VMS Help  —  PMDF  QM  Maintenance Mode Commands, COUNTERS  SYNCHRONIZE
    Synchronize each of the node-specific, in-memory caches of
    channel counters with the cluster-wide database.



    Command Qualifiers             Defaults

    /TIMEOUT=seconds               /TIMEOUT=120

1  –  Parameters


2  –  Description

    To synchronize each of the node-specific, in-memory cache of
    channel counters with the cluster-wide database, issue a COUNTERS
    SYNCHRONIZE command. The command will not return control back
    to you until either all the caches have been synchronized
    or a "timeout" period has elapsed. Should the timeout period
    elapse, then control will be returned to you. However, the
    synchronization process will continue in the background. Use
    the /TIMEOUT qualifier to adjust the timeout period which has a
    default value of 120 seconds.

    Note that SYSLCK privilege is required to use this command.

    Note that the COUNTERS SYNCHRONIZE command signals each PMDF
    counters synchronization process in the cluster to perform the
    synchronization-there should be one such process on each node
    running PMDF. Note that on each node, the synchronization can
    only be performed if the PMDF counters synchronization process is
    running on that node.

    Assuming that the PMDF counters synchronization process is
    running on each node, then for each node the node-specific, in-
    memory cache will be created, if it does not already exist. If
    the cluster-wide, on-disk database does not exist, it will be
    created. The in-memory cache values will be used to update the
    on-disk database, and then the on-disk database values for stored
    messages, recipients, and volume will be set by scanning the PMDF
    queue cache database.

3  –  Command Qualifiers

3.1    /TIMEOUT


    By default, QM will wait upwards of 120 seconds for the node-
    specific caches to be synchronized. Should the synchronizations
    not be completed before the specified time period, QM will
    return control to you prompting you for another command.
    The synchronization process will, however, continue in the
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