include ../../makeinit.vms OBJLIB = $(IMAGE_NAME).$(OLB_SUFFIX) # Alpha only compiler flags. ifdef ALPHA CFLAGS += /pointer_size=short PTRSIZ = 32 DEST = [.Alpha] endif # Itanium only compiler flags. ifdef IA64 CFLAGS += /pointer_size=short PTRSIZ = 32 DEST = [.IA64] endif # VAX only compiler flags. ifdef VAX CFLAGS = PTRSIZ = DEST = [.VAX] endif # Compiler flags we always want CFLAGS += /obj=$@/prefix=all /include=([],krb$$root:[include]) LFLAGS += /exe=$(DEST)/map=$(DEST)/full ifdef DEBUG CFLAGS += /debug/nooptimize/lis/show=all DEFINES += ,"DEBUG=1" LFLAGS += /debug else LFLAGS += /nodebug ### /notraceback endif CFLAGS += /define=($(DEFINES)) CSRCS = gss-client.c gss-server.c gss-misc.c #Rules OBJS = $(CSRCS:.c=.$(OBJ_SUFFIX)) TARGETS = $(DEST)gss-client.exe $(DEST)gss-server.exe all: com_init $(TARGETS) com_init: @show logical krb$$root @define/job/nolog gssapi krb$$root:[include] $(DEST)gss-client.exe: $(DEST)gss-client.obj, $(DEST)gss-misc.obj link $(LFLAGS) $(DEST)gss-client.obj,$(DEST)gss-misc.obj,[]gsslnk$(PTRSIZ).opt/option $(DEST)gss-server.exe: $(DEST)gss-server.obj, $(DEST)gss-misc.obj link $(LFLAGS) $(DEST)gss-server.obj, $(DEST)gss-misc.obj,[]gsslnk$(PTRSIZ).opt/option $(DEST)gss-client.obj: gss-client.c cc $(CFLAGS) $? $(DEST)gss-server.obj: gss-server.c cc $(CFLAGS) $? $(DEST)gss-misc.obj: gss-misc.c cc $(CFLAGS) $? $(DEST)$(OBJLIB): $(OBJS) @if f$$search("$@") .eqs. "" then library /create $@ library /replace /log $@ $? clean: @if f$$search("$(DEST)*.$(OBJ_SUFFIX)") .nes. "" then delete /log $(DEST)*.$(OBJ_SUFFIX);* @if f$$search("$(DEST)*.$(SHR_SUFFIX)") .nes. "" then delete /log $(DEST)*.$(SHR_SUFFIX);* @if f$$search("$(DEST)*.lis") .nes. "" then delete /log $(DEST)*.lis;* @if f$$search("$(DEST)*.map") .nes. "" then delete /log $(DEST)*.map;* @if f$$search("$(DEST)$(OBJLIB)") .nes. "" then delete /log $(DEST)$(OBJLIB);* help: @$(ECHO) " gmake -? - Displays general command line Gmake help" @$(ECHO) " gmake help - Displays help for using/typing gmake in this directory" @$(ECHO) "" @$(ECHO) " gmake - Builds gss-server and gss-client in the current directory" @$(ECHO) " gmake ""DEBUG=1"" - Builds everything with DEBUG" @$(ECHO) "" @$(ECHO) " gmake ""VAX=1"" - Builds the VAX gss-server & gss-client in current directory" @$(ECHO) " gmake ""VAX=1"" ""DEBUG=1"" - Builds everything for VAX with DEBUG" @$(ECHO) "" @$(ECHO) " gmake ""IA64=1"" - Builds Itanium gss-server & gss-client in current directory" @$(ECHO) " gmake ""IA64=1"" ""DEBUG=1"" - Builds everything for Itanium with DEBUG" @$(ECHO) "" @$(ECHO) " gmake clean - Cleans this current directory"