The TYPED_BY function is a relationship function. It finds occurrences that have a TYPED_BY relationship between them. For example, if variable X is typed by INTEGER, then these two occurrences are in a TYPED_BY relationship. In its most common form, the function format is as follows: TYPED_BY( <type>, <typee>, DEPTH={<number> | ALL} ) In this format, <typee> and <type> can be any legal query expression, and <number> is a positive integer. A typical use of the function is to find what is being typed by INTEGER. For example: FIND TYPED_BY( INTEGER, *, DEPTH=1) This query finds everything that is of type INTEGER. The TYPED_BY function can also tell you the items that are in some way affected by a given type. The type can be predefined by language elements such as INTEGER, or can be user defined. For example: FIND TYPED_BY( user_defined_type, *, DEPTH=ALL) This query finds all the items that are directly or indirectly affected by USER_DEFINED_TYPE. The TYPED_BY function provides the power to return the exact type tree you want. The full format is as follows: TYPED_BY( [ END=<type> ], [ BEGIN=<typee> ], [ DEPTH={<number> | ALL} ], [ RESULT=RESULT_KEYWORD ], [ TRACE=query_expression ] ) In the previous format, <type> and <typee> is any legal query expression, <number> is a positive integer, RESULT_KEYWORD can be STRUCTURE, NOSTRUCTURE, ANY_PATH, BEGIN, or END, and QUERY_ EXPRESSION is any legal query expression. For a full description of the TYPED_BY relationship, see the on-line help file SCACOMMANDS.