HELPLIB.HLB  —  PASCAL  Predeclared Routines, Char Strng, READV
  The READV procedure reads  characters  from  a  character-string
  expression  and  assigns  them  to parameters in the READV call.
  The behavior of READV  is  analogous  to  that  of  READLN;  the
  character string is analogous to a one-line file.


     READV( str, {variable-id[[ : radix-specifier ]]},...
     [[, ERROR := error-recovery ]])

  The  parameter  'str'  is  the   string   to   be   read.    The
  variable-identifier  is the variable to be assigned a value from
  'str'.  The parameter 'radix-specifier' can be BIN, OCT, or HEX.
  You  can  read a variable of any type by using a radix specifier
  except  a  type   that   contains   a   file   component.    The
  'error-recovery'  indicates the action to be taken in case of an

  An error occurs at run time if values have not been assigned  to
  all the parameters listed in the READV procedure call before the
  end of the character string is reached.
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