This directory contains a program that provides an example of how to use some of the MDS and CSSM services of CDSA, along with the necessary files to build it on OpenVMS. It consists of one source file (MDS_EXAMPLE.C), and two build files (BUILD_MDS_EXAMPLE.COM and MDS_EXAMPLE.OPT). The program follows the descriptions and code fragments from the "Intel Common Data Security Architecture Application Developer's Guide". CDSA must be initialized before this program is run. This needs to be done on a one-time basis, by executing the following command: $ @SYS$STARTUP:CDSA$INITIALIZE The MDS example program can be build by copying the example files into a local build area, and executing the BUILD_MDS_EXAMPLE command file, as follows: $ copy SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.CDSA.MDS]*.* $ SET DEF $ @BUILD_MDS_EXAMPLE The resulting MDS_EXAMPLE.EXE file takes no parameters, and can be executed by: $ run MDS_EXAMPLE