/* © 2000 Compaq Computer Corporation COMPAQ Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Confidential computer software. Valid license from Compaq required for possession, use or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government under vendor's standard commercial license. */ /* $XConsortium: xwd.c,v 1.58 92/07/31 11:42:35 rws Exp $ */ /* Copyright 1987 Massachusetts Institute of Technology */ /* * xwd.c MIT Project Athena, X Window system window raster image dumper. * * This program will dump a raster image of the contents of a window into a * file for output on graphics printers or for other uses. * * Author: Tony Della Fera, DEC * 17-Jun-85 * * Modification history: * * 11/14/86 Bill Wyatt, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory * - Removed Z format option, changing it to an XY option. Monochrome * windows will always dump in XY format. Color windows will dump * in Z format by default, but can be dumped in XY format with the * -xy option. * * 11/18/86 Bill Wyatt * - VERSION 6 is same as version 5 for monchrome. For colors, the * appropriate number of Color structs are dumped after the header, * which has the number of colors (=0 for monochrome) in place of the * V5 padding at the end. Up to 16-bit displays are supported. I * don't yet know how 24- to 32-bit displays will be handled under * the Version 11 protocol. * * 6/15/87 David Krikorian, MIT Project Athena * - VERSION 7 runs under the X Version 11 servers, while the previous * versions of xwd were are for X Version 10. This version is based * on xwd version 6, and should eventually have the same color * abilities. (Xwd V7 has yet to be tested on a color machine, so * all color-related code is commented out until color support * becomes practical.) */ /*% *% This is the format for commenting out color-related code until *% color can be supported. %*/ #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef VMS #include #else #include #endif typedef unsigned long Pixel; #define FEEP_VOLUME 0 /* Include routines to do parsing */ #include "dsimple.h" /* Setable Options */ int format = ZPixmap; Bool nobdrs = False; Bool on_root = False; Bool standard_out = True; Bool debug = False; Bool use_installed = False; long add_pixel_value = 0; extern int (*_XErrorFunction)(); extern int _XDefaultError(); static long parse_long (s) char *s; { char *fmt = "%lu"; long retval = 0L; int thesign = 1; if (s && s[0]) { if (s[0] == '-') s++, thesign = -1; if (s[0] == '0') s++, fmt = "%lo"; if (s[0] == 'x' || s[0] == 'X') s++, fmt = "%lx"; (void) sscanf (s, fmt, &retval); } return (thesign * retval); } main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { register i; Window target_win; FILE *out_file = stdout; Bool frame_only = False; INIT_NAME; Setup_Display_And_Screen(&argc, argv); /* Get window select on command line, if any */ target_win = Select_Window_Args(&argc, argv); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-nobdrs")) { nobdrs = True; continue; } if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-debug")) { debug = True; continue; } if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-help")) usage(); if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-out")) { if (++i >= argc) usage(); if (!(out_file = fopen(argv[i], "w"))) Error("Can't open output file as specified."); standard_out = False; continue; } if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-xy")) { format = XYPixmap; continue; } if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-screen")) { on_root = True; continue; } if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-icmap")) { use_installed = True; continue; } if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-add")) { if (++i >= argc) usage(); add_pixel_value = parse_long (argv[i]); continue; } if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-frame")) { frame_only = True; continue; } usage(); } /* * Let the user select the target window. */ if (!target_win) { target_win = Select_Window(dpy); if (target_win != None && !frame_only) { Window root; int dummyi; unsigned int dummy; if (XGetGeometry (dpy, target_win, &root, &dummyi, &dummyi, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy) && target_win != root) target_win = XmuClientWindow (dpy, target_win); } } /* * Dump it! */ Window_Dump(target_win, out_file); XCloseDisplay(dpy); if (fclose(out_file)) { perror("xwd"); exit(1); } exit(0); } /* * Window_Dump: dump a window to a file which must already be open for * writting. */ char *calloc(); #ifdef VMS #include "XWDFile.h" #else #include "X11/XWDFile.h" #endif Window_Dump(window, out) Window window; FILE *out; { unsigned long swaptest = 1; XColor *colors; unsigned buffer_size; int win_name_size; int header_size; int ncolors, i; char *win_name; Bool got_win_name; XWindowAttributes win_info; XImage *image; int absx, absy, x, y; unsigned width, height; int dwidth, dheight; int bw; Window dummywin; XWDFileHeader header; /* * Inform the user not to alter the screen. */ Beep(); /* * Get the parameters of the window being dumped. */ if (debug) outl("xwd: Getting target window information.\n"); if(!XGetWindowAttributes(dpy, window, &win_info)) Fatal_Error("Can't get target window attributes."); /* handle any frame window */ if (!XTranslateCoordinates (dpy, window, RootWindow (dpy, screen), 0, 0, &absx, &absy, &dummywin)) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: unable to translate window coordinates (%d,%d)\n", program_name, absx, absy); exit (1); } win_info.x = absx; win_info.y = absy; width = win_info.width; height = win_info.height; bw = 0; if (!nobdrs) { absx -= win_info.border_width; absy -= win_info.border_width; bw = win_info.border_width; width += (2 * bw); height += (2 * bw); } dwidth = DisplayWidth (dpy, screen); dheight = DisplayHeight (dpy, screen); /* clip to window */ if (absx < 0) width += absx, absx = 0; if (absy < 0) height += absy, absy = 0; if (absx + width > dwidth) width = dwidth - absx; if (absy + height > dheight) height = dheight - absy; XFetchName(dpy, window, &win_name); if (!win_name || !win_name[0]) { win_name = "xwdump"; got_win_name = False; } else { got_win_name = True; } /* sizeof(char) is included for the null string terminator. */ win_name_size = strlen(win_name) + sizeof(char); /* * Snarf the pixmap with XGetImage. */ x = absx - win_info.x; y = absy - win_info.y; if (on_root) image = XGetImage (dpy, RootWindow(dpy, screen), absx, absy, width, height, AllPlanes, format); else image = XGetImage (dpy, window, x, y, width, height, AllPlanes, format); if (!image) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: unable to get image at %dx%d+%d+%d\n", program_name, width, height, x, y); exit (1); } if (add_pixel_value != 0) XAddPixel (image, add_pixel_value); /* * Determine the pixmap size. */ buffer_size = Image_Size(image); if (debug) outl("xwd: Getting Colors.\n"); ncolors = Get_XColors(&win_info, &colors); /* * Inform the user that the image has been retrieved. */ XBell(dpy, FEEP_VOLUME); XBell(dpy, FEEP_VOLUME); XFlush(dpy); /* * Calculate header size. */ if (debug) outl("xwd: Calculating header size.\n"); header_size = sizeof(header) + win_name_size; /* * Write out header information. */ if (debug) outl("xwd: Constructing and dumping file header.\n"); header.header_size = (CARD32) header_size; header.file_version = (CARD32) XWD_FILE_VERSION; header.pixmap_format = (CARD32) format; header.pixmap_depth = (CARD32) image->depth; header.pixmap_width = (CARD32) image->width; header.pixmap_height = (CARD32) image->height; header.xoffset = (CARD32) image->xoffset; header.byte_order = (CARD32) image->byte_order; header.bitmap_unit = (CARD32) image->bitmap_unit; header.bitmap_bit_order = (CARD32) image->bitmap_bit_order; header.bitmap_pad = (CARD32) image->bitmap_pad; header.bits_per_pixel = (CARD32) image->bits_per_pixel; header.bytes_per_line = (CARD32) image->bytes_per_line; header.visual_class = (CARD32) win_info.visual->class; header.red_mask = (CARD32) win_info.visual->red_mask; header.green_mask = (CARD32) win_info.visual->green_mask; header.blue_mask = (CARD32) win_info.visual->blue_mask; header.bits_per_rgb = (CARD32) win_info.visual->bits_per_rgb; header.colormap_entries = (CARD32) win_info.visual->map_entries; header.ncolors = ncolors; header.window_width = (CARD32) win_info.width; header.window_height = (CARD32) win_info.height; header.window_x = absx; header.window_y = absy; header.window_bdrwidth = (CARD32) win_info.border_width; if (*(char *) &swaptest) { _swaplong((char *) &header, sizeof(header)); for (i = 0; i < ncolors; i++) { _swaplong((char *) &colors[i].pixel, sizeof(long)); _swapshort((char *) &colors[i].red, 3 * sizeof(short)); } } if (fwrite((char *)&header, sizeof(header), 1, out) != 1 || fwrite(win_name, win_name_size, 1, out) != 1) { perror("xwd"); exit(1); } /* * Write out the color maps, if any */ if (debug) outl("xwd: Dumping %d colors.\n", ncolors); if (fwrite((char *) colors, sizeof(XColor), ncolors, out) != ncolors) { perror("xwd"); exit(1); } /* * Write out the buffer. */ if (debug) outl("xwd: Dumping pixmap. bufsize=%d\n",buffer_size); /* * This copying of the bit stream (data) to a file is to be replaced * by an Xlib call which hasn't been written yet. It is not clear * what other functions of xwd will be taken over by this (as yet) * non-existant X function. */ if (fwrite(image->data, (int) buffer_size, 1, out) != 1) { perror("xwd"); exit(1); } /* * free the color buffer. */ if(debug && ncolors > 0) outl("xwd: Freeing colors.\n"); if(ncolors > 0) free(colors); /* * Free window name string. */ if (debug) outl("xwd: Freeing window name string.\n"); if (got_win_name) XFree(win_name); /* * Free image */ XDestroyImage(image); } /* * Report the syntax for calling xwd. */ usage() { fprintf (stderr, "usage: %s [-display host:dpy] [-debug] [-help] %s [-nobdrs] [-out ]", program_name, SELECT_USAGE); fprintf (stderr, " [-xy] [-add value] [-frame]\n"); exit(1); } /* * Error - Fatal xwd error. */ #ifdef VMS #include #else extern int errno; #endif Error(string) char *string; /* Error description string. */ { outl("\nxwd: Error => %s\n", string); if (errno != 0) { perror("xwd"); outl("\n"); } exit(1); } /* * Determine the pixmap size. */ int Image_Size(image) XImage *image; { if (image->format != ZPixmap) return(image->bytes_per_line * image->height * image->depth); return(image->bytes_per_line * image->height); } #define lowbit(x) ((x) & (~(x) + 1)) /* * Get the XColors of all pixels in image - returns # of colors */ int Get_XColors(win_info, colors) XWindowAttributes *win_info; XColor **colors; { int i, ncolors; Colormap cmap = win_info->colormap; if (use_installed) /* assume the visual will be OK ... */ cmap = XListInstalledColormaps(dpy, win_info->root, &i)[0]; if (!cmap) return(0); ncolors = win_info->visual->map_entries; if (!(*colors = (XColor *) malloc (sizeof(XColor) * ncolors))) Fatal_Error("Out of memory!"); if (win_info->visual->class == DirectColor || win_info->visual->class == TrueColor) { Pixel red, green, blue, red1, green1, blue1; red = green = blue = 0; red1 = lowbit(win_info->visual->red_mask); green1 = lowbit(win_info->visual->green_mask); blue1 = lowbit(win_info->visual->blue_mask); for (i=0; i win_info->visual->red_mask) red = 0; green += green1; if (green > win_info->visual->green_mask) green = 0; blue += blue1; if (blue > win_info->visual->blue_mask) blue = 0; } } else { for (i=0; i