Sorry. HyperReader cannot reproduce this figure. Sorry. HyperReader cannot reproduce this figure. To view your namespace, complete the following steps: 1 When you start DSMDECdns, the only item displayed is the root directory of the default namespace. Double-click on the root directorexpand (open) it.collapse(close) an expanded directory, double-click on it. When you expand a directory, all soft links and object entries to which you have read access display, as do all child directories, although you can expand only those child directo- ries to which you have read access. Directories, object entries, and soft links all have icons associated with them. Most object entries have unique icons entry represents.aWheniDSMDECdns doestnot recognizecthehat the class of an entry, it displays a generic icon. Double-click to see the icons. 2 Double-click on single directories, to continue expanding a particular directory path one level at a time. 3 To expand/collapse a group of directories, select and double- click. You can expand/collapse groups of directories only one level at a time. 4 rectory,dthenlcontinueeselectingcdirectoriescbyoshift-clicking- on them. Double-click on the last directory, while still pressing the Shift key (selects the last directory, then expands /collapses all selected directories). Double-click on the icon to your left to try another exercise or, when done, click on the Close button below.