NCLHELP.HLB  —  enable  x25 relay (Alpha)

1  –  client

    Transitions the specified x25 relay client entity to the "on" state.

    enable  [node  node-id] x25 relay client client-name

1.1  –  Exception Messages

 o  filter in error

    The filters specified in the filters characteristic cannot be
    used for one of the following reasons:

    filters in      The named filters are already in use.

    no such         The named filters do not exist.

 o  insufficient information

    One or more characteristics have not been specified.


    reason      Indicates which characteristics have not been

                DTE class    The DTE class characteristic has not
                             been specified.

                filters      The filters characteristic has not
                             been specified.

2  –  pvc

    Transitions the specified x25 relay pvc entity to the "on" state.

    enable  [node  node-id] x25 relay pvc pvc-name

2.1  –  Exception Messages

 o  insufficient information

    One or more characteristics have not been specified.


    reason      Indicates which characteristics have not been

                local pvc    The local pvc characteristic has not
                             been specified.

                relayed      The relayed pvc characteristic has not
                pvc          been specified.

                remote DTE   The remote DTE class characteristic has
                class        not been specified.
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