out the results of the find.  This is
        *   similar to that used by mrd_show, but is a bit more
        *   extensive to show more features.
       format = "%s\t%s\t%s\n" ;   /* default format */

       if( element.name[0] )
          content = element.name ;
       else if( element.state & ELEMENT_FULL )
          content = "Full" ;
       else if( element.state & ELEMENT_EXCEPT ) {
          format  = "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" ;
          content = "Exception" ;

          (void)mrd_strexcept(element.data.asc, element.data.ascq,
             exception, BUFSIZ) ;
          content = "Empty" ;

       if( element.state & ELEMENT_EXCEPT )
          printf(format, mrd_strelement(type), address, content,
             exception) ;
          printf(format, mrd_strelement(type), address, content) ;

       return 0 ;

4  –  Return Values

    Upon successful completion, the mrd_find_cartridge(3mrd)
    function returns the value MRD_STATUS_SUCCESS. If the mrd_find_
    cartridge(3mrd) fails the returned status value may be set to one
    of the following values. This routine may also return any of the
    errors descibed in the mrd_show(3mrd) manual page. Other values
    that correspond to specific SCSI errors may also be possible, but
    the ones below are most likely.


    This error is returned if the robot_name, volume_tag, log_info,
    result, result_name, element_start or result_type arguments are
    NULL pointers.


    This error occurs in mrd_find_cartridge(3mrd) when the medium-
    changer has no vision system with which to read bar-code labels.


    This error is returned when the element address for a slot is
    less than zero or greater than the number of slots.


    This error is returned when the element address for a port is
    less than zero or greater than the number of ports.


    This error is returned when the element address for a transport
    is less than zero or greater than the number of transports.


    For routines that allow the specification of an element type
    argument, this error indicates that specified type was not one of


    The mrd_show(3mrd) and mrd_find_cartridge(3mrd) functions
    allocate virtual memory using malloc(3) to store temporary
    element data. If the attempt to allocate the memory fails, these
    routines will return this error.


    This error is returned by mrd_find_cartridge(3mrd) when it can't
    find the cartridge with the desired volume tag.


    This error code is used when an OpenVMS system service, such as
    $ASSIGN or $QIO, fails with a status of SS$_DRVERR. Generally
    SS$_DRVERR indicates a failure in the underlying device and the
    MRD can get the detailed device failure and return the correct
    MRD status code instead.

    This error is also returned when a SCSI Test Unit Ready command
    fails. The cause of the error can be determined by called mrd_
    request_sense(3mrd). This error also occurs as the result of a
    SCSI command failure, when the ASC is set to one of:

    o  0x08 - Logical unit communcation errors.

    o  0x43 - Message error

    o  0x45 - Select or Reselect failure

    o  0x47 - SCSI parity error

    o  0x48 - Initiator detected error message received

    o  0x49 - Invalid message error

    o  0x4A - Command phase error

    o  0x4B - Data phase error

    o  0x4E - Overlapped commands attempted

    o  0x54 - SCSI to host system interface failure


    This error code is used when an OpenVMS system service fails with
    the status SS$_NOSUCHDEV or SS$_IVDEVNAM. This will typically
    occur in mrd_startup(3mrd) when the caller tries to open a device
    which doesn't exist or uses an invalid device name.

    This error also occurs when the routine is called on behalf of
    a device controlled by the JU driver. The Media Robot Utility no
    longer uses the JU driver.

5  –  Restrictions

    The SCSI-2 specification includes two commands which allow a
    medium-changer to perform most of the work that this routine
    does by brute force. Unfortunately, a reliable implementation of
    these commands was unavailable at the time MRD V1.2 was written.
    A future version of the API may be able to make use of these
    routines to speed up a search.

    Unlike mrd_show(3mrd) this routine will open and close the robot
    at each iteration.

6  –  Related Functions


    o  mrd_show(3mrd)

    o  mrd_map_element(3mrd)
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