======================================================================= VMS Software, Inc. OpenVMS ECO Kit Release Notes ======================================================================= 1 KIT NAME: VMS842L3I_RTL-V0600 2 KIT DESCRIPTION: 2.1 Installation Rating: INSTALL_1: To be installed by all customers. This installation rating serves as a guide to which customers should apply this remedial kit. Reference the attached Disclaimer of Warranty and Limitation of Liability Statement. 2.2 Reboot Requirement: No reboot is necessary after installation of this kit. However there are additional steps that must be performed to use the images provided by this kit on all nodes of a VMSCluster using a common system disk. Refer to Section 8.3, "Special Installation Instructions", for required post-installation actions. 2.3 Version(s) of VSI OpenVMS to which this kit may be applied: VSI OpenVMS for Integrity Servers V8.4-2L3 3 KITS SUPERSEDED BY THIS KIT: VMS842L3I_RTL-V0500 VMS842L3I_RTL-V0400 4 KIT DEPENDENCIES: VMS842L3I_DPML-V0200 This provides math library updates needed by the CRTL functionality included in this kit. NOTE: The DPML kit *must* be installed with a separate PRODUCT INSTALL command prior to installing this kit. Do not use the same PRODUCT INSTALL command to install both kits simultaneously. 5 PROBLEMS ADDRESSED IN THIS KIT 5.1 CRTL ECO V6.0 updates to the C Run Time Library 5.1.1 Problem Description This patch kit provides updated support for the C Run Time Library. CRTL ECO V6.0 provides various bug fixes and new functions. For a complete description of the changes, refer to the additional release notes in: SYS$HELP:VSI_OPENVMS_CRTL_ECO6_RELEASE_NOTES.TXT SYS$HELP:VSI_OPENVMS_CRTL_ECO6_RELEASE_NOTES.PDF 5.1.2 Images and/or Files Affected: [SYSLIB]DECC$SHR.EXE [SYSLIB]DECC$RTLDEF.TLB 5.1.3 VSI case identifier Various Jira items 5.1.4 Release Version of VSI OpenVMS that will contain this change: Next VSI OpenVMS for Integrity Servers release after V8.4-2L3 5.2 Various performance issues with the C Run Time Library 5.2.1 Problem Description Recent enhancements to the C Run Time Library exposed some performance issues with products and applications: o Samba processes which should have been idle were constantly doing 1000 buffered I/O (BUFIO) operations per second when not handling actual tasks. o Oracle and TCPIP$NTP processes get into a compute intensive state when using poll() as a high precision sleep function. o Samba reports a network error when transferring large files. These issues are corrected with this patch kit. 5.2.2 Images and/or Files Affected: [SYSLIB]DECC$SHR.EXE 5.2.3 VSI case identifier Jira RTLS-318, RTLS-319, RTLS-320, RTLS-321 Netsuite 4186, 4187, 4207, 4227 5.2.4 Release Version of VSI OpenVMS that will contain this change: Next VSI OpenVMS for Integrity Servers release after V8.4-2L3 6 PROBLEMS ADDRESSED FROM PREVIOUS KITS 6.1 CRTL ECO V4.0 updates to the C Run Time Library 6.1.1 Problem Description This patch kit provides updated support for the C Run Time Library. CRTL ECO V4.0 provides various bug fixes and new functions. For a complete description of the changes, refer to the additional release notes in: SYS$HELP:VSI_OPENVMS_CRTL_NOTES.TXT SYS$HELP:VSI_OPENVMS_CRTL_NOTES.PDF 6.1.2 Images and/or Files Affected: [SYSLIB]DECC$SHR.EXE [SYSLIB]DECC$SHRP.EXE [SYSLIB]DECC$RTLDEF.TLB [SYSMSG]DECC$MSG.EXE [SYSEXE]GENCAT.EXE 6.1.3 Quix and/or Bugzilla cases reporting this problem: Various Jira items VSI Bugzilla 4584 6.1.4 Release Version of VSI OpenVMS that will contain this change: Next VSI OpenVMS for Integrity Servers release after V8.4-2L3 6.2 Spurious warning message when compiling C++ programs 6.2.1 Problem Description Depending on the options in use, compiling a C++ program could produce the error message: %CXX-W-NESTCOMMENT, (1) nested comment is not allowed The error is from a typo in the closing comment syntax of a math.h definition statement. The problem is corrected with this patch kit. 6.2.2 Images and/or Files Affected: [SYSLIB]DECC$RTLDEF.TLB 6.2.3 Quix and/or Bugzilla cases reporting this problem: Netsuite 3875 Jira RTLS-296 6.2.4 Release Version of VSI OpenVMS that will contain this change: Next VSI OpenVMS for Integrity Servers release after V8.4-2L3 7 IMAGES OR FILES REPLACED: [SYSLIB]DECC$SHR.EXE Image name: "DECC$SHR" Image file identification: "V8.4-00" Image build identification: "XFWL-C6E-000115" Link identification: "Linker I02-37" Link Date/Time: 25-AUG-2022 03:25:24.47 Image Checksum (MD5): 9A4E55EC946260DA7389C300C462AC00 [SYSLIB]DECC$SHRP.EXE Image name: "DECC$SHRP" Image file identification: "V8.4-00" Image build identification: "XFWL-C6E-000115" Link identification: "Linker I02-37" Link Date/Time: 25-AUG-2022 03:25:23.44 Image Checksum (MD5): C3B1F6A82C2ADE3A59545FC3E68DBBA1 [SYSLIB]DECC$RTLDEF.TLB Checksum (MD5): 8AA96392316978CEE473325EDFB2AF30 [SYSMSG]DECC$MSG.EXE Image name: "DECC$MSG" Image file identification: "V8.4-00" Image build identification: "XFWL-C6E-000115" Link identification: "Linker I02-37" Link Date/Time: 25-AUG-2022 03:25:45.26 Image Checksum (MD5): B78E9A5A20B9E4543D0BCDF0BF0A3BFE [SYSEXE]GENCAT.EXE Image name: "GENCAT" Image file identification: "V8.4" Image build identification: "XFWL-C6E-000115" Link identification: "Linker I02-37" Link Date/Time: 30-JUL-2022 02:44:38.28 Image Checksum (MD5): FF5FE5ADA846EAC961DDECF8A8F171A7 Note: VMS Software, Inc. will only distribute kits in signed form. There is no need for most customers to compare file checksums for security or kit integrity reasons. However, some sites may require such checking even when using signed kits. The image or file checksums are supplied (in MD5 format) to provide comparisons to the extracted final kit files. To find a file checksum, use: $ CHECKSUM/ALGORITHM=MD5 filename $ SHOW SYMBOL CHECKSUM$CHECKSUM Note: Because a file or image may be replaced by multiple patch kits over time, a PCSI generation number is used to ensure that the latest version of the file or image is preserved on your system during PRODUCT INSTALL of a patch kit. Should a particular kit installation discover a newer version of a file or image in place on the system disk, the following message will be displayed: %PCSI-I-RETAIN, file will not be replaced because file from kit has lower generation number This is a normal occurrence depending on the order of kit installation. The correct version of the file or image will remain on the system after the current kit installation. The %PCSI-I-RETAIN message is informational only and does not indicate a problem. 8 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 8.1 Compressed File This kit is provided as a self-extracting ZIPEXE file. To expand this file to the installable PCSI kit, execute the file image with the following command: $ RUN VMS842L3I_RTL-V0600.ZIPEXE 8.2 Installation Command Install this kit with the POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility by logging into the SYSTEM account, and typing the following at the DCL prompt: $ PRODUCT INSTALL VMS842L3I_RTL [/SOURCE=location of kit] The kit location may be a tape drive, CD/DVD, or a disk directory that contains the kit. The /SOURCE qualifier is not needed if the PRODUCT INSTALL command is executed from the same directory as the kit location. This kit requires the use of /RECOVERY_MODE and /SAVE_RECOVERY_DATA and will automatically set them; they do not need to be present on the command line. The release notes for any kit may be extracted prior to kit installation using the PRODUCT EXTRACT RELEASE_NOTES command. User-selectable options for installation behavior and scripting are available in this kit, refer to Appendix A for further details. Additional help on installing PCSI kits can be found by typing HELP PRODUCT INSTALL at the system prompt. 8.3 Special Installation Instructions If this kit is being installed in a non-clustered environment, this section may be ignored. In a VMScluster with a shared system disk, additional steps must be taken so that the other nodes which share the system disk will use the new images. Execute the following command on each node that is sharing the system disk that has been updated: $ INSTALL REPLACE SYS$LIBRARY:DECC$SHR.EXE $ INSTALL REPLACE SYS$LIBRARY:DECC$SHRP.EXE $ INSTALL REPLACE SYS$MESSAGE:DECC$MSG.EXE These same commands should be repeated for other systems sharing the system disk if this patch kit is removed via a PRODUCT UNDO PATCH operation. 8.4 Documentation for CRTL ECO and C99 functionality Additional documentation for the CRTL and C99 Standard functions is copied to the system disk during kit installation. This documentation is provided both in text format (.TXT) for immediate reference and convenience of using the OpenVMS SEARCH command, and in PDF format for more legible output and convenience for formatted printing from a browser: SYS$HELP:VSI_OPENVMS_CRTL_ECO6_RELEASE_NOTES.TXT SYS$HELP:VSI_OPENVMS_CRTL_ECO6_RELEASE_NOTES.PDF The release notes for this kit and the above files containing additional documentation may be extracted from the PCSI kit before kit installation for reference and planning purposes. The PCSI kit files are present after running the self-extracting ZIPEXE file as described above in Section 8.1. To extract the VSI_OPENVMS_CRTL_ECO6_RELEASE_NOTES.TXT file and the standard kit release notes, use the command: $ PRODUCT EXTRACT RELEASE_NOTES VMS842L*_RTL To extract the PDF format additional documentation, use the command: $ PRODUCT EXTRACT FILE VMS842L*_RTL /SELECT=*.PDF Either of these commands will create a local copy of the desired file(s) in the current default directory. An update for the HELP CRTL online help which corresponds to these changes will be contained in a future patch update kit. 9 COPYRIGHT ******************************************************************** * * * VMS SOFTWARE, INC. CONFIDENTIAL. This software is confidential * * proprietary software licensed by VMS Software, Inc., and is not * * authorized to be used, duplicated or disclosed to anyone without * * the prior written permission of VMS Software, Inc. * * Copyright 2022 VMS Software, Inc. * * * ******************************************************************** 10 DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY THIS PATCH IS PROVIDED AS IS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE HEREBY EXCLUDED TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. IN NO EVENT WILL VMS SOFTWARE, INC. BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST REVENUE OR PROFIT, OR FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, HOWEVER CAUSED AND REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF LIABILITY, WITH RESPECT TO ANY PATCH MADE AVAILABLE HERE OR TO THE USE OF SUCH PATCH. 11 PATCH ID I64VMS-VMS842L3I_RTL-V0600--4 APPENDIX A - User-selectable control options and scripting considerations Controlling kit behavior for introductory questions --------------------------------------------------- This kit provides user-selectable control options for kit dialogue interaction and automated scripting capability as described here in this appendix. The general form of a VSI ECO patch kit, when using PRODUCT INSTALL, consists of three initial questions regarding these topics: 1. System disk backup: A reminder that VSI recommends backing up the system disk before installing patches, followed by a "Do you want to continue?" yes/no question, default = YES. 2. Reboot requirement: A summary of whether the kit being installed requires a system reboot, followed by a "Do you want to continue?" yes/no question, default = YES. 3. Archival of updated files: A description of saving an "_OLD" copy of each image or file updated by the kit, followed by a "Do you want to save "_OLD" copies of replaced files?" yes/no question, default = NO. Other questions may be asked later, depending on the target disk or system environment or other kit-specific requirements. Note: An initial "Do you want to continue?" question may be asked directly by the PCSI utility during any PRODUCT command -- this has nothing to do with the kit being used. To avoid that question, you must supply sufficient detail to uniquely identify the product you wish to use and specify /OPTIONS=NOCONFIRM on the PRODUCT command. Control options are available to customize the dialogue for the initial three kit questions. The controls are logical names, which may be defined in the process logical name table with a value of YES or NO. To modify the behavior of the VSI ECO patch kit regarding the initial questions, define one or more of the following logical names before issuing the PRODUCT INSTALL command. o To skip one or more of the questions, define the corresponding logical name shown here to YES: SKIP$BACKUP - Skip system backup awareness question. SKIP$REBOOT - Skip system reboot awareness question. SKIP$ARCHIVE_OLD - Skip question about saving "_OLD" files. This will take the default, which is NO. SKIP$INTRO - Skip all three of the above questions. o To specifically override the default for saving "_OLD" files, define this logical name to YES or NO: VSIKIT$ARCHIVE_OLD - Sets an answer for saving "_OLD" files behavior. This will skip the archive "_OLD" files question regardless of the above SKIP$* logical names. o Two additional logical names may be defined as YES to modify the amount of explanatory text displayed for each question: VSIKIT$VERBOSE - Shows all explanatory text for questions. VSIKIT$BRIEF - Skips some general details in the explanations. The default if neither name is defined is VERBOSE. If both names are defined to YES, VERBOSE overrides BRIEF. The BRIEF form is displayed for any questions that are skipped. For example, to skip all three questions but save an archive "_OLD" copy of each replaced file: $ DEFINE VSIKIT$ARCHIVE_OLD YES $ DEFINE SKIP$INTRO YES $ PRODUCT INSTALL Standard behavior for YES/NO questions asked during kit installation -------------------------------------------------------------------- Any YES/NO questions asked during kit installation now follow these rules: 1. Ctrl-Y issued while a question is being asked will force the current PRODUCT operation to terminate. This is completely safe to do while the initial three questions are being asked during PRODUCT INSTALL as no changes have yet been made to the target disk. 2. Some questions may ignore Ctrl-Y and ask for a specific answer, if aborting the current operation may have side effects. PCSI may trap Ctrl-Y directly for some PRODUCT operations. Ctrl-Y may be disabled during some sensitive kit processing. 3. The default YES/NO answer is automatically chosen if a kit is installed from a batch job, unless explicitly overridden by a logical name which provides the particular value, such as VSIKIT$ARCHIVE_OLD. Installing a kit from a batch job --------------------------------- To install a kit from a batch job you will need to fully qualify the kit name so PCSI will have enough information to select the kit without asking for confirmation. For example, to install this kit: $ PRODUCT INSTALL VMS842L3I_RTL/VERSION=V6.0/OPTIONS=NOCONFIRM If the kit is located in a directory other than the current default directory, you will also need to add the qualifier: /SOURCE= For a batch job, any YES/NO question will automatically select the default answer. Use the control logical names explained above to modify the behavior if necessary. For the system disk backup and reboot questions, the batch behavior is identical to the default. For the save "_OLD" files question, define the VSIKIT$ARCHIVE_OLD logical name to YES if you want to save copies of the files, since the batch default is NO. Deprecated logical names from HPE patch kits -------------------------------------------- The three names listed below were used by older VSI OpenVMS patch kits for compatibility with HPE patch kit behavior. These old names continue to function, but VSI encourages you to modify any scripts you may have to use the new names shown instead: Old name New name --------------- -------------------- NO_ASK$BACKUP SKIP$BACKUP NO_ASK$REBOOT SKIP$REBOOT ARCHIVE_OLD VSIKIT$ARCHIVE_OLD