Modifies the characteristics of one or more files.

    See the qualifier descriptions for restrictions.

    For help about the RMS Journaling SET FILE commands, read the
    following subtopics:

    o  /AI_JOURNAL - Marks one or more RMS files for after-image

    o  /BI_JOURNAL - Marks one or more RMS files for before-image

    o  /RU_ACTIVE - Designates the recoverable facility that controls
       active recovery units for the file.

    o  /RU_FACILITY - Allows you to identify the recoverable facility
       that controls active recovery units on the file.

    o  /RU_JOURNAL - Marks an RMS file for recovery unit journaling.


      SET FILE  filespec[,...]

1  –  Parameter


    Specifies one or more files to be modified. If you specify more
    than one file, separate the file specifications with commas (,).
    The asterisk (*)  and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters
    are allowed.

2  –  Qualifiers



    Sets the attributes associated with a file. The following table
    lists possible keywords and the relationship to both ACP-QIO and
    OpenVMS RMS File attributes:

                                                OpenVMS RMS File
    Keyword     ACP-QIO File Attribute          Attribute

    ATTDATE=dateFAT$C_ATTDATE                   XAB$Q_ATT
    ACCDATE=dateFAT$C_ACCDATE                   XAB$Q_ACC
    BAKDATE=dateFAT$C_BAKDATE                   XAB$Q_BDT
    BKS:value   FAT$B_BKTSIZE=byte              FAB$B_BKS=byte
    CREDATE=dateFAT$C_CREDATE                   XAB$Q_CDT
    DEQ:value   FAT$W_DEFEXT=word               FAB$W_DEQ=word
    EBK:value   FAT$L_EFBLK=longword            XAB$L_EBK=longword
    EXPDATE=dateFAT$C_EXPDATE                   XAB$Q_EDT
    FFB:value   FAT$W_FFBYTE=word               XAB$W_FFB=word
    FSZ:value   FAT$B_VFCSIZE=byte              FAB$B_FSZ=byte
    GBC:value   FAT$W_GBC=word                  FAB$W_GBC=word
    HBK:value   FAT$L_HIBLK=longword            XAB$L_HBK=longword
    LRL:value   FAT$W_RSIZE=word                XAB$W_LRL=word
    MODDATE=dateFAT$C_MODDATE                   XAB$Q_MOD
    MRS:value   FAT$W_MAXREC=word               FAB$W_MRS=word
    RAT:NONE    FAT$B_RATTRIB=0                 FAB$B_RAT=0
    REVDATE=dateFAT$C_REVDATE                   XAB$Q_RDT
    VRS:value   FAT$W_VERSIONS=word             XAB$W_VERLIMIT=word

2.2    /BACKUP


    Specifies that the Backup utility (BACKUP) records the contents
    of the file. The /NOBACKUP qualifier causes BACKUP to record the
    attributes of the file but not its contents. This qualifier is
    valid only for Files-11 Structure On-Disk Level 2 and 5 files.

    The /NOBACKUP qualifier is useful for saving files that contain
    unimportant data, such as SWAPFILES.

2.3    /BEFORE


    Selects only those files dated prior to the specified time.
    You can specify time as absolute time, as a combination of
    absolute and delta times, or as one of the following keywords:
    BOOT, LOGIN, TODAY (default), TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. Specify
    the /CREATED or the /MODIFIED qualifier to indicate the time
    attribute to be used as the basis for selection. The /CREATED
    qualifier is the default.

    For complete information on specifying time values, see the
    OpenVMS User's Manual or the online help topic Date.

2.4    /BY_OWNER


    Selects only those files whose owner user identification code
    (UIC) matches the specified owner UIC. The default UIC is that of
    the current process.

    Specify the UIC by using standard UIC format as described in the
    VSI OpenVMS Guide to System Security.



    Use this qualifier to control which files are cached by the
    Extended File Cache. It sets the caching attribute for a file
    or directory in a Files-11 ODS-2 or ODS-5 volume.

    The caching attribute of a file is the default caching option
    that is used by the Extended File Cache when an application
    accesses the file without specifying which caching option it
    wants to use.

    The keyword can be either WRITETHROUGH or NO_CACHING. Use
    WRITETHROUGH for files that you want to be cached. Use NO_CACHING
    for files that you don't want to be cached.

    The Extended File Cache does not cache directories. The caching
    attribute of a directory controls only how the caching attribute
    is inherited by new files and subdirectories created in the

    o  When you create a new directory or file, it inherits its
       caching attribute from its parent directory.

    o  When you create a new version of an existing file, the new
       file inherits its caching attribute from the highest version
       of the existing file.

    When you use the INITIALIZE command to create a new Files-
    11 volume, the caching attribute of its root directory
    (000000.DIR;1) is set to write-through. This means that by
    default, all the files and directories you create in the volume
    will inherit a caching attribute of write-through unless you use

    When you change the caching attribute of a directory, it does
    not affect the caching attribute of any existing files and
    subdirectories in the directory.

    When you change the caching attribute of a file, it does not
    affect the type of caching being used by any applications that
    are currently accessing the file.

2.6    /CONFIRM

       /NOCONFIRM (default)

    Controls whether a request is issued before each SET FILE
    operation to confirm that the operation should be performed on
    that file. The following responses are valid:

    YES      NO       QUIT
    TRUE     FALSE    Ctrl/Z
    1        0        ALL

    You can use any combination of uppercase and lowercase letters
    for word responses. Word responses can be abbreviated to one or
    more letters (for example, T, TR, or TRU for TRUE), but these
    abbreviations must be unique. Affirmative answers are YES, TRUE,
    and 1. Negative answers include: NO, FALSE, 0, and pressing
    Return. Entering QUIT or pressing Ctrl/Z indicates that you want
    to stop processing the command at that point. When you respond by
    entering ALL, the command continues to process, but no further
    prompts are given. If you type a response other than one of
    those in the list, DCL issues an error message and redisplays
    the prompt.

2.7    /CREATED

       /CREATED (default)

    Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or the /SINCE
    qualifier. The /CREATED qualifier selects files based on their
    dates of creation. This qualifier is incompatible with the
    /MODIFIED qualifier, which also allows you to select files
    according to time attributes. The /CREATED qualifier is the
    default qualifier.

2.8    /DATA_CHECK


    Specifies whether a read data check (rereading each record), a
    write data check (reading each record after it is written), or a
    combination of the two is performed on the file during transfers.
    By default, a write data check is performed.

2.9    /END_OF_FILE

    Resets the end-of-file (EOF) mark to the highest block allocated.

2.10    /ENTER


    The new-filespec parameter is used to create either an alias or
    a hard link for the file specified in the SET FILE command. For
    detailed information about using hard links and aliases, see the
    VSI OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.

    Normally you would use /ENTER to create an alias or a hard link
    in a directory different from the one where the original filename
    resides. If the names are not in different directories, you or
    another user could subsequently lose data during a delete or
    purge operation. The DELETE and PURGE commands and the file
    version limit feature can behave unpredictably if the original
    name and the new name are in the same directory.

    To remove an alias or hard link, use the SET FILE /REMOVE
    command. Exercise caution when using the DELETE and SET FILE
    /REMOVE commands, or you could end up with either an inaccessible
    file that has no name or a name that does not refer to a file.
    Follow these guidelines to avoid such problems:

    o  Use SET FILE /REMOVE to remove an alias; do not use the DELETE
       command to remove an alias.

    o  Do not use SET FILE /REMOVE to remove the original file name.

    If you do not follow these guidelines and encounter problems, use
    ANALYZE /DISK /REPAIR to move inaccessible files to the SYSLOST
    directory and remove names that no longer refer to files.


    Specifies that the specified files are erased from the disk (not
    just written over) when the DELETE or PURGE command is issued for
    the files. See the DELETE/ERASE command for more information.

2.12    /EXCLUDE


    Excludes the specified file from the SET FILE operation. You
    can include a directory name but not a device name in the file
    specifications. The asterisk (*)  and the percent sign (%)
    wildcard characters are allowed in the file specification;
    however, you cannot use relative version numbers to exclude a
    specific version. If you specify only one file, you can omit the



    Requires read (R), write (W), and control access. Being the owner
    of the file is one way to get control access.

    Controls whether an expiration date is assigned to the specified

    Specify the date according to the rules described in the OpenVMS
    User's Manual or the online help topic Date. Absolute date
    keywords are allowed. If you specify zero as the date, today's
    date is used.

2.14    /EXTENSION


    Sets the extend quantity default for the file. The value of
    the parameter n can range from 0 to 65,535. If you omit the
    value specification or specify a value of 0, OpenVMS Record
    Management Services (OpenVMS RMS) calculates its own value for
    the /EXTENSION qualifier.

    See the SET RMS_DEFAULT command for a description of the /EXTEND_
    QUANTITY qualifier.



    For OpenVMS versions prior to Version 8.3, sets the OpenVMS
    Record Management Services (OpenVMS RMS) global buffer count (the
    number of buffers that can be shared by processes accessing the
    file) for the specified files. The value n must be an integer in
    the range from 0 to 32,767. A value of 0 disables buffer sharing.

    The /SHARE qualifier can be used to enable or disable global
    buffers on a file currently being accessed; however, any new
    global buffer settings will only be applied to new accessors of
    the file. If a file is already open with global buffers, any new
    number of global buffers will not take effect until the file is
    closed by all accessors of the file.

    For OpenVMS V8.3 and later, sets the OpenVMS RMS global buffer
    count for the specified files. Note, you can specify only one
    type of global buffer qualifier in the same command string.

    The keyword can be:

    o  COUNT=n-The value n sets the longword count of the number of
       global buffers.

    o  PERCENT=p-The value p expresses the size of the global cache
       as a percent of the total number of used blocks currently used
       in the file.

    o  DEFAULT-Requests RMS at runtime to recalculate the global
       cache size based on an algorithm that makes use of two global
       buffer SYSGEN parameters, GB_CACHEALLMAX and GB_DEFPERCENT.

    The following qualifiers can also be used with the /SHARE







2.16    /LOG

       /NOLOG (default)

    Displays the file specification of each file modified as the
    command executes.

2.17    /MODIFIED


    Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or the /SINCE
    qualifier. The /MODIFIED qualifier selects files according to
    the dates on which they were last modified. This qualifier is
    incompatible with the /CREATED qualifier, which also allows
    you to select files according to time attributes. If you do not
    specify the /MODIFIED qualifier, the default is the /CREATED

2.18    /MOVE


    Controls whether movefile operations are enabled on the specified

    When you create a file, movefile operations are enabled on that
    file. You should disable movefile operations on specialized
    files that are accessed other than through the XQP (such as files
    accessed through logical I/O to a disk).

    Note that movefile operations are automatically disabled on
    critical system files. Do not enable movefile operations on these


    Use with extreme caution. Requires SYSPRV (system privilege).

    Removes the directory attributes of a file and allows you to
    delete the corrupted directory file even if other files are
    contained in the directory. When you delete a corrupted directory
    file, the files contained within it are lost.

    Use ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE/REPAIR to place the lost files in
    [SYSLOST]. You can then copy the lost files to a new directory.
    This qualifier is valid only for Files-11 On-Disk Structure Level
    2 files. For more information about the Verify utility, see the
    VSI OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual.

2.20    /OWNER_UIC


    This qualifier has been superseded by the SET SECURITY/OWNER



    This command has been superseded by the SET SECURITY/PROTECTION

2.22    /REMOVE

    Use with caution.

    Enables you to remove one of the names of a file that has more
    than one name, without deleting the file. If you have created an
    additional name for a file with the /ENTER qualifier of SET FILE,
    you can use the /REMOVE qualifier to remove either the original
    name or the alias. The file still exists and can be accessed by
    whatever name or names remain in effect.

    However, if you accidentally remove the name of a file that
    has only one name, you cannot access that file with most DCL
    commands; use the ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE utility to retrieve the

2.23    /SEMANTICS


    Use the /SEMANTICS qualifier to create or change a semantics
    tag. Use the /NOSEMANTICS qualifier to remove a semantics tag
    from a file. For more information, see the Guide to OpenVMS File

2.24    /SHARE

    Allows you to enable or disable global buffers or statistics on a
    file currently being accessed by other users.

    Requires SYSPRV privilege.

    Only new accessors of the file acquire the new settings. For
    example, if a file is opened with no global buffers specified and
    the SET FILE/GLOBAL=n/SHARE command is issued, only new accessors
    of the file will use global buffers. If /STATISTICS is enabled on
    an active file, only operations performed by new accessors of the
    file are measured.

    If a file is already open with global buffers, any new number of
    global buffers will not take effect until the file is closed by
    all accessors of the file.

    The /SHARE qualifier is valid only with the following qualifiers:



2.25    /SHELVABLE


    Controls whether the file is shelvable.

2.26    /SINCE


    Selects only those files dated on or after the specified time.
    You can specify time as absolute time, as a combination of
    absolute and delta times, or as one of the following keywords:
    Specify the /CREATED or the /MODIFIED qualifier to indicate
    the time attribute to be used as the basis for selection. The
    /CREATED qualifier is the default.

    For complete information on specifying time values, see the
    OpenVMS User's Manual or the online help topic Date.


       /NOSTATISTICS (default)

    Enables the gathering of RMS statistics on the specified file.
    These statistics can then be viewed by using the Monitor
    utility, which is invoked with the DCL command MONITOR. The
    SET FILE/STATISTICS command applies an application ACE to the
    specified file. The ACE does not affect access control and is
    only meaningful to the application assigning it.

    The /SHARE qualifier can be used to enable or disable statistics
    on a file currently being accessed. However, only statistics of
    new accessors of the file will be measured.

2.28    /STYLE


    Specifies the file name format for display purposes.

    The valid keywords for this qualifier are CONDENSED and EXPANDED.
    Descriptions are as follows:

    Keyword     Explanation

    CONDENSED   Displays the file name representation of what is
    (default)   generated to fit into a 255-length character string.
                This file name may contain a DID or FID abbreviation
                in the file specification.
    EXPANDED    Displays the file name representation of what is
                stored on disk. This file name does not contain any
                DID or FID abbreviations.

    The keywords CONDENSED and EXPANDED are mutually exclusive. This
    qualifier specifies which file name format is displayed in the
    output message, along with the confirmation if requested.

    File errors are displayed with the CONDENSED file specification
    unless the EXPANDED keyword is specified.

    See the OpenVMS User's Manual for more information.

2.29    /SYMLINK

       /NOSYMLINK (default)

    If an input file is a symbolic link, the file referred to by the
    symbolic link is the file that is set.

    The /SYMLINK qualifier indicates that the symbolic link itself is

    The valid keywords for this qualifier are [NO]WILDCARD,
    [NO]ELLIPSIS, and [NO]TARGET. Descriptions are as follows:

    Keyword     Explanation

    NOWILDCARD  Indicates that symlinks are disabled during directory
                wildcard searches.
    WILDCARD    Indicates that symlinks are enabled during wildcard
    NOELLIPSIS  Indicates that symlinks are matched for all wildcard
                fields except for ellipsis.
    ELLIPSIS    Equivalent to WILDCARD (included for command
    TARGET      Indicates that if the target file of the file
                specification is a symlink, then the target file
                is followed.
    NOTARGET    Indicates that the command operates on the target
                file even if it is a symlink.

    If the file named in the SET FILE command is a symlink, the
    command by default operates on the symlink target.

2.30    /TRUNCATE

    Truncates the file at the end of the block containing the end-of-
    file (EOF) marker, that is, the qualifier releases allocated but
    unused blocks of the file.

2.31    /UNLOCK

    Clears a file marked as deaccess locked. Deaccess locking is
    required by and used by those few applications that maintain
    their own locking and consistency, typically without the use
    of the OpenVMS distributed lock manager, and potentially also
    without the use of RMS. When an application using deaccess
    locking does not correctly deaccess the file (often due to an
    application or system failure), the file is marked as locked, and
    is thus inaccessible until the integrity of the contents of the
    file are verified and the SET FILE/UNLOCK command is used.

    This command does not affect the state of files that are locked
    using RMS or the distributed lock manager.

    For details on file deaccess locking, see the VSI OpenVMS I/O
    User's Reference Manual, the ACP-QIO interface documentation, and
    specifically the FIB$V_DLOCK option available on the IO$_CREATE
    and IO$_ACCESS functions.

    The SET FILE/UNLOCK command can clear the cause of the following
    error message:

    %SYSTEM-W-FILELOCKED, file is deaccess locked

    However, this command cannot resolve the cause of the error

    %RMS-W-FLK, file currently locked by another user



    Sets the maximum number of versions that a specified file can
    have in a directory. If you do not set a version limit, a value
    of 0 is used, indicating that the number of file versions is
    limited only to the Files-11 architectural limit of 32,767.
    When creating a file, if the total number of versions of that
    file name exceeds the specified version limit, then the file
    with the lowest version number is deleted from the directory
    without notification to the user.

    If you set the version limit to 3 when there are already five
    versions of that file in a directory, there will continue to be
    five versions of that file unless you specifically delete some
    or purge the directory. Once the number of file versions is
    equal to or less than the current version limit, this version
    limit is maintained.

    The version limit applies to all existing versions of a
    specified file in a directory regardless of whether or not
    you specified any version in the command.

    To view the version limit on a file, use the DIRECTORY/FULL
    command on a file name and look at the File Attributes field
    of the output or use the F$FILE_ATTRIBUTES(filename,"VERLIMIT")
    lexical function.

3  –  Examples


      The SET FILE command requests that the expiration date of the
      file BATCH.COM;3 be set to 11:00 A.M., December 19, 2001.


      This SET FILE command calls for all files that match the file
      specification PERSONNEL*.SAL and are dated before December
      31 of the current year to have their disk locations erased
      whenever one of them is deleted with commands such as DELETE or


      The SET FILE command modifies the characteristics of the file
      MYFILE.DAT, changing the owner user identification code (*).
      You must have system privilege (SYSPRV) to change the owner



      TEST.FDL;1   File ID:  (10,8,0)
      File attributes: Allocation: s, Extend: 0, Global buffer count: 0
         No version limit, MoveFile disabled

      Movefile operations are disabled on the file TEST.FDL. A
      DIRECTORY/FULL command on the file TEST.FDL affirms that the
      file attribute Movefile is disabled.


      The command, SET FILE/ATTRIBUTES, changes the file organization
      of the specified file.


      Directory DKB0:[FULGHUM]

      TEMP.DIR;1           (RWE,RWE,RE,RE)

      This example sets the protection on the TEMP.DIR file with the
      SET FILE command and then displays the protection of the file
      with the DIRECTORY command.


      This example sets 5000 global buffers on the INVENTORY.IDX file
      and enables statistics. If the file is open and the SET FILE
      command is issued without the /SHARE qualifier, the following
      error is returned: SYSTEM-W-ACCONFLICT (file access conflict).
      The /SHARE qualifier allows the global buffers and statistics
      to be enabled on an open file; however, these settings only
      apply to new accessors of the file.


      In a clustered environment with mixed OpenVMS versions, the
      same file can be opened on different nodes with different
      global buffer counts. For nodes prior to Version 8.3, use the
      old compatibility setting, and for Version 8.3 nodes and later
      use the new values.


      Directory WORK:[DOCUMENTS]


      Total of 3 files.

      This example sets the version limit of 10 on all three
      existing versions of NEWFILE.TXT. Note that in this case,
      the /LOG qualifier shows only the highest version file
      specification as modified though the version limit has
      been applied to all file versions.


    Requires read (R), write (W), and control access. Being the owner
    of the file is one way to get control access.

    Marks one or more RMS files for after-image journaling. You can
    also specify certain characteristics of the journal with this
    command, including its file specification, whether it is to be
    created, its initial size, and its default extension quantity.
    The SET FILE/NOAI_JOURNAL command unmarks a file for after-image

    The SET FILE command is not supported for remote files. You
    must use the SET FILE command from the system where the file
    is located.

    For more information, see the RMS Journaling documentation.


      SET FILE/[NO]AI_JOURNAL=(FILE=journal-filespec[,...])


4.1  –  Parameter


    Identifies the file to be marked for after-image journaling. If
    you specify more than one file, separate the file specifications
    with commas. The asterisk (*)  and the percent sign (%) wildcard
    characters are allowed. The file specification cannot include a
    node name, since the SET FILE command is not valid for network

4.2  –  Description

    The SET FILE/AI_JOURNAL command marks one or more RMS files
    for after-image journaling. You can also specify certain
    characteristics of the journal with this command, including its
    file specification, whether it is to be created, its initial
    size, and its default extension quantity. The SET FILE/NOAI_
    JOURNAL command unmarks a file for after-image journaling. After
    a data file is marked for after-image journaling with the SET
    FILE/AI_JOURNAL command, the following events occur whenever the
    file is opened by RMS for write operations:

    o  The journal is opened.

    o  All subsequent modifications to the data file are recorded in
       the journal.


       To be able to recover the data file at a later time,
       you must make a backup copy of the data file, even if it
       contains no data.

    You must use the FILE keyword to specify a journal. By default,
    any portions of the file specification that you omit will be the
    same as the data file that is to be journaled, but with the file
    type RMS$JOURNAL. That is, if you issue the following command,
    then, by default, the file specification for the after-image


    You should always keep the journal for after-image applications
    on a different volume from that of your data file. If recovery
    becomes necessary, you will be able to perform after-image
    recovery only if a backup copy of the data file is available.
    Use the FILE keyword to specify the journal location.

    Use the SET FILE/NOAI_JOURNAL command to unmark a file for after-
    image journaling. After you use the SET FILE/NOAI_JOURNAL command
    for a file, modifications to that data file will no longer be
    written to the journal.

    You must use the SET FILE/NOAI_JOURNAL command before you can
    delete a file that has been marked for after-image journaling.

4.3  –  Keywords

    Four keywords are used as parameters to the SET FILE/AI_JOURNAL
    command: ALLOCATION, [NO]CREATE, EXTENSION, and FILE. You must
    always use the FILE keyword; you can also use any, all, or none
    of the other three keywords.

    Use an equal sign (=)  immediately after the SET FILE/AI_JOURNAL
    command to use a keyword. If you use more than one of the
    keywords, enclose the list in parentheses and separate the items
    in the list with commas.


    Specifies the initial size, in blocks, of the journal. The
    ALLOCATION keyword is meaningful only when the CREATE keyword
    is also used.

    The default allocation is 0 blocks.


    Specifies that a new journal is to be created. If no journal
    exists, using this keyword creates a new one. If a journal (with
    the file specification given in this command) already exists,
    using this keyword creates a new version of the journal. In the
    latter instance, the data file named in this SET FILE command
    is journaled to the new journal. Any other files that are being
    journaled to the previous version of the journal will continue to
    be journaled to that previous version.

    If a journal does not already exist, be sure to use the CREATE
    keyword with the SET FILE/AI_JOURNAL command. If you do not
    specify the CREATE keyword and the file that you specify with
    the FILE keyword does not exist, a journal will not automatically
    be created and an error message is displayed.

    When you create a journal for after-image journaling, the file
    protection for the journal is determined as follows:

    o  If a version of the journal that you specify with the CREATE
       keyword already exists, then the new version of the journal
       has the same file protection and access control list (ACL) as
       the most recent version.

    o  If there is no existing journal (that is, if you are creating
       version 1 of the journal), then the file protection and
       ACL of the journal are the default file protection for the
       process that creates the journal, except that none of the four
       ownership categories (system, owner, group, world) is given
       delete access.

    Also, every time that you use the CREATE keyword, be sure to make
    a backup copy of the data file. (If it is the first time that
    the data file is marked for after-image journaling, then you must
    make a backup copy of the data file, regardless of whether the
    CREATE keyword is used.)


       To be able to recover the data file at a later time, you
       must mark the file for journaling, and then make a backup
       copy of the data file, even if it contains no data.

    In most cases (in particular, when you are using after-image
    journaling to protect against loss of data from a device
    failure), you should keep the backup copy on a different volume
    from the data file. If recovery becomes necessary, you will be
    able to perform after-image recovery only if a backup copy of the
    data file is available.

    If you want to use a single journal for both after-image and
    before-image journaling, do not use the CREATE keyword with both
    the /AI_JOURNAL and /BI_JOURNAL qualifiers, because that will
    create two separate journals. When you create a journal that
    will be used for more than one data file or more than one type
    of journaling (after-image or before-image), you should first
    use a SET FILE command to create the journal for a single type
    of journaling and for a single data file. After the journal is
    created, then you can use a single SET FILE command for multiple
    data files and both after-image and before-image journaling. For
    example, you might use the following sequence of commands:



    Specifies the default extension quantity, in blocks, for the
    journal. You can specify a value from 0 to 65,535.

    The EXTENSION keyword is meaningful only when you use the CREATE
    keyword. If the file is extended, the value that you specify is
    used. If you do not use the EXTENSION keyword when you create a
    journal, RMS calculates its own EXTENSION value for the journal.


    Specifies the journal where all modifications to the named data
    file will be recorded. The default file specification for the
    journal is the file specification of the data file that you name,
    but with a file type of RMS$JOURNAL. If you provide a partial
    file specification for the journal, any unspecified portions are
    taken from the default file specification. The FILE keyword is
    required when you use the SET FILE/AI_JOURNAL command.

    If you are using after-image journaling to protect against the
    loss of data due to a device failure (such as a head crash),
    you should keep the journal on a different volume from the
    one on which the data file is kept. Only by keeping the data
    file and journals on separate volumes can you use after-image
    recovery to restore the data file if its recording medium becomes
    corrupted (for example, by a disk head crash). If you issue the
    SET FILE/AI_JOURNAL command and the journal is on the same volume
    as the data file being marked for after-image journaling, the
    INVAIJDEV warning message is issued.

    The file specification cannot include a node name, since the SET
    FILE command is not valid for network access.

    You can use a single journal for multiple data files for after-
    image journaling, and you can also use a single journal for both
    after-image and before-image journaling.

4.4  –  Qualifier

4.4.1    /LOG

       /NOLOG (default)

    Controls whether the SET FILE command displays the file
    specification and the type of journaling that has been set. By
    default, this information is not displayed.

4.5  –  EXAMPLES


      In this example, the file FINANCE_DISK:[PAYROLL]WEEKLY.DAT is
      marked for after-image journaling. The required FILE keyword
      is used to place the journal on the disk JOURNAL_DISK, and
      the CREATE keyword generates a new version of the journal.
      The file specification for the journal will be JOURNAL_

      The next step in the after-image journaling process after
      issuing this command is to back up the data file.

      after-image journaling

      In this example, the file SALES.DAT in default directory
      FINANCE_DISK:[REGION_1] is marked for after-image journaling
      and the /LOG qualifier causes the result of the SET FILE
      command to be displayed on the terminal.

      after-image journaling

      before-image journaling
      recovery-unit journaling

      In this example, the file OVERDUE.DAT is marked for all three
      types of journaling using two SET FILE commands. A single
      journal (JNL_DISK:[PAYABLE]OVERDUE.RMS$JOURNAL) will be used
      for after-image and before-image journaling.

      The first SET FILE command uses the /CREATE
      qualifier to create a new after-image journal,
      JNL_DISK:[PAYABLE]OVERDUE.RMS$JOURNAL. The file specification
      uses the current default directory [PAYABLE] and the default
      file extension RMS$JOURNAL.

      The second SET FILE command checks the disk JNL_DISK to see
      whether a journal already exists, and uses the existing journal
      for before-image journaling, as well as after-image journaling.


      In this example, the files OVERDUE.DAT and VENDORS.DAT are
      unmarked for both after-image and before-image journaling. It
      is not necessary to specify the journals that were used. If
      more than one journaling type was applied to the data files
      (as in the previous example), then you must cancel each of the
      journaling types before you can delete the data files.


      In this example, the files SALARY.DAT and CHECKS.DAT are both
      marked for after-image and for recovery unit journaling. The
      after-image journaling for both files is written to the same


    Requires read (R), write (W), and control access. Being the owner
    of the file is one way to get control access.

    Marks one or more RMS files for before-image journaling. You can
    also specify certain characteristics of the journal with this
    command, including its file specification, whether it is to be
    created, its initial size, and its default extension quantity.
    The SET FILE/NOBI_JOURNAL command unmarks a file for before-image

    The SET FILE command is not supported for remote files. You
    must use the SET FILE command from the system where the file
    is located.

    For more information, see the RMS Journaling documentation.


      SET FILE/[NO]BI_JOURNAL[=(keyword[,...])] data-filespec[,...]

5.1  –  Parameter


    Identifies the file to be marked for before-image journaling. If
    you specify more than one file, separate the file specifications
    with commas. The asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard
    characters are allowed. The file specification cannot include a
    node name, since the SET FILE command is not valid for network

5.2  –  Description

    The SET FILE/BI_JOURNAL command marks one or more RMS files
    for before-image journaling. You can also specify certain
    characteristics of the journal with this command, including its
    file specification, whether it is to be created, its initial
    size, and its default extension quantity. The SET FILE/NOBI_
    JOURNAL command unmarks a file for before-image journaling.

    After a data file is marked for before-image journaling with the
    SET FILE/BI_JOURNAL command, the following events occur whenever
    the data file is opened by RMS for write operations:

    o  The journal is opened.

    o  All subsequent modifications to the data file are recorded in
       the journal.

    By default, the journal has the same file specification as
    the data file that is to be journaled, but with the file type
    RMS$JOURNAL. That is, if you issue the following command, then,
    by default, the file specification for the before-image journal


    If erroneous or corrupt data is introduced into the data file,
    you can use the RMS Recovery Utility to "roll back" the data file
    that has been marked for before-image journaling. This will allow
    you to restore the data file to a previous state by removing data
    until a specified time (prior to the introduction of bad data).

    Use the SET FILE/NOBI_JOURNAL command to unmark a file for
    before-image journaling. After you use the SET FILE/NOBI_JOURNAL
    command for a file, modifications to that data file will no
    longer be written to the journal.

    You must use the SET FILE/NOBI_JOURNAL command before you can
    delete a file that has been marked for before-image journaling.

5.3  –  Keywords

    Four keywords are used as optional parameters to the SET FILE/BI_
    can use any, all, or none of these keywords.

    Use an equal sign (=)  immediately after the SET FILE/BI_JOURNAL
    command to use a keyword. If you use more than one of the
    keywords, enclose the list in parentheses and separate the items
    in the list with commas.


    Specifies the initial size, in blocks, of the journal. The
    ALLOCATION keyword is meaningful only when the CREATE keyword
    is also used.

    The default allocation is 0 blocks.


    Specifies that a new journal is to be created. If no journal
    exists, using this keyword creates a new one. If a journal (with
    the file specification given in this command) already exists,
    using this keyword creates a new version of the journal. In the
    latter instance, the data file named in this SET FILE command
    is journaled to the new journal. Any other files that are being
    journaled to the previous version of the journal will continue to
    be journaled to that previous version.

    If a journal does not already exist, be sure to use the CREATE
    keyword with the SET FILE/BI_JOURNAL command. If you do not
    specify the CREATE keyword and a journal does not exist, a
    journal is not automatically created and an error message is

    When you create a journal for before-image journaling, the file
    protection for the journal is determined as follows:

    o  If a version of the journal that you specify with the CREATE
       keyword already exists, then the new version of the journal
       has the same file protection and access control list (ACL) as
       the most recent version.

    o  If there is no existing journal (that is, if you are creating
       version 1 of the journal), then the file protection and
       ACL of the journal are the default file protection for the
       process that creates the journal, except that none of the four
       ownership categories (system, owner, group, world) is given
       delete access.

    If you want to use a single journal for both after-image and
    before-image journaling, do not use the CREATE keyword with both
    the /AI_JOURNAL and /BI_JOURNAL qualifiers, because that will
    create two separate journals. When you create a journal that
    will be used for more than one data file or more than one type
    of journaling (after-image or before-image), you should first
    use a SET FILE command to create the journal for a single type
    of journaling and for a single data file. After the journal is
    created, then you can use a single SET FILE command for multiple
    data files and both after-image and before-image journaling. For
    example, you might use the following sequence of commands:



    Specifies the default extension quantity, in blocks, for the
    journal. You can specify a value from 0 to 65,535.

    The EXTENSION keyword is meaningful only when you use the CREATE
    keyword. If the file is extended, the value that you specify is
    used. If you do not use the EXTENSION keyword when you create a
    journal, RMS calculates its own EXTENSION value for the journal.


    Specifies the journal where all before-image journal entries for
    the data file will be recorded. The default file specification
    for the journal is the file specification of the data file that
    you name, but with a file type of RMS$JOURNAL. Use the FILE
    keyword if you wish to modify this default file specification
    for the journal. If you provide a partial file specification for
    the before-image journal, any unspecified portions are taken from
    the default file specification.

    The file specification cannot include a node name, since the SET
    FILE command is not valid for network access.

    The FILE keyword is optional with the SET FILE/BI_JOURNAL

    You can use a single journal for multiple data files for before-
    image journaling, and you can also use the same journal for both
    before-image and after-image journaling.

5.4  –  Qualifier

5.4.1    /LOG

       /NOLOG (default)

    Controls whether the SET FILE command displays the file
    specification and the type of journaling that has been set. By
    default, this information is not displayed.

5.5  –  EXAMPLES


      In this example, the file FINANCE_DISK:[PAYROLL]WEEKLY.DAT is
      marked for before-image journaling. The FILE keyword, together
      with the defaults obtained from the file specification of the
      data file, provides the journal with a file specification of
      keyword was used, this journal is created when this SET FILE
      command is given.

      before-image journaling

      In this example, the file SALES.DAT in default directory
      FINANCE_DISK:[REGION_1] is marked for before-image journaling
      and the /LOG qualifier causes the result of the SET FILE
      command to be displayed on the terminal.

      before-image journaling

      after-image journaling
      recovery-unit journaling

      In this example, the file OVERDUE.DAT is marked for all three
      types of journaling using two SET FILE commands. A single
      journal (JNL_DISK:[PAYABLE]OVERDUE.RMS$JOURNAL) will be used
      for after-image and before-image journaling.

      The first SET FILE command uses the /CREATE
      qualifier to create a new before-image journal,
      JNL_DISK:[PAYABLE]OVERDUE.RMS$JOURNAL. The file specification
      uses the current default directory [PAYABLE] and the default
      file extension RMS$JOURNAL.

      The second SET FILE command checks the disk JNL_DISK to see
      whether a journal already exists, and uses the existing journal
      for after-image journaling, as well as before-image journaling.


      In this example, the files OVERDUE.DAT and VENDORS.DAT are
      unmarked for both before-image and after-image journaling. It
      is not necessary to specify the journals that were used. If
      more than one journaling type was applied to the data files
      (as in the previous example), then you must cancel each of the
      journaling types before you can delete the data files.


      In this example, the files SALARY.DAT and CHECKS.DAT are both
      marked for before-image and for recovery unit journaling. The
      before-image journaling for both files is written to the same


    Requires read (R), write (W), and control access. Being the owner
    of the file is one way to get control access.

    Designates the recoverable facility that controls active recovery
    units for the file. Alternatively, when used with the /RU_
    FACILITY qualifier, the SET FILE/RU_ACTIVE command lets you clear
    the designated recoverable facility that controls active recovery
    units for the specified file.

    The SET FILE command is not supported for remote files. You
    must use the SET FILE command from the system where the file
    is located.

    For more information, see the RMS Journaling documentation.


      SET FILE/[NO]RU_ACTIVE=ru-facility data-filespec[,...]

6.1  –  Parameters


    Specifies the number or name of a recoverable facility. It can
    be an integer from 0 through 255, or it can be the name of an
    VSI-registered recoverable facility.

    Facility numbers 1 through 127 are reserved by VSI; facility
    numbers 128 through 255 are available for user-written
    recoverable facilities. RMS is recoverable facility 1; specifying
    the number 1 is equivalent to using the text * corresponds to
    no recoverable facility and is equivalent to using the qualifier
    /NORU_ACTIVE. Currently, the only VSI-defined recoverable facility
    is 1 (RMS).


    Specifies the file that is to be modified. If you specify more
    than one file, separate the file specifications with commas. The
    asterisk (*)  and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters are
    allowed. The file specification cannot include a node name, since
    the SET FILE command is not valid for network access.

6.2  –  Description

    The SET FILE/RU_ACTIVE command designates the recoverable
    facility that controls active recovery units for the file.
    Alternatively, when used with the /RU_FACILITY qualifier, the SET
    FILE/RU_ACTIVE command lets you clear the designated recoverable
    facility that controls active recovery units for the specified
    file. This is useful if a data file is unavailable due to active
    recovery units and an unavailable recovery unit journal.


       When you clear the RU_ACTIVE attribute (using the command
       SET FILE/RU_ACTIVE=0/RU_FACILITY=1), the data in the file is
       likely to be in an inconsistent state. Do not use the data
       file unless you can ensure that the data is consistent.
       After clearing the RU_ACTIVE attribute, you can unmark
       the file for journaling, delete the file, and re-create a
       consistent file using a backup copy.

    You can determine the recoverable facility that controls active
    recovery units (if any) for the file by entering the DCL command
    FILE/RU_JOURNAL command to determine the state of any active
    recovery units.

6.3  –  Qualifier

6.3.1    /LOG


    Controls whether the SET FILE command displays the file
    specification and the type of facility that has been specified.
    By default, this information is not displayed.

6.4  –  EXAMPLES



      If the file WEEKLY.DAT is unavailable due to active recovery
      units and an unavailable recovery unit journal, you can use
      this command to gain access to the file. In this example, the
      recoverable facility is defined as RMS by the /RU_FACILITY=1
      qualifier. The RU_ACTIVE attribute that indicates active RMS
      recovery units for the file WEEKLY.DAT is cleared by the /RU_
      ACTIVE=0 qualifier.


       The data in the file may be inconsistent if there are active
       recovery units. VSI recommends that you not use the contents
       of the data file unless you can verify that the data is

       VSI also recommends that you make a new copy of the file
       using the Convert Utility and that you use the converted
       copy in place of the original.


    Allows you to identify the recoverable facility that controls
    active recovery units on the file.

    The SET FILE command is not supported for remote files. You
    must use the SET FILE command from the system where the file
    is located.

    For more information, see the RMS Journaling documentation.


      SET FILE/RU_FACILITY=ru-facility data-filespec[,...]

7.1  –  Parameters


    Specifies the number or name of a recoverable facility. It can
    be an integer from 0 through 255, or it can be the name of an
    VSI-registered recoverable facility.

    Facility numbers 1 through 127 are reserved by VSI; facility
    numbers 128 through 255 are available for user-written
    recoverable facilities. RMS is recoverable facility 1; specifying
    the number 1 is equivalent to using the text RMS. The number
    0 corresponds to no recoverable facility. Currently, the only
    VSI-defined recoverable facility is 1 (RMS).

    The recoverable facility that you specify is an input parameter
    that is used only to open the file; it does not actually modify
    any file attributes.


    Specifies the file that is to be modified. If you specify more
    than one file, separate the file specifications with commas. The
    asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters are
    allowed. The file specification cannot include a node name, since
    the SET FILE command is not valid for network access.

7.2  –  Description

    The SET FILE/RU_FACILITY command allows you to identify the
    recoverable facility that controls active recovery units on the
    file. You can use any other SET FILE qualifier with the /RU_
    FACILITY qualifier.

    When a data file has active recovery units and RMS journaling
    cannot resolve the recovery units (for example, if the recovery
    unit journal is unavailable), the data file cannot be opened
    or deleted. The presence of active recovery units prevents you
    from unmarking (or marking) a file for any journaling type. With
    the SET FILE/RU_FACILITY/RU_ACTIVE command, you can clear the
    designated recoverable facility that controls active recovery
    units for the data file.


       When you clear the RU_FACILITY attribute (with the command
       SET FILE/RU_ACTIVE=0/RU_FACILITY=1), the data in the file is
       likely to be in an inconsistent state. Do not use the data
       file unless you can ensure that the data is consistent.
       After clearing the RU_ACTIVE attribute, you can unmark
       the file for journaling, delete the file, and re-create a
       consistent file using a backup copy.

    You can determine the recoverable facility that controls active
    recovery units (if any) for the file by entering the DCL command
    FILE/RU_JOURNAL command to determine the state of any active
    recovery units.

7.3  –  Examples

      after-image journaling
      recovery-unit journaling

      This example shows the use of the /RU_FACILITY qualifier to
      allow SET FILE access to a data file. The SET FILE command
      identifies the recoverable facility holding the file and
      it also unmarks the file for recovery unit and after-image
      journaling. After these steps, it is then possible to delete
      the data file.


       If it becomes necessary to use the /RU_FACILITY qualifier
       because of active recovery units, the data in the file may
       be inconsistent. VSI recommends that you not use the data
       file unless you can verify that the data is consistent.

       VSI also recommends that you make a new copy of the file
       using the Convert Utility and that you use the converted
       copy in place of the original.


      In this example, the recoverable facility for the file
      SALES.DAT is identified as RMS by the /RU_FACILITY=RMS
      qualifier, and the RU active file attribute (which indicates
      active RMS recovery units) is cleared by the /RU_ACTIVE=0
      qualifier. If the file SALES.DAT is unavailable due to active
      recovery units and an unavailable recovery unit journal, you
      can use this command to gain access to the file.

      As in the previous example, this operation leaves the data
      file in an inconsistent state. In general, use this command to
      delete the data file, then restore the file from a backup copy.


    Requires read (R), write (W), and control access. Being the owner
    of the file is one way to get control access.

    Marks an RMS file for recovery unit journaling.

    The SET FILE command is not supported for remote files. You
    must use the SET FILE command from the system where the file
    is located.

    For more information, see the RMS Journaling documentation.


      SET FILE/[NO]RU_JOURNAL[=volume-name] data-filespec[,...]

8.1  –  Parameters


    Specifies the volume on which the recovery unit journals will be
    located, using one of the following keywords:

    o  DEVICE=device_name specifies a device name or logical name.

    o  LABEL=volume-label specifies a volume label.

    By default, recovery unit journals are created temporarily in the
    [SYSJNL] directory on the same volume as the file that is being
    journaled. (If such a directory does not exist, RMS journaling
    creates it automatically.) You can change the device on which the
    recovery unit journals are created by using either the DEVICE or
    LABEL keyword.

    Use the DEVICE keyword to specify the location of recovery unit
    journals using a device name or a logical name. Use the LABEL
    keyword to specify the location of recovery unit journals using a
    volume label. You can only use one of these two keywords (LABEL
    or DEVICE) to specify the recovery unit journal location. In
    either case, only the volume label is actually stored with the

    At run time, RMS attempts to translate the logical name
    DISK$volume_label when creating a recovery unit journal. This
    is the default logical name created by the Mount Utility when you
    mount the disk using the /SYSTEM or /CLUSTER qualifier. If you do
    not mount the disk using the /SYSTEM or /CLUSTER qualifier, you
    must define the logical name DISK$volume_label using the DEFINE
    command with the /SYSTEM and /EXECUTIVE_MODE qualifiers. You
    must have the SYSNAM (system logical name) or the SYSPRV (system
    privilege) privilege to use the /SYSTEM qualifier.


       The logical name DISK$volume_label can point to any
       disk device on the system that is mounted and has for
       its volume label an executive-mode logical name in the
       form DISK$volume_label with the concealed and terminal


    Specifies the file that is to be marked for recovery unit
    journaling. If a data file has been marked for recovery unit
    journaling with this command, DECdtm transaction services
    ($START_TRANS, $END_TRANS, and $ABORT_TRANS) must be used by
    an application program to define transactions whenever data in
    this file is modified.

    If you specify more than one file, separate the file
    specifications with commas. The asterisk (*) and the percent
    sign (%) wildcard characters are allowed. The file specification
    cannot include a node name, since the SET FILE command is not
    valid for network access.

8.2  –  Description

    The SET FILE/RU_JOURNAL command marks an RMS file for recovery
    unit journaling. To use recovery unit journaling for a data file,
    a data file must be marked for recovery unit journaling with the
    SET FILE/RU_JOURNAL command, and transactions must be defined
    in an application program using DECdtm transaction services. You
    can also use this command to specify the default volume on which
    recovery unit journals will be created for this file.

    Use the SET FILE/NORU_JOURNAL command to unmark a file for
    recovery unit journaling. After you use the SET FILE/NORU_JOURNAL
    command for a file, modifications to that data file will no
    longer be written to a recovery unit journal.

    If you wish to delete a file that has been marked for recovery
    unit journaling, you must use the SET FILE/NORU_JOURNAL command
    before you can delete the file.

    There is no reason other than performance to keep recovery unit
    journals on a different volume from the file being journaled.
    Unlike after-image journaling, which protects against a system
    failure such as a head crash that causes a loss of data, recovery
    unit journaling ensures that a predefined set of operations are
    either done in their entirety, or not done at all. In the event
    of an abnormal termination of the application, such as a system
    crash or a Ctrl/Y, any incomplete transactions are automatically
    rolled back (undone). Because all recovery unit journals must
    be available before the data files can be rolled back, locating
    recovery unit journals on a volume where availability might be
    low could reduce the availability of the data files that use
    those recovery unit journals.

    Specifying a location for recovery unit journals for a file
    does not guarantee that the recovery unit journals will always
    be located on the named device or volume. For any active
    transaction, there is always only one recovery unit journal for
    local files. Thus, if many files are involved in a transaction, a
    single recovery unit journal is used, even if different locations
    for the journals had been specified (for individual files) with
    different SET FILE/RU_JOURNAL commands.

    Remote files are an exception to this rule. Each remote file
    associated with a transaction has its own recovery unit and
    recovery unit journal. The recovery unit journal resides on the
    remote system. The volume is chosen in the same way as for local
    files. Remote files have no effect in determining where the local
    recovery unit journal resides.

    A journal is not deleted when the transaction has been completed.
    Recovery unit journals are automatically deleted only when
    all of the files involved in the transaction are closed and
    the application exits. RMS journaling automatically creates a
    recovery unit journal at run time, whenever the first record
    stream associates with a transaction. All record streams in
    the process associated with the same transaction share a single
    recovery unit journal. Once a recovery unit journal is created,
    it can be reused for another transaction by the process that
    created it. A recovery unit journal is created only when there is
    no available recovery unit journal opened by the process for the
    current transaction.

8.3  –  Examples


      This command marks the file WEEKLY.DAT for recovery unit
      journaling. Any operation within an application that modifies
      this file must be in a defined transaction (defined by DECdtm
      transaction services).

      after-image journaling
      recovery-unit journaling


      after-image journaling
      recovery-unit journaling

      In this example, the files OVERDUE.DAT and CURRENT.DAT are
      marked for after-image and recovery unit journaling using two
      SET FILE commands. In this example, a single journal (JNL_
      DISK:[PAYABLE]OVERDUE.RMS$JOURNAL) is used for after-image

      The first SET FILE command uses the /CREATE
      qualifier to create a new after-image journal, JNL_
      The file specification uses the current default directory
      [PAYABLE] and the default file extension RMS$JOURNAL.

      The second SET FILE command marks the file CURRENT.DAT for
      after-image and recovery unit journaling, checks the disk JNL_
      DISK to see whether an after-image journal already exists, and
      uses the existing journal JNL_DISK:[PAYABLE]OVERDUE.RMS$JOURNAL
      for the file CURRENT.DAT.
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