OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS I64 only

  On OpenVMS Alpha, specifies that the  generated  code  can  call
  images  translated  by  the  VAX Environment Software Translator
  (VEST) utility, which translates OpenVMS VAX system images  into
  functionally   equivalent  OpenVMS  Alpha  system  images.   The
  Translated Image Environment (TIE) allows translated  images  to
  execute as if on an OpenVMS VAX system.

  On OpenVMS I64, specifies that  the  generaated  code  can  call
  images  translated  by the Alpha Environment Software Translated
  (AEST) utility, which translates  OpenVMS  Alpha  images  (which
  might   have  originally  been  OpenVMS  VAX  images  that  were
  subsequently  translated   to   OpenVMS   Alpha   images)   into
  functionally   equivalent   OpenVMS   I64  system  images.   The
  Translated Image Environment (TIE) allows translated  images  to
  execute as if they were on their original OpenVMS system.
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