$! $! SETUP.COM - Setup Kerberos & GSS API Examples $! $ VERIFY = F$VERIFY(0) $ Set NoOn $! $!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $! Establish the base symbols used by this procedure $!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $! $ SAY := WRITE SYS$OUTPUT $ EXE_DIR = F$ENVIRONMENT ("DEFAULT") $! $!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $! Determine the architecture $!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $! $ ARCH_TYPE = F$GETSYI ("ARCH_TYPE") $ IF .NOT. ($STATUS .AND. 1) .OR. (ARCH_TYPE .NE. 1 .AND. ARCH_TYPE .NE. 2 - .AND. ARCH_TYPE .NE. 3) $ THEN $ SAY "Invalid Architecture type ''ARCH_TYPE' was encountered ... aborting" $ GOTO EXIT $ ENDIF $! $!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $! Now, Compile each module $!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $! $ GSS_CLIENT :== $ 'EXE_DIR'GSS_CLIENT.EXE $ GSS_SERVER :== $ 'EXE_DIR'GSS_SERVER.EXE $ KRB_CLIENT :== $ 'EXE_DIR'KRB_CLIENT.EXE $ KRB_SERVER :== $ 'EXE_DIR'KRB_SERVER.EXE $! $ SAY " " $ SAY "The following foreign symbols have been created: $ SAY " " $ SAY " GSS_CLIENT" $ SAY " GSS_SERVER" $ SAY " KRB_CLIENT" $ SAY " KRB_SERVER" $ SAY " " $ SAY "Specify a -? with each foreign command to display the available" $ SAY "parameters. For the server images, if the port number is not" $ SAY "specified, then it will be assumed that the server is being run" $ SAY "as a TCP/IP service. If the port number is not specified for a" $ SAY "client image, then port number 4444 is assumed." $ SAY " " $ SAY "The following Kerberos principals will need to be created:" $ SAY " " $ SAY " gss_sample/@" $ SAY " krb_sample/@" $ SAY " " $ SAY "Here should be your specific Kerberos Realm. Also" $ SAY "the will indicate which node this example will be run on." $ SAY "Create principals for as many nodes which will be used with the" $ SAY "appropriate example. Then, add the created principals to the" $ SAY "key table and securely propogate it the desired nodes." $ SAY " " $ SAY "To add the services and key table entries execute the following" $ SAY "Kerberos Adminstrator commands:" $ SAY " " $ SAY " $ kadmin" $ SAY " Enter password: " $ SAY " KADMIN: addprinc -randkey gss_sample/" $ SAY " KADMIN: addprinc -randkey krb_sample/" $ SAY " KADMIN: ktadd gss_sample/" $ SAY " KADMIN: ktadd krb_sample/" $ SAY " KADMIN: exit" $! $!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $! Exit Setup Kerberos Clients $!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $! $Exit: $! $ VERIFY = F$VERIFY(VERIFY) $! $ Exit