How to Unpack and Install These Files The system manager should perform steps 1 - 3 below ONCE. 1. Move the files to a directory that will be accessible to PATHWORKS client PC systems. A convenient place might be under the PCCOMMON file service area on your PATHWORKS server system, e.g., in a directory such as "\\myserv\PCCOMMON\NETPRINT" where "myserv" is the name of the server node. 2. From a PATHWORKS client PC, redirect a logical disk device to this file service on the server. Using the MS-Windows File Manager, for instance, select the Disk | Network Connections... menu item to access the "Network Connections" dialog box, and type in the new network path. For example, let us assume that you attach disk Q: to the PCCOMMON service. 3. In a DOS session on the PATHWORKS client PC, unpack the .ZIP file using the utility provided (or the PKUNZIP V2 utility if it is available). Set the default directory to the redirected disk and directory where the files are stored. Then issue a DOS command to unzip the files: Q: CD NETPRINT UNZIP50 NETPRX11 Now the system manager or client user should install the PATHWORKS Network Printer Setup utility on each client PC system that wished to use the utility. The system manager or each user should perform step 4 ONCE FOR EACH CLIENT PC SYSTEM. 4. Install the Network Printer Setup utility on the client system using the SETUP utility provided. From the Windows Program Manager, select the File | Run... menu item, and enter the location of the setup utility in the dialog box, for instance Q:\NETPRINT\SETUP and then select OK. The setup utility will proceed to install Network Printer Setup on the client system. ------------------------------------------------------------ Digital Equipment Corporation is now making this application available to its PATHWORKS customers on an unsupported basis. ------------------------------------------------------------