HELPLIB.HLB  —  PASCAL  Input Output
  The  VSI  Pascal  I/O  model  provides  an  extensive   set   of
  predeclared  routines.   These  routines  allow you to establish
  files with sequential, relative,  or  indexed  organization  and
  process them by sequential, direct, or keyed access.

1  –  General

1.1  –  OPEN

  The OPEN procedure opens a file and allows you to  specify  file


            OPEN( file_variable
                  ,[[ERROR := error_recovery]] )

            OPEN( FILE_VARIABLE     := file_variable
               [[,FILE_NAME         := file_name]]
               [[,HISTORY           := history]]
               [[,RECORD_LENGTH     := record_length]]
               [[,ACCESS_METHOD     := access_method]]
               [[,RECORD_TYPE       := record_type]]
               [[,CARRIAGE_CONTROL  := carriage_control]]
               [[,ORGANIZATION      := organization]]
               [[,DISPOSITION       := disposition]]
               [[,SHARING           := file_sharing]]
               [[,USER_ACTION       := user_action]]
               [[,DEFAULT           := default_file_name]]
               [[,ERROR             := error_recovery]] )

  Before the OPEN procedure is called, the file  is  in  undefined
  mode; its mode does not change after OPEN has been executed.

  You cannot use OPEN on a file variable that is already open.

  If you use INPUT or OUTPUT, VSI  Pascal  implicitly  opens  them
  just  before their first use.  VSI Pascal implicitly opens INPUT
  with a history of READONLY.  If you choose, you  can  explicitly
  open INPUT or OUTPUT; to do this, call the OPEN procedure at any
  point in your compilation unit before  you  use  the  first  I/O
  routine on that file.

  Because the RESET, REWRITE,  and  EXTEND  procedures  implicitly
  open  files, you need not always use the OPEN procedure.  RESET,
  REWRITE, and EXTEND impose the same  defaults  as  OPEN,  except
  where noted (in the HISTORY parameter).

  You must use the OPEN procedure  to  create  a  TEXT  file  with
  fixed-length  components,  to  create  a  file  with relative or
  indexed organization, to open a file for direct or keyed access,
  or to specify a line length other than the default for a line in
  a TEXT file.

  See the "HP Pascal Language Reference Manual" for  the  complete
  description of the OPEN procedure.

1.1.1  –  File Variable

  The 'file_variable' is the only required parameter.  It  is  the
  name  of  the  file  variable  associated  with the file that HP
  Pascal is to open.

1.1.2  –  File Name

  The 'file_name' is a character-string expression containing  the
  external file name.  VSI Pascal determines the default file name
  according to the environment in which you are programming.

1.1.3  –  History

  The 'history' is a value that indicates whether the file  exists
  or  if  VSI Pascal must create the file.  If you specify OLD and
  if VSI Pascal cannot find the file, an  error  occurs.   If  you
  specify  READONLY,  you  can  only  read  from  the file; if you
  attempt to write to the file, an error occurs.  If  you  specify
  UNKNOWN, VSI Pascal looks for an existing file but creates a new
  file if there is no  existing  file.   If  you  specify  OLD  or
  UNKNOWN  and  if  the  attempt to open the file generates a file
  protection error, VSI Pascal tries again using READONLY.

  NEW is the default for OPEN/REWRITE openings, while OLD  is  the
  default for EXTEND/RESET openings.

1.1.4  –  Record Length

  The 'record-length' is a positive  integer  that  specifies  the
  maximum  size  in  bytes  for a line in a TEXT file or a file of
  type  FILE  OF  VARYING.   ("Record"  length  is  equivalent  to
  "component"  length.)  The  default is 255 bytes.  For all other
  types of files, VSI Pascal ignores this parameter.

  If you do not specify a length for an existing file, VSI  Pascal
  uses the length specified at the file's creation.

  If you use OPEN to create a  sequentially  organized  file  with
  variable-length  components,  VSI  Pascal  records  the  maximum
  length of each component in the file only if you specify a value
  for the record_type field.

1.1.5  –  Access Method

  The 'access_method' is a  value  that  specifies  the  component
  access  method  to use.  The possible values include SEQUENTIAL,
  DIRECT, and KEYED.  The DIRECT access method  is  equivalent  to
  random  access  by  relative component number.  The KEYED access
  method is equivalent to random access by key.   The  default  is

1.1.6  –  Record Type

  The 'record_type'  is  a  value  that  indicates  the  component
  format.    ("Record"   format   and   "component"   format   are
  equivalent.)  The  available  values  are  FIXED   (fixed-length
  components),   VARIABLE   (variable-length  components),  STREAM
  (stream  component   format   with   either   carriage   return,
  combination   carriage  return  and  line  feed,  or  form  feed
  delimiters), STREAM_CR (stream component  format  with  carriage
  return  delimiters), and STREAM_LF (stream component format with
  line feed delimiters).

  VARIABLE is the default for new TEXT and VARYING OF CHAR,  while
  FIXED is the default for other new files.

1.1.7  –  Carriage Control

  The 'carriage_control' is a value that  indicates  the  carriage
  control  format  for  the file.  The value LIST indicates single
  spacing between components.  The values CARRIAGE and FORTRAN are
  equivalent and indicate that the first character of every output
  line is a carriage  control  character.   The  values  NONE  and
  NOCARRIAGE indicate that the file has no carriage control.

  LIST id the default for TEXT and VARYING OF  CHAR  files,  while
  NONE is the default for all other file types.

1.1.8  –  Organization

  The  'organization'  is  a  value  that   specifies   the   file
  organization.   If  you  are  accessing  an  existing  file, the
  specified  organization  must  match  the  organization  of  the
  existing file; if it does not, an error occurs.  The choices for
  this parameter  are  SEQUENTIAL,  RELATIVE,  and  INDEXED.   The
  default is SEQUENTIAL.  The parameter choices are as follows:

   o  SEQUENTIAL file organization specifies that file  components
      are  stored  one after the other, in the order in which they
      were entered  into  the  file.   VSI  Pascal  supports  this
      organization   for   files   on  disk.   This  is  the  only
      organization  supported  for  files  on  magnetic  tape,  on
      terminals, on card readers, and on line printers.

   o  RELATIVE  file  organization  consists  of   a   series   of
      fixed-length    component    positions    (cells)   numbered
      consecutively from 1 to n.  The numbered, fixed-length cells
      enable  VSI  Pascal  to  calculate  the component's physical
      position in the file.  The cell numbers are called  relative
      component numbers.  VSI Pascal supports this organization on
      disk files only.

   o  INDEXED file organization specifies that, in addition to the
      stored  components,  there exists at least a primary key and
      possibly  alternate  keys  (first  alternate   key,   second
      alternate  key,  and so forth).  VSI Pascal uses the primary
      key to store components and uses a program-specified key  or
      keys   to   retrieve   data.    VSI   Pascal  supports  this
      organization on disk files only.

1.1.9  –  Disposition

  The 'disposition' is a value  that  indicates  what  VSI  Pascal
  should do with the file after you close the file.

  If SAVE is specified,  the  file  is  retained.   If  DELETE  is
  specified, the file is deleted.  If PRINT is specified, the file
  is printed on a line printer and is retained.   If  PRINT_DELETE
  is  specified,  the  file  is  deleted  after it is printed.  If
  SUBMIT is specified, the file is submitted to a queue or  placed
  in  a  background  process and is retained.  If SUBMIT_DELETE is
  specified, the file is deleted after being processed.

  SAVE is the default for external files.  DELETE is  the  default
  for internal files.

1.1.10  –  Sharing

  The 'sharing' is a value that specifies whether  other  programs
  can  access  the  file  while  it  is open.  A value of READONLY
  indicates that other programs can read  but  not  write  to  the
  file.   This  is  the  default  value  for files with HISTORY :=
  READONLY.  READWRITE indicates that other programs can read  and
  write  to  the file when it is open.  A value of NONE denies any
  access to the file while it is open.  This is the default  value
  for all other histories.

1.1.11  –  User Action

  The 'user_action' is the name of a user-written routine that VSI
  Pascal calls to open the file (instead of allowing VSI Pascal to
  open  the  file  with  the  OPEN  procedure).   You  can  use  a
  user-action  routine to open the file using environment-specific
  capabilities of the I/O system underlying HP Pascal.

1.1.12  –  Default

  The 'default' is a string  expression  containing  default  file
  specification information.  For instance, you can use this value
  to set a default directory specification.

1.1.13  –  Error Recovery

  The 'error_recovery' specifies the  action  the  program  should
  take  if  an  error  occurs during execution of the routine.  By
  default, after the first error, the error message is printed and
  execution is stopped.

1.2  –  CLOSE

  The CLOSE procedure closes an open file.


             CLOSE( file_variable
                   ,[[ERROR := error_recovery]] )

             CLOSE( FILE_VARIABLE     := file_variable
                 [[,DISPOSITION       := disposition]]
                 [[,USER_ACTION       := user_action]]
                 [[,ERROR             := error_recovery]] )

  Except for the file variable parameter, all other parameters are
  optional.  If the nonpositional parameter names are not used, as
  in the first  syntax,  the  parameters  must  be  in  the  order
  specified.  If nonpositional parameter names are used, as in the
  second syntax, the parameters can be specified in any order.

1.2.1  –  File Variable

  The 'file_variable' is the name of the file variable  associated
  with the file that VSI Pascal is to close.

1.2.2  –  Disposition

  The 'disposition' is a value  that  indicates  what  VSI  Pascal
  should do with the file after you close the file.

  If SAVE is specified,  the  file  is  retained.   If  DELETE  is
  specified, the file is deleted.  If PRINT is specified, the file
  is printed on a line printer and is retained.   If  PRINT_DELETE
  is  specified,  the  file  is  deleted  after it is printed.  If
  SUBMIT is specified, the file is submitted to a queue or  placed
  in  a  background  process and is retained.  If SUBMIT_DELETE is
  specified, the file is deleted after being processed.

  SAVE is the default for external files.  DELETE is  the  default
  for internal files.

  The disposition  value  in  the  CLOSE  procedure  supersedes  a
  disposition value in the OPEN procedure.

1.2.3  –  User Action

  The 'user_action' is a routine name that  VSI  Pascal  calls  to
  close  the file.  You can use a user-action routine to close the
  file using environment-specific capabilities.

1.2.4  –  Error Recovery

  The 'error_recovery' specifies the action  to  be  taken  if  an
  error occurs during execution of the routine.  By default, after
  the first error, the error message is printed and  execution  is

  Execution of the CLOSE procedure causes the system to close  the
  file  and,  if the file is internal, to delete it.  Each file is
  automatically closed when control passes from the block in which
  it is declared.

  You cannot close  a  file  that  has  not  been  opened  (either
  explicitly  by  the OPEN procedure, or implicitly by the EXTEND,
  RESET, or REWRITE procedure).  If you attempt to  close  a  file
  that was never opened, an error occurs.

  The  file  can  be  in  any  mode  (inspection,  generation,  or
  undefined)  before  the CLOSE procedure is called.  Execution of
  CLOSE sets the mode to undefined.

2  –  Seq Access Input

  The sequential access input procedures are  procedures  used  on
  files opened for sequential access, but they can also be used on
  files opened for direct and keyed access.

2.1  –  GET

  The GET procedure advances the file position and reads the  next
  component  of  the  file  into the file buffer variable.  If the
  file has relative or indexed organization, the component is also
  locked to prevent access by other processes.


     GET( file_variable [[,ERROR := error-recovery]] );

  The 'file_variable' is the name associated with the input file.

  The 'error-recovery' specifies the action  to  be  taken  if  an
  error occurs during execution of the routine.  By default, after
  the first error, the error message is printed and  execution  is

  Before the GET procedure is used for the first time to read  one
  or more file components, the file must be in inspection mode and
  prepared for reading input.   Depending  on  the  access  method
  specified when the file was opened, you can prepare the file for
  input in the following ways:

   o  If the file is open for sequential access,  call  the  RESET
      procedure.   RESET sets the mode to inspection, advances the
      file position  to  the  first  component,  and  assigns  the
      component's value to the file buffer variable.

   o  If the file is open for direct access, call either the RESET
      or the FIND procedure to position the file.

   o  If the file is open for keyed access, call the FINDK, RESET,
      or RESETK procedure to position the file.

  As a result of the GET procedure, the file remains in inspection
  mode,  and the file position advances to the next component.  If
  a component is found other  than  the  end-of-file  marker,  the
  component  is  locked,  EOF  is  set  to  FALSE, the file buffer
  variable takes on the value of the component, and UFB is set  to
  FALSE.   If  a  component is not found or the end of the file is
  reached, EOF and UFB are set to  TRUE.   If  the  GET  procedure
  fails, UFB is set to TRUE and EOF becomes undefined.

  See the "HP Pascal Language Reference Manual" for  the  complete
  description of the GET procedure.

2.2  –  READ

  The READ procedure reads one or  more  file  components  into  a


     READ( [[file_variable,]] {variable-identifier
        [[:radix-specifier]]},... [[, ERROR := error-recovery]] );

  The 'file_variable' is the name associated with the input  file.
  If you omit the name of the file, the default is INPUT.

  The 'variable-identifier' is the name of the variable into which
  a   file  component  will  be  read;  multiple  identifiers  are
  separated by commas.

  The 'radix-specifier' is one of the format values BIN,  OCT,  or
  HEX.   These  values,  when  used on a variable identifier, will
  read  the  variable  in  binary,  octal,  or  hexadecimal  radix
  respectively.   You  can use a radix specifier only when reading
  from a TEXT file.

  The 'error-recovery' is the action  to  be  taken  if  an  error
  occurs  during  execution of the routine.  By default, after the
  first error, the error  message  is  printed  and  execution  is

  The file must be in inspection mode before READ is called.   The
  file  remains  in  inspection  mode  after  execution  of a READ

  By definition, the READ procedure for a nontext file performs an
  assignment  statement,  a GET procedure, and an UNLOCK procedure
  for each variable.

  The READ procedure reads from the file  until  it  has  found  a
  value  for  each  variable in the list.  The first value read is
  assigned to the first variable in the  list,  the  second  value
  read  is assigned to the second variable, and so on.  The values
  and  the  variables  must  be  of  assignment-compatible  types.
  Reading stops if an error occurs.

  For a TEXT file, more than one component (character) can be read
  into  a  single  variable.   For example, many characters can be
  read into a string or converted into a  numeric  variable.   The
  READ  procedure  repeats the assignment, GET, and UNLOCK process
  until it has read a sequence  of  characters  that  represent  a
  legal  value  for  the next variable in the parameter list.  The
  procedure continues to read components from the  file  until  it
  has assigned a value to each variable in the list.

  See the "HP Pascal Language Reference  Manual"  for  a  complete
  description of the READ procedure.

2.3  –  RESET

  The RESET procedure readies a file for reading.


     RESET( file_variable [[, file_name]]
            [[, ERROR := error-recovery]] );

  The 'file_variable' is the name of the file variable  associated
  with  the input file.  You do not need this argument if the file
  was opened with the OPEN procedure.

  The  'file_name'  represents  the  string   expression   to   be
  associated with the 'file_variable'.  If the file was previously
  opened with the OPEN procedure, 'file_name' is ignored.

  The 'error-recovery' represents the action to  be  taken  if  an
  error occurs during execution of the routine.  By default, after
  the first error, the error message is printed and  execution  is

  The file can be in any mode before you call  RESET;  a  call  to
  RESET  sets  the  file  to  inspection  mode.  If the file is an
  external file and is not already open, RESET opens it using  the
  same  defaults  as  the OPEN procedure.  You cannot use RESET to
  create a file.

  After execution of RESET, the file is positioned  at  the  first
  component,  and  the  file buffer variable contains the value of
  this component.  If the file is not empty, EOF  and  UFB  return
  FALSE  and  the  first  component is locked to prevent access by
  other processes.  If the file is empty, EOF and UFB return TRUE.
  If  the  file  does  not  exist,  RESET  does not create it, but
  returns an error at run time.

  You should call RESET before reading any  file  with  sequential
  organization  except  the  predeclared  file  INPUT.   The RESET
  procedure removes the end-of-file marker from any file connected
  to  a  terminal  device (including INPUT), thus allowing reading
  from  the  file  to  continue.   If  you  call  RESET  for   the
  predeclared file OUTPUT, an error occurs.

  A call to RESET on a relative  file  opened  for  direct  access
  positions the file at its first existing component.

  A call to RESET on an  indexed  file  opened  for  keyed  access
  positions  the  file  at  the  first  component  relative to the
  primary key.

  See the "HP Pascal Language Reference  Manual"  for  a  complete
  description of the RESET procedure.

3  –  Seq Access Output

  The sequential access output procedures apply primarily to files
  opened for sequential access; but can also be used on direct and
  keyed access files.

3.1  –  EXTEND

  The EXTEND procedure opens an existing file, positions the  file
  buffer  after  the  last component, and prepares it for writing.
  It is commonly used to append to a file.


     EXTEND( file_variable [[, file_name]]
             [[, ERROR := error-recovery]] );

  The 'file_variable' is the name of the file variable  associated
  with the output file.

  The 'file_name' is the name of the file to  be  associated  with
  the  'file_variable'.   If  the  file  was  opened with the OPEN
  procedure, the 'file_name' is ignored.

  The 'error-recovery' is the action  to  be  taken  if  an  error
  occurs during execution of the routine.

  The file can be in any mode before EXTEND is called to  set  the
  mode  to generation.  If the file is an external file and is not
  already open, EXTEND opens it using the defaults  for  the  OPEN

  After execution of EXTEND, the file is positioned after the last
  component,  and  EOF  and UFB return TRUE.  If the file does not
  exist, EXTEND does not create it, but returns an  error  at  run

  A call to EXTEND on a relative file  opened  for  direct  access
  positions the file after its last existing component.

  A call to EXTEND on an indexed file opened for random access  by
  key  positions the file after the last component relative to the
  primary key.

  See the "HP Pascal Language Reference  Manual"  for  a  complete
  description of the EXTEND procedure.

3.2  –  PUT

  The PUT procedure adds a new component to a file.


     PUT( file_variable [[, ERROR := error-recovery]] );

  The 'file_variable' specifies the  name  of  the  file  variable
  associated with the output file.

  The 'error-recovery' is the action  to  be  taken  if  an  error
  occurs during execution of the routine.

  Before executing the first PUT procedure on a  file  opened  for
  sequential  access,  you  must  execute  an  EXTEND,  REWRITE or
  TRUNCATE procedure to set the file to generation mode.   EXTEND,
  REWRITE  and  TRUNCATE  set EOF to TRUE, thus preparing the file
  for output.  (TRUNCATE is legal only on  files  with  sequential
  organization.)   If  the  file  has  indexed  organization,  the
  components to be written must be ordered by the primary key.

  Before executing the first PUT statement on a  file  opened  for
  direct  access,  you  must  execute an EXTEND, REWRITE or LOCATE
  procedure to position the file.

  The PUT procedure writes the value of the file  buffer  variable
  at  the  end  of  the specified sequential-file or direct-access
  file.  You can use LOCATE to position a direct-access  file  and
  then  use  PUT to write the value of the file buffer variable at
  that position.  After execution of the PUT procedure, the  value
  of  the  file  buffer  variable  becomes  undefined (UFB returns
  TRUE).  EOF remains TRUE and  the  file  remains  in  generation

  You  can  call  the  PUT  procedure  for  a  keyed-access  file,
  regardless  of  the  file's  mode  (inspection,  generation,  or
  undefined).  PUT causes the file buffer variable to  be  written
  to  the  file  at  the  position  indicated  by the key.  If the
  component has more than one key, the  file  buffer  variable  is
  inserted  in  each  index  at  the  appropriate location.  After
  execution of PUT, a keyed-access file is in generation mode.

  See the "HP Pascal Language Reference  Manual"  for  a  complete
  description of the PUT procedure.

3.3  –  REWRITE

  The REWRITE procedure readies a file for output.


     REWRITE( file_variable [[, file_name]]
              [[, ERROR := error-recovery]] );

  The 'file_variable' is the name of the file variable  associated
  with the output file.

  The 'file_name' is a string expression to be associated with the
  file_variable.   Files  opened  with REWRITE and the 'file_name'
  stay resident on the disk after the program exits.  However,  if
  the  file was opened with the OPEN procedure, the 'file_name' is

  The 'error-recovery' specifies the action  to  be  taken  if  an
  error occurs during execution of the routine.  By default, after
  the first error, the error message is printed and  execution  is

  The file can be in any mode before REWRITE is called to set  the
  mode  to  generation.  If the file variable has not been opened,
  REWRITE creates and opens it using the same defaults as the OPEN

  The REWRITE procedure truncates a file to length zero  and  sets
  EOF and UFB to TRUE.  You can then write new components into the
  file with the PUT, WRITE, and  WRITELN  procedures  (WRITELN  is
  defined   only  for  text  files).   After  the  file  is  open,
  successive calls to REWRITE truncate  the  existing  file  to  a
  length of zero; they do not create new versions of the file.

  To update an existing file  with  sequential  organization,  you
  must   either   use  the  EXTEND  procedure,  use  the  TRUNCATE
  procedure, or copy the contents to another file, specifying  new
  values for the components you need to update.

  When applied to a file with relative  or  indexed  organization,
  REWRITE  deletes  the  contents  of  the  file and sets the file
  position to the beginning of an empty file.

  See the "HP Pascal Language Reference  Manual"  for  a  complete
  description of the REWRITE procedure.

3.4  –  WRITE

  The WRITE procedure assigns data to an output file.


     WRITE( [[file_variable, ]]{expression},...
            [[,ERROR := error-recovery]] )

  The 'file_variable' is the name of the file variable  associated
  with  the  output  file.   If you omit the name of the file, the
  default is OUTPUT.

  The 'expression' is an expression whose value is to be  written;
  multiple output values must be separated with commas.  An output
  value must have the same type as the file  components;  however,
  values  written  to  a  TEXT file can also be expressions of any
  ordinal, real, or string type.

  The 'error-recovery' specifies the action  to  be  taken  if  an
  error occurs during execution of the routine.  By default, after
  the first error, the error message is printed and  execution  is

  The file (unless it is a random-access by key file) must  be  in
  generation  mode before WRITE is called; it remains in that mode
  after WRITE has executed.

  By definition, a WRITE statement to a nontext file  performs  an
  assignment  to  the file buffer variable and a PUT statement for
  each output value.  For nontext files, the types of  the  output
  values  must be assignment compatible with the component type of
  the file.

  See the "HP Pascal Language Reference  Manual"  for  a  complete
  description of the WRITE procedure.

4  –  Misc

  The miscellaneous routines are generally used when dealing  with
  sequential  access  files.   In  some cases, they can be used on
  direct or keyed access files.

4.1  –  EOF

  The EOF (end  of  file)  function  indicates  whether  the  file
  pointer  is  positioned  after  the  last component in a file by
  returning a Boolean value.


     EOF[[( file_variable )]]

  The 'file_variable' is the name of the file variable  associated
  with  the  input  file.   If  you omit the name of the file, the
  default is INPUT.

  The file can be in either inspection or generation  mode  before
  EOF  is called; however, end-of-file must be defined.  The input
  operations  GET,  RESET,  and  FINDK  are  guaranteed  to  leave
  end-of-file  defined.   The  file mode does not change after EOF
  has been executed.

  EOF returns TRUE when the file pointer is positioned  after  the
  last  component  in  the  file,  and  returns  FALSE  up  to and
  including the time when the last component of the input file  is
  read into the file buffer.  You must attempt to retrieve another
  file component after the last to determine whether the  file  is
  positioned at end-of-file.

  When EOF is tested for a file with relative organization  opened
  for  direct  access,  the  result  is  TRUE  if  the  file is in
  inspection mode and the last GET or RESET  operation  positioned
  the  file beyond the last existing component.  If the file is in
  generation or undefined mode, the result of EOF is undefined.

  When EOF is tested for a file with indexed  organization  opened
  for  keyed  access,  the  result  is  TRUE  if  the  file  is in
  inspection mode and  the  last  FINDK,  GET,  RESET,  or  RESETK
  operation positioned the file beyond the last component with the
  current key number.  Successful attempts at FINDK,  GET,  RESET,
  and  RESETK  cause  EOF  to  be  FALSE.   If  the file is not in
  inspection mode, EOF is undefined.

  If you attempt to read a file after EOF becomes TRUE,  an  error

  See the "HP Pascal Language Reference  Manual"  for  a  complete
  description of the EOF function.

4.2  –  STATUS

  The STATUS function indicates the status of a file following the
  last operation performed on it.


     STATUS( file_variable )

  The 'file_variable' is the name of the file variable  associated
  with the file to be tested.

  The file can be in any mode before STATUS is called;  unless  an
  error  occurs,  STATUS  does  not  change  the  file  mode  upon

  The  STATUS  function  returns  integer  codes  indicating   the
  previous  operation's  effect  on the file.  If the operation is
  successful, 0 is returned.  If end-of-file is encountered, -1 is
  returned.   If  an  error  is encountered, a positive integer is
  returned.  (The actual  number  is  environmental  specific  and
  indicates the exact error that occured.)

  A test by the STATUS function on  a  TEXT  file  causes  delayed
  device  access  to  occur, thus filling the file buffer with the
  next file component.  Therefore,  EOF,  EOLN,  UFB,  and  STATUS
  never  return  an  error  code  following  a  successful  STATUS
  function call.

  See the "HP Pascal Language Reference  Manual"  for  a  complete
  description of the STATUS function.

4.3  –  TRUNCATE

  The TRUNCATE procedure indicates that the current file component
  and all components following it are to be deleted.  TRUNCATE can
  only be used on a file that has sequential organization.


     TRUNCATE( file_variable [[, ERROR := error-recovery]] );

  The 'file_variable' is the name of the file variable  associated
  with the file to be truncated.

  The 'error-recovery' specifies the action  to  be  taken  if  an
  error occurs during execution of the routine.  By default, after
  the first error, the error message is printed and  execution  is

  The file must be in inspection mode before TRUNCATE  is  called.
  After  the  procedure  has  been  executed,  the  mode is set to
  generation so that you can write to the file.

  After the appropriate components have  been  deleted,  the  file
  remains  positioned  at the new end-of-file, but the file buffer
  itself is undefined.  Thus, EOF and UFB are both set to TRUE.

  See the "HP Pascal Language Reference  Manual"  for  a  complete
  description of the TRUNCATE procedure.

4.4  –  UFB

  The UFB (undefined file buffer) function returns a Boolean value
  that  indicates  whether  the  last file operation gave the file
  buffer an undefined status.


     UFB( file_variable )

  The 'file_variable' is the name of the file variable  associated
  with the file whose buffer is being tested.

  The file can be in any mode before UFB is called;  execution  of
  UFB does not change the file mode.

  UFB tests the effect of the last I/O operation done to the file.
  UFB  returns  FALSE  if a successful GET, FIND, FINDK, RESET, or
  RESETK operation has filled the file buffer.  GET, FIND,  FINDK,
  RESET,  and  RESETK  procedure  calls  that do not fill the file
  buffer set UFB to TRUE.

  UFB  also  returns  TRUE  after  DELETE,  EXTEND,  LOCATE,  PUT,
  REWRITE,  TRUNCATE, and UPDATE procedures have left the contents
  of the file buffer unknown.

  Assigning a new value to the  file  buffer  with  an  assignment
  statement does not change the value of UFB.

  See the "HP Pascal Language Reference  Manual"  for  a  complete
  description of the UFB function.

4.5  –  UNLOCK

  The UNLOCK procedure releases the  current  file  component  for
  access by other processes.


     UNLOCK( file_variable [[, ERROR := error-recovery]] );

  The 'file_variable' is the name of the file variable  associated
  with the file whose component is to be unlocked.

  The 'error-recovery' specifies the action  to  be  taken  if  an
  error occurs during execution of the routine.  By default, after
  the first error, the error message is printed and  execution  is

  The file must be in inspection mode before UNLOCK is called;  it
  remains in inspection mode after UNLOCK has executed.

  If the component at which the file  pointer  is  positioned  has
  been locked, the UNLOCK procedure releases it.

5  –  Text File

  Text  file  manipulation  routines  apply  only  to  text  files
  (including INPUT, OUTPUT, and ERR).

5.1  –  EOLN

  The EOLN function tests for the end-of-line marker within a text
  file and returns a Boolean value.


     EOLN [[( file_variable )]]

  The 'file_variable' is the name of a  file  variable  associated
  with a text file.  If you omit the name of the file, the default
  is INPUT.

  The file must be in inspection mode and EOF  must  return  FALSE
  before EOLN is called.  EOLN leaves the file in inspection mode.

  The Boolean EOLN function returns TRUE when the file pointer  is
  positioned  after  the  last character in a line.  When the EOLN
  function  returns  TRUE,  the  file  buffer  contains  a   blank

  The EOLN function returns FALSE when the last component  in  the
  line  is  read  into the file buffer.  Another character must be
  read to cause EOLN to return TRUE and to cause the  file  buffer
  to  be  positioned  at the end-of-line marker following the last
  character of the line.  If  you  use  the  EOLN  function  on  a
  nontext file, an error occurs.

  See the "HP Pascal Language Reference  Manual"  for  a  complete
  description of the EOLN function.


  The LINELIMIT procedure stops execution of the program  after  a
  specified number of lines has been written into a TEXT file.


     LINELIMIT( file_variable, n [[, ERROR := error-recovery]] );

  The 'file_variable' is the name of the file variable  associated
  with the TEXT file to which the limit applies.

  The 'n' is a positive  integer  expression  that  indicates  the
  number of lines that can be written to the file before execution

  The 'error-recovery' specifies the action  to  be  taken  if  an
  error occurs during execution of the routine.  By default, after
  the first error, the error message is printed and  execution  is

  The file can be in any mode before LINELIMIT is called; the file
  mode does not change after LINELIMIT has been executed.

  VSI Pascal first uses environment-specific means to determine if
  there   is   a   default   line   limit.    If   there   is  not
  environment-specific default, there is no  default  line  limit.
  You can use a call to LINELIMIT to override the default.

  After the number of lines written into the file has reached  the
  line  limit,  program  execution  terminates  unless the WRITELN
  procedure that exceeded the line limit  includes  the  ERROR  :=
  CONTINUE parameter.

  See the "HP Pascal Language Reference  Manual"  for  a  complete
  description of the LINELIMIT procedure.

5.3  –  PAGE

  The PAGE procedure skips from the current page to the next  page
  of a TEXT file.


     PAGE( file_variable [[, ERROR := error-recovery]] );

  The 'file_variable' is the name of the file variable  associated
  with a TEXT file.

  The 'error-recovery' specifies the action  to  be  taken  if  an
  error occurs during execution of the routine.  By default, after
  the first error, the error message is printed and  execution  is

  The file must be in generation mode before the PAGE procedure is
  called;  the mode does not change as a result of the procedure's

  Execution of the PAGE procedure clears the record buffer, if  it
  contains  data,  by  performing  a  WRITELN  procedure, and then
  advances the output to a new page of the  specified  TEXT  file.
  The  next component written to the file begins on the first line
  of a new page.  You can use this procedure only on  TEXT  files.
  If you specify a file of any other type, an error occurs.

  The value of the page eject component that is output to the file
  depends  on  the  carriage  control  format for that file.  When
  CARRIAGE or  FORTRAN  is  enabled,  the  page  eject  record  is
  equivalent  to  the  carriage control character '1'.  When LIST,
  NOCARRIAGE, or NONE is enabled,  the  page  eject  record  is  a
  single form feed character.

  See the "HP Pascal Language Reference  Manual"  for  a  complete
  description of the PAGE procedure.

5.4  –  READLN

  The READLN procedure reads lines of data from a TEXT file.


     READLN [[( [[file_variable,]] {variable-identifier
     [[:radix-specifier]]},... [[, ERROR := error-recovery]]) ]];

  The 'file_variable' is the name of the file variable  associated
  with  the  TEXT  file  to  be read.  If you omit the name of the
  file, the default is INPUT.

  The 'variable-identifier' is the name of the variable into which
  a   file  component  will  be  read;  multiple  identifiers  are
  separated by commas.  If you do not specify any  variable  name,
  READLN skips a line in the specified file.

  The 'radix-specifier' is one of the format values BIN,  OCT,  or
  HEX.  These values, when used on a variable identifier, read the
  variable in binary, octal, or  hexadecimal,  respectively.   You
  can use a radix specifier only when reading from a TEXT file.

  The 'error-recovery' specifies the action  to  be  taken  if  an
  error occurs during execution of the routine.  By default, after
  the first error, the error message is printed and  execution  is

  The file must be in inspection mode before READLN is called;  it
  remains in that mode after the procedure's execution.

  The READLN procedure reads  values  from  a  TEXT  file.   After
  reading   values  for  all  the  listed  variables,  the  READLN
  procedure skips over any characters  remaining  on  the  current
  line  and  positions the file at the beginning of the next line.
  The values need not all be on a single  line;  READLN  continues
  until  values have been assigned to all the specified variables,
  even if this process results in the reading of several lines  of
  the input file.

  EOLN returns TRUE after a READLN procedure only if the new  line
  is empty.

  See the "HP Pascal Language Reference  Manual"  for  a  complete
  description of the READLN procedure.

5.5  –  WRITELN

  The WRITELN procedure writes a line of data to a text file.


     WRITELN [[( [[file_variable,]] {expression},...
        [[, ERROR := error-recovery]] )]]

  The 'file_variable' is the name of the file variable  associated
  with  the  text file to be written.  If you omit the name of the
  file, the default is OUTPUT.

  The 'expression' is an expression whose value is to be  written;
  multiple  output  values  must  be  separated  by  commas.   The
  expressions can be of any ordinal, real, or string type and  are
  written with a default field width.

  The 'error-recovery' specifies the action  to  be  taken  if  an
  error occurs during execution of the routine.  By default, after
  the first error, the error message is printed and  execution  is

  The file must be in generation mode before WRITELN is called; it
  remains in that mode after WRITELN has been executed.

  The WRITELN procedure writes the specified values into the  TEXT
  file, inserts an end-of-line marker after the end of the current
  line, and then positions the file at the beginning of  the  next

  You can specify a carriage-control character as the  first  item
  in  an  output  line.  When you use carriage-control characters,
  make sure that the file is open  with  either  the  CARRIAGE  or
  FORTRAN option.

  If you specify a carriage format but  use  an  invalid  carriage
  control  character,  the first character in the line is ignored.
  The output appears with the first character truncated.

  See the "HP Pascal Language Reference  Manual"  for  a  complete
  description of the WRITELN procedure.

6  –  Direct Access

  Direct access procedures  are  generally  legal  only  on  files
  opened  for  direct  access.  In some cases, procedures apply to
  keyed access files as well.

6.1  –  DELETE

  The DELETE procedure deletes the current file component.  DELETE
  can  be used only on files with relative or indexed organization
  that have been opened for direct or keyed access; it  cannot  be
  used on files with sequential organization.


     DELETE( file_variable[[, ERROR := error-recovery]] );

  The 'file_variable' is the name of the file variable  associated
  with the file from which a component is to be deleted.

  The 'error-recovery' specifies the action  to  be  taken  if  an
  error occurs during execution of the routine.  By default, after
  the first error, the error message is printed and  execution  is

  The file must be in inspection mode before DELETE is called; the
  mode does not change after the procedure's execution.

  When the DELETE procedure is called, the current  component,  as
  indicated by the file buffer, must already have been locked by a
  successful FIND, FINDK, GET, RESET, or RESETK  procedure  before
  it  can  be  deleted.  After deletion, the component is unlocked
  and the UFB function returns TRUE.

  See the "HP Pascal Language Reference  Manual"  for  a  complete
  description of the DELETE procedure.

6.2  –  FIND

  The FIND procedure positions a file at  a  specified  component.
  The  file  must  be  open  for  direct  access  and must contain
  fixed-length components.


     FIND( file_variable, component-number
           [[, ERROR := error-recovery]] );

  The 'file_variable' is the name of the file variable  associated
  with a file that is open for direct access.

  The 'component-number' is a  positive  integer  expression  that
  indicates  the  component at which the file is to be positioned.
  If the component number is zero or negative,  a  run-time  error

  The 'error-recovery' specifies the action  to  be  taken  if  an
  error occurs during execution of the routine.  By default, after
  the first error, the error message is printed and  execution  is

  The FIND procedure allows direct access to the components  of  a
  file.   You  can  use  the  FIND  procedure  to  move forward or
  backward in a file.

  After execution of the FIND procedure, the file is positioned at
  the  specified  component.  The file buffer variable assumes the
  value of the component, and the file mode is set to  inspection.
  If   the  file  has  relative  organization,  the  current  file
  component is locked.  If there  is  no  file  component  at  the
  selected  position,  the  file  buffer is undefined (UFB becomes
  TRUE) and the mode becomes undefined.  After any call  to  FIND,
  the value of EOF is undefined.

  You can use the FIND procedure only when reading a file that was
  opened  by the OPEN procedure.  If the file is open because of a
  default open (that is, with EXTEND, RESET, or REWRITE),  a  call
  to  FIND  results in a run-time error because the default access
  method is sequential.

  See the "HP Pascal Language Reference  Manual"  for  a  complete
  description of the FIND procedure.

6.3  –  LOCATE

  The  LOCATE  procedure  positions  a  random-access  file  at  a
  particular  component  so that the next PUT procedure can modify
  that component.


     LOCATE( file_variable, component-number
        [[, ERROR := error-recovery]] );

  The 'file_variable' is the name of the file variable  associated
  with the file to be positioned.

  The  'component-number'  is  a   positive   integer   expression
  indicating  the relative component number of the component to be

  The 'error-recovery' specifies the action  to  be  taken  if  an
  error occurs during execution of the routine.  By default, after
  the first error, the error message is printed and  execution  is

  The file can be in any mode before LOCATE is called.   The  mode
  is set to generation after the procedure's execution.

  The LOCATE procedure positions the file so  that  the  next  PUT
  procedure  writes  the  contents  of  the  file  buffer into the
  selected  component.   After  LOCATE  has  been  performed,  UFB
  returns TRUE and EOF is undefined.

  See the "HP  Pascal  Language  Reference  Manual"  for  complete
  information on the LOCATE procedure.

6.4  –  UPDATE

  The UPDATE procedure writes the contents of the file buffer into
  the current component.


     UPDATE( file_variable[[, ERROR := error-recovery]] );

  The 'file_variable' is the name of the file variable  associated
  with the file whose component is to be updated.

  The 'error-recovery' specifies the action  to  be  taken  if  an
  error occurs during execution of the routine.  By default, after
  the first error, the error message is printed and  execution  is

  The file must be in inspection mode before UPDATE is called;  it
  remains in that mode after the procedure's execution.

  The UPDATE procedure is legal for files that  have  been  opened
  for  random access ("direct" or "keyed").  The current component
  must already have been locked by a successful FIND, FINDK,  GET,
  RESET,  or  RESETK  procedure  before  the  contents of the file
  buffer can be rewritten into it.  After  the  update  has  taken
  place, the component is unlocked and UFB returns TRUE.

  See the "HP  Pascal  Language  Reference  Manual"  for  complete
  information on the UPDATE procedure.

7  –  Keyed Access

  Keyed access procedures are legal only on files opened for keyed

7.1  –  FINDK

  The FINDK procedure searches the index of an indexed file opened
  for keyed access and locates a specific component.


     FINDK( file_variable, key-number, key-value[[, match-type]]
           [[, ERROR := error-recovery]] );

  The 'file_variable' is the name of the file variable  associated
  with the file to be searched.

  The 'key-number' is a positive integer expression that indicates
  the key position.

  The 'key-value' is an expression that indicates the  key  to  be
  found.   It  must be assignment compatible with the key field in
  the specified key position.

  The  'match-type'  is   an   identifier   that   indicates   the
  relationship  between  the key value in the FINDK procedure call
  and key value of a component.

  The 'error-recovery' specifies the action  to  be  taken  if  an
  error occurs during execution of the routine.  By default, after
  the first error, the error message is printed and  execution  is

  When you establish key fields with the KEY attribute, you assign
  each  one  a  key number from 0 to 254.  Key number 0 represents
  the mandatory primary key of the  file.   Separate  indexes  are
  built for each key number in the file.

  The key value and the match type provide information  about  the
  key  to  be  found.  The key value must be assignment compatible
  with the key fields of the key number being searched.  The match
  type  must be EQL (equal to the key value), NXT (the next key in
  the collating sequence after the key value), or NXTEQL (the next
  or equal key in the collating sequence after the key value).

  If the FINDK  procedure  was  used  on  an  ascending  collating
  sequence, NXT and NXTEQL would be equivalent to GTR and GEQ.  If
  a descending collating sequence was used, it would be  the  same
  as  LSS  and  LEQ.   The  match type is optional; if omitted, it
  defaults to EQL.

  The FINDK procedure can be called for any  indexed  file  opened
  for  keyed  access,  regardless  of  the  file's  mode.   If the
  component described exists, the file buffer is filled with  that
  component;  UFB  and  EOF both become FALSE.  The mode is set to
  inspection and the component is  automatically  locked.   If  no
  component  is  found  to match the description, UFB becomes TRUE
  and EOF is undefined.  The mode is set to undefined.

  See the "HP  Pascal  Language  Reference  Manual"  for  complete
  information on the FINDK procedure.

7.2  –  RESETK

  The RESETK procedure, like the RESET procedure, readies  a  file
  for reading.


     RESETK( file_variable, key-number[[, ERROR := error-recovery]] );

  The 'file_variable' is the name of the file variable  associated
  with the input file.

  The 'key-number' is a positive integer expression that indicates
  the key position.

  The 'error-recovery' specifies the action  to  be  taken  if  an
  error occurs during execution of the routine.  By default, after
  the first error, the error message is printed and  execution  is

  The file can be in any mode before RESETK is called to  set  the
  mode to inspection.

  RESETK can be applied only to indexed files  opened  for  random
  access  by  key.   You assign a key number from 0 to 254 to each
  key field of a file component with the KEY attribute.  The  file
  is  searched  for  the  component  with  the lowest value in the
  specified  key  number.   This  component  becomes  the  current
  component  in  the file and is locked.  The value of the current
  component is copied into the file buffer; EOF and UFB are set to
  FALSE.   If  the  component  does  not exist, EOF and UFB become

  Note that a RESETK procedure on key number 0 is equivalent to  a
  RESET procedure.

  See the "HP  Pascal  Language  Reference  Manual"  for  complete
  information on the RESETK procedure.
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