Site powered by WASD and VMS   info-WASD Mailing List

info-WASD  This list exists to provide a public forum for the discussion of the WASD HTTPd OpenVMS Web Server and any issues which may arise with it. The list will also be used to make announcements about the software from time to time, e.g. new releases, bugfixes (!), and other information which the authors may feel to be of interest.

The list is semi-moderated: messages from non-subscribers will be forwarded to the list maintainer for "approval" before being redistributed. Messages from subscribers will be distributed without interference, so we would appreciate it if you refrain from posting irrelevant or frivolous material. Most of us have enough of that flying around our electronic mailboxes already!

To Mail  Send the message to  info-wasd at vsm period com period au  It is always helpful to provide a descriptive but concise subject line. When replying to a message please include a courtesy-copy to the mailing-list (so that others may share in your expertise :^) and a subject comprising "RE: original-subject-line". This will also assist the archiver.
SPAM policy  You should never receive any spam on the Info-WASD mailing list, and we take very seriously any reports of mailing list abuse.

Some anti-spam software or services may wrongly decide a legitimate Info-WASD message is spam. To prevent this happening, please take one or more of the following actions:

  • Allow mail with the text   [Info-WASD]   in the Subject header.
  • Add the IP addresses to the list of "trusted" hosts.
    (Or, the specific hosts, &

If your mailserver rejects a message outright or generates repeated automatic responses, we will attempt to contact you to get the problem fixed. If we can't make contact, you will be removed from the list.

Archive  This archive uses soyMAIL's public interface.
To Subscribe  Send a mail message to  info-wasd-request at vsm period com period au  specifying the command
in the body of the mail message.

Alternatively, you may enter your details in the form provided below and hit the SUBSCRIBE button.

Either way, your request will be forwarded to the list operator for action. It can take a few hours before you get added to the list.

To UNsubscribe  Send a mail message to  info-wasd-request at vsm period com period au  specifying the command
in the body of the mail message.

Alternatively, you may enter your details in the form provided below and hit the UNSUBSCRIBE button.

Either way, your request will be forwarded to the list operator for action. It can take a few hours before you get added to the list.

 *Not required for UNSUBSCRIBE requests.

 Last revised July 2016