This directory contains a simple DES encryption/decryption program that uses CDSA, along with the necessary files to build it on OpenVMS. It consists of two source files (DES.C and DO_DES.C), and two build files (BUILD_DES.COM and DES.OPT). CDSA must be initialized before this program is run. This needs to be done on a one-time basis, by executing the following command: $ @SYS$STARTUP:CDSA$INITIALIZE The DES example program can be build by copying the example files into a local build area, and executing the BUILD_DES command file, as follows: $ copy SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.CDSA.DES]*.* $ SET DEF $ @BUILD_DES The resulting DES.EXE file can be run as a foreign command. This can be set up via: $ DES :== $DES.EXE The program can then be executed with the following options: -e : encrypt with supplied key (requires -k switch) -d : decrypt with supplied key (requires -k switch) -h : specifies that the supplied key is a 16 character hexadecimal number -k key : use key "key" (apostrophes {aka, single quotes} are necessary if used with -h) To encrypt MYFILE.TXT using an ascii key with the DES example program, you would issue the following command: $ des -e -k "xyzzy" MYFILE.TXT MYFILE.DES To decrypt the same file, you would issue this command: $ des -d -k "xyzzy" MYFILE.DES MYFILE.TXT To encrypt/decrypt using a hexadecimal key, use a key length of exactly 16 typed characters (8 hex bytes), and the -h switch as follows: $ des -e -k '012abcde012abcde' -h MYFILE.TXT MYFILE.DES $ des -d -k '012abcde012abcde' -h MYFILE.DES MYFILE.TXT