NCLHELP.HLB  —  Directory Module, DSA  Naming Context, Directives  CREATE
 Use this directive to create a Naming Context entity of the
 specified name at the specified position in the DIT.

 	CREATE DSA NAMING CONTEXT <name> <argument> <value>

1  –  Arguments

 The CREATE directive has an identifier and one argument:


 The identifier specifies the name of this Naming Context
 entity. This is in the form of a distinguished name.

 The CONSUMER ACCESS POINT argument is optional and
 identifies the DSA to which this DSA can supply a copy
 of this naming context. Specify this argument in the
 following format:

         CONSUMER ACCESS POINT <access point>

 where <access point> is the access point of the DSA and is
 specified as follows:

    {[ae title  = "<distinguished name of DSA>",
      presentation address = '<presentation address>']}

 You can specify multiple access points as follows:

    {[ae title  = "<distinguished name of DSA>",
      presentation address = '<presentation address>'] ,
     [ae title  = "<distinguished name of DSA>",
      presentation address = '<presentation address>']}

 The AE Title and Presentation Address attributes are both mandatory.
 Note that you must specify the AE Title and Presentation
 Address in the order shown above.

 Specify all valid NSAPs for a consumer DSA. This improves the
 network efficiency of this DSA, because it ensures that any
 existing connection to that DSA will be re-used. It also ensures
 the success of the documented method of implementing replication
 for the first time.

 Refer to DSA Common_Datatypes for more information
 on how to specify an AE Title and a Presentation Address.

2  –  Errors

 The CREATE directive can return the following errors:

 REASON:         Already Exists
 DESCRIPTION:    This Naming Context entity already exists.

                 A Naming Context entity already exists at this
                 position in the DIT. You cannot create a Naming
                 Context entity where one already exists.

 REASON:		Cannot open the database
 DESCRIPTION:	The DSA cannot open the database as it is being
 		used by another DSA.

 REASON:         Invalid Name
 DESCRIPTION:    The entity name is not a valid directory name.

                 The name must be in the form of a distinguished
                 name. The response shows the invalid name component.

 REASON:         Has Subordinates
 DESCRIPTION:    The DSA already holds entries or entities
                 subordinate to the entity being created.

                 You cannot create a Naming Context entity at
                 this position in the DIT because the name you
                 have specifed has subordinates. You must create
                 entities in a hierarchical order (top down).

 REASON:         Incomplete Naming Context
 DESCRIPTION:    A superior Naming Context that is not correctly
                 terminated by a Subordinate Reference prevents

                 The DSA failed to create the Naming Context entity
                 because a superior master Naming Context entity has
                 not been terminated. A Naming Context must
                 be terminated by a Subordinate Reference entity if
                 want to create a further Naming Context entity
                 beneath it.

                 The response shows the name of the incomplete naming

 REASON:         Incomplete Shadow Naming Context
 DESCRIPTION:    A superior shadow Naming Context that has not been
                 correctly terminated by a Subordinate Reference
                 prevents creation.

                 The DSA failed to create the Naming Context entity
                 because a superior shadow Naming Context entity has
                 not been terminated. A Naming Context must
                 be terminated by a Subordinate Reference entity if
                 you want to create a further Naming Context entity
                 beneath it. Because the superior entity is a shadow,
                 you need to create a Subordinate Reference entity
                 on the master DSA for the superior naming context,
                 and then initiate replication so that this DSA
                 has a copy of the new Subordinate Reference entity.

                 The response shows the name of the incomplete naming
                 context, and the name of the master DSA for that
                 naming context.

 REASON:         DIT Root
 DESCRIPTION:    Cannot create a Naming Context at the root of the

                 You cannot create a Naming Context entity directly
                 on the root entry of the DIT (/).  A Naming Context
                 entity must have a distinguished name that contains
                 at least one relative distinguished name.

 REASON:         Entry Already Exists
 DESCRIPTION:    The DSA already holds an entry of the same name.

                 An entry already exists with the same name. You
                 cannot create a Naming Context entity where a
                 directory entry already exists. That entry must
                 already be part of a naming context, so it would
                 be inappropriate to create one at this point in
                 the DIT.

 REASON:         Alias Entry Already Exists
 DESCRIPTION:    The DSA already holds an alias entry of the
                 same name.

                 An alias entry already exists with the same name.
                 You cannot create a Naming Context entity where
                 an alias entry already exists. That alias entry
                 must already be part of a naming context.

 REASON:         Alias Entry
 DESCRIPTION:    Alias entry prevents creation.

                 The identifier you specified for the Naming
                 Context entity is an alias name, not a
                 distinguished name. The DSA does not support the
                 use of alias names when managing entities. Specify
                 the distinguished name of the entry that is to
                 be at the top of the new naming context.

                 The response shows the name of the alias entry.

 REASON:         Wrong State
 DESCRIPTION:    The DSA entity is not in the correct state.

                 The DSA must be in state ON, OFF, ENABLING,
                 or DISABLING when you create a Naming Context

                 The response shows the current state of the DSA.
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