Compile the PMDF configuration, alias, mapping, security, system
    wide filter, circuit check, and option files into an OpenVMS
    shareable image.



    Command Qualifiers             Defaults

    /MAXIMUM                       /NOMAXIMUM
    /SIZES                         /NOSIZES
    /STATISTICS                    /NOSTATISTICS

1  –  Restrictions


2  –  Parameters


3  –  Description

    The CNBUILD utility compiles the textual configuration, option,
    mapping, security, conversion, system wide filter, and alias
    files into a single OpenVMS shareable image. The resulting image,
    PMDF_CONFIG_DATA (usually PMDF_EXE:CONFIG_DATA.EXE), can then be
    installed with the OpenVMS INSTALL utility.

    Whenever a component of PMDF (e.g., a channel program) must read
    any possibly compiled configuration component, it first checks
    to see if the PMDF_CONFIG_DATA image exists. If it does, the
    image is merged into the running program using the OpenVMS RTL
    routine LIB$FIND_IMAGE_SYMBOL. There are five exceptions to this
    rule. The first is CNBUILD itself, which for obvious reasons
    always reads the text files and never tries to load the image
    form of the configuration data. The remaining four exceptions are
    can all be instructed with the /NOIMAGE_FILE qualifier to ignore
    any compiled image information. This facility in TEST/REWRITE is
    useful for testing changes prior to compiling them.

    The reason for compiling configuration information is simple:
    performance. The only penalty paid for compilation is the need
    to rebuild and reinstall the file any time the configuration or
    alias files are edited. Also, be sure to restart any channels or
    components which load the configuration data only once when they
    start up (e.g., the PMDF multithreaded TCP SMTP server, the POP
    or IMAP servers, FAX_RECEIVE, BITNET channels, or, if using PMDF-
    MR for MR TS replacement, the All-in-1 Sender, All-in-1 Fetcher,
    and MailWorks server).

    Once you begin to use a compiled configuration, it will be
    necessary to recompile the configuration every time changes are
    made to any of the following files: the PMDF configuration file,
    PMDF.CNF (or any files referenced by it); the system alias file,
    ALIASES.; the system mapping file, MAPPINGS.; the PMDF option
    file, OPTION.DAT; the conversions file, CONVERSIONS., the system
    wide filter file, PMDF.FILTER, the circuit check configuration
    file, CIRCUITCHECK.CNF, or the security configuration file,
    SECURITY.CNF. Until such time that the configuration is
    recompiled and reinstalled, changes to any of these files will
    not be visible to the running PMDF system.

    See the PMDF System Manager's Guide for further details on the
    use of compiled configurations.

4  –  Command Qualifiers

4.1    /IMAGE_FILE


    By default, CNBUILD creates as output the file PMDF_CONFIG_DATA.
    With the /IMAGE_FILE qualifier, an alternate file name may be

    When the /NOIMAGE_FILE qualifier is specified, CNBUILD does not
    produce an output file. This qualifier is used in conjunction
    with the /OPTION_FILE qualifier to produce as output an
    option file which specifies table sizes adequate to hold the
    configuration required by the processed input files.

4.2    /MAXIMUM

       /NOMAXIMUM (default)

    The file PMDF_TABLE:MAXIMUM.DAT is read in addition to PMDF_
    OPTION_FILE when /MAXIMUM is specified. This file specifies near
    maximum table sizes but does not change any other option file
    parameter settings. Only use this qualifier if the current table
    sizes are inadequate. The /NOIMAGE and /OPTION_FILE qualifiers
    should always be used in conjunction with this qualifier-it makes
    no sense to output the enormous configuration that is produced by
    /MAXIMUM, but it does make sense to use /MAXIMUM to get past
    size restrictions in order to build a properly sized option
    file so that a properly sized configuration can be built with
    a subsequent CNBUILD invocation.


       /NOOPTION_FILE (default)

    CNBUILD can optionally produce an option file that contains
    correct table sizes to hold the configuration that was just
    compiled (plus a little room for growth). The /OPTION_FILE
    qualifier causes this file to be output. By default, this file
    is the file pointed to by the PMDF_OPTION_FILE logical, normally
    PMDF_TABLE:OPTION.DAT. The value on the /OPTION_FILE qualifier
    may be used to specify an alternate file name. If the /NOOPTION_
    FILE qualifier is given, then no option file will be output.

    CNBUILD always reads any option file that is already present
    via the PMDF_OPTION_FILE logical name; use of this qualifier
    will not alter this behavior. However, use of the /MAXIMUM
    qualifier causes CNBUILD to read PMDF options from the PMDF_
    TABLE:MAXIMUM.DAT in addition to reading PMDF_OPTION_FILE. This
    file specifies near maximum table sizes. Only use this qualifier
    if the current table sizes are inadequate, and only use it to
    create a new option file. The /NOIMAGE qualifier should always be
    specified when /MAXIMUM is specified since a maximum-size image
    would be truly enormous and extremely wasteful.

4.4    /SIZES

       /NOSIZES (default)

    The /SIZES qualifier instructs PMDF CNBUILD to output information
    on the sizes of the elements of the uncompiled configuration.


       /NOSTATISTICS (default)

    The /STATISTICS qualifier instructs CNBUILD to output information
    on how much of the various tables in the compiled configuration
    were actually used to store data. These numbers give a rough
    measurement of the efficiency of the compilation, and may
    indicate whether or not an additional rebuild with the /OPTION_
    FILE qualifier is needed.

5  –  Examples


      Above are the standard commands used to regenerate and
      reinstall a compiled configuration. After compiling the
      configuration, install it with the DCL INSTALL command and
      then restart any programs which may need to reload the new
      configuration. (For instance, it is necessary to restart the
      PMDF multithreaded TCP SMTP server with the "PMDF RESTART SMTP"
      command after recompiling the configuration.)


      Use the sequence of three commands shown above when you
      encounter the infamous "No room in table" error message.
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