Installation and Configuration Guide Copyright © , 2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Confidential computer software. Valid license from HP required for possession, use or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government under vendor's standard commercial license. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. Intel and Itanium are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Microsoft and Windows are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. About this document This guide describes how to configure ACME LDAP agent and Directory server to enable external authentication for users. This guide also describes how to enable global and local mapping for external user logins. 1.1 Intended audience This document is intended for OpenVMS system administrators. For more information about security, see the HP OpenVMS Guide to System Security: 1.2 Typographic Conventions Table 1 lists the typographic conventions used in the document. Typographic Conventions Convention Description . . . A horizontal ellipsis in a figure or examples indicates the following possibilities: * Additional optional arguments in a statement have been omitted. * The preceding item or items can be repeated one or more times. * Additional parameters, values, or other information can be entered. . . . A vertical ellipsis indicates the omission of items from a code example or command format; the items are omitted because they are not important to the topic being described. ( ) In command format descriptions, parentheses indicate that you must enclose choices in parentheses if you specify more than one. In installation or upgrade examples, parentheses indicate the possible answers to a prompt, such as: Is this correct? (Y/N) [Y]. [ ] In command format descriptions, brackets indicate optional choices. You can choose one or more items or no items. Do not type the brackets on the command line. However, you must include the brackets in the syntax for OpenVMS directory specifications and for a substring specification in an assignment statement. {} In command format descriptions, braces indicate required choices; you must choose at least one of the items listed. Do not type the braces on the command line. Example This typeface indicates code examples, command examples, and interactive screen displays. In text, this type also identifies website addresses, OpenVMS command and pathnames, PC-based commands and folders, and certain elements of the C programming language. italic type Italic type indicates important information, complete titles of manuals or variables. Variables include information that varies in system output (for example, Internal error number), in command lines (/PRODUCER=name), and in command parameters in text (where dd represents the predefined code for the device type). UPPERCASE TYPE Uppercase indicates the name of a command, routine, file, file protection code, or the abbreviation of a system privilege. - A hyphen at the end of a command format description, command line, or code line indicates that the command or statement continues on the following line. WARNING A warning calls attention to important information that if not understood or followed will result in personal injury or nonrecoverable system problems. CAUTION A caution calls attention to important information that if not understood or followed will result in data loss, data corruption, or damage to hardware or software. IMPORTANT This alert provides essential information to explain a concept or to complete a task. NOTE A note contains additional information to emphasize or supplement important points of the main text. 1.3 HP encourages your comments HP encourages your comments and suggestions on this document. Please send comments to: Chapter 1 Overview Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is combined with the Authentication and Credentials Management Extension (ACME) authentication mechanism to provide a solution to customers to manage all accounts in a centralized directory. The ACME LDAP agent provided with OpenVMS provides "simple bind" authentication during login using an LDAP-compliant directory server. In this authentication method, users enter their LDAP entry name and password. An LDAP attribute is configured, which is used to match the entered username so that the authentication can take place. The following sections provide information on how to install and configure the standard ACME LDAP agent. Secure Socket Layer (SSL)/Transport Layer Security(TLS) LDAP communication is supported to prevent cleartext passwords from being exposed over the network. Dedicated SSL port and the startTLS operation over the standard port are supported. Chapter 2 Installing and configuring ACME LDAP agent 2.1 Prerequisites * You must be running OpenVMS Alpha or Integrity servers Version 8.3 or later. * You must install the SYS$ACM-enabled (ACMELOGIN) LOGINOUT.EXE and SETP0.EXE images. For more information, see the SYS$HELP:ACME_DEV_README.TXT file. 2.2 General setup You must first configure and populate your LDAP directory server with user entries. The ACME LDAP agent is configured by performing the following steps: 1. “Installing the SYS$ACM (ACMELOGIN) enabled LOGIN and ACME LDAP PCSI kits” 2. “Setting up LDAP persona extension” 3. “Configuring ACME LDAP agent” 4. “Starting ACME LDAP agent” 2.3 Installing the SYS$ACM (ACMELOGIN) enabled LOGIN and ACME LDAP PCSI kits To install the SYS$ACM enabled LOGIN (previously known as ACMELOGIN) and ACMELDAP kits: 1. Download the appropriate LOGINPLUS kit from HP patch website: HP-I64VMS-_LOGINPLUS-VXXXX--4.PCSI or DEC-AXPVMS-_LOGINPLUS-VXXXX--4.PCSI Where is the version of the OpenVMS operating system version and “XXXX” is the version of LOGINPLUS kit. For example, VMS84I_LOGINPLUS_V0100. The LOGINPLUS kit contains the SYS$ACM (ACMELOGIN) and non-SYS$ACM (LOGIN) enabled login images. Earlier both the SYS$ACM (ACMELOGIN) and non-SYS$ACM (LOGIN) enabled login images were provided as separate kits. Now, these images are integrated as LOGINPLUS kit, with extra intelligence added to detect the type of images. Going forward, the LOGINPLUS kit will be integrated into the OpenVMS update kit. 2. Download the appropriate ACMELDAP kit from HP patch website: * VMS83A_ACMELDAP-V0500 or later for OpenVMS V8.3 Alpha * VMS83I_ACMELDAP-V0500 or later for OpenVMS V8.3 Integrity serves * VMS831H1I_ACMELDAP-V0300 or later for OpenVMS V8.3-1H1 Integrity servers * On OpenVMS Version 8.4 or later the files are already part of the Operating system. However, bug fixes and enhancements might be provided as ACMELDAP patch kit. Going forward, the ACMELDAP kit will be integrated into the OpenVMS update kit. Changes in installation method The above version of ACMELDAP patch kits on OpenVMS V8.3 Alpha and Integrity servers and OpenVMS V8.3-1H1 Integrity servers, supersedes the earlier ACMELDAP, ACMELDAP_STD (for OpenVMS V8.3), and ACMELDAP_ST (for OpenVMS V8.3-1H1) patch kits. The ACMELDAP_STD/ACMELDAP_ST patch kits was provided as a part of [SYSUPD]ACME_DEV_KITS.BCK after installing the earlier version of ACMELDAP patch kit. Going forward, the SYS$UPDATE:ACME_DEV_KITS.BCK will be obsolete. After you install the new ACMELDAP kit an additional step of extracting [SYSUPD]ACME_DEV_KITS.BCK and installing ACMELDAP_STD or ACMELDAP_ST patch kits is not required. 3. To install SYS$ACM (ACMELOGIN) enabled LOGINOUT.EXE and SETP0.EXE, use the following command: $ PRODUCT INSTALL/SAVE LOGINPLUS The installation procedure detects if SYS$ACM or non-SYS$ACM enabled login is installed on your system. If non-SYS$ACM enabled login is installed on the system, answer “NO” to the following question: ***************************************************** Currently LOGIN KIT installed on your system Answer YES to install LOGIN Answer NO to install ACMELOGIN ***************************************************** Do you wish to install updated LOGIN [YES] ?: NO Do you wish to install updated ACMELOGIN [YES] ?: YES If SYS$ACM enabled login is installed on the system, answer “YES” to the following question: ***************************************************** Currently ACMELOGIN KIT installed on your system Answer YES to install ACMELOGIN Answer NO to install LOGIN ***************************************************** Do you wish to install updated ACMELOGIN [YES] ?: YES 4. To check the image identification, use the following commands: ANALYZE/IMAGE/INTER SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]LOGINOUT.EXE ANALYZE/IMAGE/INTER SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]SETP0.EXE You must get LOGIN98 as a part of the Image file identification: field, for the SYS$ACM enabled images. HP recommends that you use any user account to login to the system and test the LOGINPLUS kit after installation. 5. If you need to perform user authentication by looking up against an LDAP directory server, you must install the ACMELDAP kit on OpenVMS Version 8.3 or 8.3–1H1. To do so, use the following command: $ PRODUCT INSTALL/SAVE ACMELDAP After installation, for information on setting up the LDAP persona extension and configuring the LDAP ACME agent, see the documentation of the LDAP ACME agent at SYS$HELP:ACMELDAP_STD_CONFIG_INSTALL.PDF or SYS$HELP:ACMELDAP_STD_CONFIG_INSTALL.TXT. When the ACME LDAP agent is installed, proceed to the next section, “Setting up LDAP persona extension”. For more detailed steps on installation, see the SYS$HELP:ACME_DEV_README.TXT. 2.4 Setting up LDAP persona extension To set up the persona extension, do as follows: 1. Install the persona extension image using the following commands: $ MCR SYSMAN SYSMAN> SYS_LOADABLE ADD LDAPACME LDAPACME$EXT SYSMAN> exit $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMS$SYSTEM_IMAGES.COM 2. Reboot the system: $ @SYS$SYSTEM:SHUTDOWN During reboot, an error message appears if the persona extension image is not loaded. If the error message is not displayed, it means that the image is loaded as required. After setting up the LDAP persona extension, you can proceed towards configuring your ACME LDAP agent, “Configuring ACME LDAP agent”. 2.5 Configuring ACME LDAP agent Configuration of ACME LDAP agent involves the following: 1. “Editing LDAP configuration file” 2. “Starting ACME LDAP agent” The attribute used for usernames is specified by the login_attribute directive in your ACME LDAP INI configuration file. For more information about login_attribute , see Table 2. The ACME LDAP agent searches this attribute on directory server for matching usernames (entered at “Username” prompt during login). The search is done in the set of LDAP entries below the point in your directory tree specified by the base_dn directive. The username (entered at “Username” prompt during login) is mapped to the username in the SYSUAF.DAT file. This mapping is one-to-one on OpenVMS Version 8.3 and 8.3–1H1. In one-to-one mapping, the username entered must be the same as the username in the SYSUAF.DAT file. On OpenVMS Version 8.4 and later, global and local mappings are also supported. For more information on global and local mapping, see “Global and local mapping”. OpenVMS-specific information, such as privileges, identifiers, and so on are taken from SYSUAF.DAT file. A user scenario on configuring ACME LDAP and sample login is provided in Chapter 4. 2.5.1 Editing LDAP configuration file To edit the ACME LDAP INI file, perform the following steps: 1. Make a copy of SYS$STARTUP:LDAPACME$CONFIG-STD.INI_TEMPLATE and rename it to any file name of your choice. For example,SYS$STARTUP:LDAPACME$CONFIG-STD.INI using the following command: $ COPY SYS$STARTUP:LDAPACME$CONFIG-STD.INI_TEMPLATE SYS$STARTUP:LDAPACME$CONFIG-STD.INI 2. Edit SYS$STARTUP:LDAPACME$CONFIG-STD.INI to specify the directives that correspond to your requirements. For description on the directives present in the LDAPACME$CONFIG-STD.INI file, see Table 2. LDAP configuration attributes Column Head Column Head server This is a mandatory directive. Use the server directive to provide the IP address (or DNS host name) for your directory server. On OpenVMS version 8.4 and later, you can specify one or more redundant servers by providing spaces between the server name or IP address. For example: server = server = Initially, the ACME LDAP agent tries to connect to the first server. If the connection to the first server fails, the second server is tried for connection. If the second server connection also fails, the next set of servers is tried in sequence, until the last server in the list. Do note the following while using redundant servers: * The base_dn, bind_dn, and bind_password directive values must be the same on all the redundant directory servers. The user records getting authenticated using ACME LDAP must also be present on all the directory servers. * Set the bind_timeout directive when using redundant multiple servers. This ensures that the ACME LDAP tries to connect to all the redundant servers before the user session times out. * If you have provided the Certificate Authority's (CA) public key (ca_file directive) and the public keys are different, provide all the public keys in the same ca_file. For more information, see the ca_file directive. port This is a mandatory directive. The port that your directory server is listening for. Defaults to the standard port 389 (or 636 for SSL/TLS). login_attribute This is a mandatory directive. The LDAP schema attribute that contains the username for login purposes. This is often specified as 'uid', but may be different in your configuration. For Active Directory, this is usually samaccountname. password_type Select one of the following: * standard (default) * active-directory If this directive is not specified, the command $ SET PASSWORDfails. If using active directory server, $ SET PASSWORD fails, if the password_type directive is not set to “active-directory”. password_update Applies only when password_type = standard is set. Some directory servers require the old password to be supplied when changing userPassword attribute; others do not. Select one of the following: * replace (default) * remove-and-add base_dn The LDAP users are stored in a tree structure in your directory server. The base_dn directive is the distinguished name of a tree element on the directory server. All the user entries must be present under this tree element as sub-tree elements. The ACME LDAP will search for matching entries within this sub-tree based on the attribute specified by login_attribute. (See the scope directive.) scope Controls the depth of the search beneath the base_dn. Valid keywords are: * sub: searches the base entry and all entries at all levels below the base entry * one: searches all entries at one level below the base entry * base: searches only the base entry If you are not sure about the keyword to be used, you can use "sub" as the keyword. filter This directive is optional. Search filter for limiting the objects that will be searched for users in the LDAP tree. Defaults to objectclass=*. bind_dn The distinguished name (DN) of a user account (directory entry) that is granted "search" permission through the directory sub-tree specified by base_dn. The bind_dn along with the bind_password is used to bind to your directory servers, before searching for users on the directory servers. Some directory servers (such as Active directory) will not allow the ACME LDAP agent to bind to them by default without bind_dn and bind_password. The bind_dn and bind_password must be specified in such cases. Some directory servers will support anonymous binds to happen and you do not have to provide the bind_dn and bind_password directives for working with these directory servers. bind_password The password for the directory DN specified by bind_dn. bind_timeout (supported on OpenVMS version 8.4 and later) Use the bind_timeout directive, if you are providing multiple redundant servers in the server directive. Each bind request to a directory server, by default, takes around 75 seconds (TCPIP default connection establishment timeout), if the directory server is not reachable. If there are multiple redundant servers, the user login session (for example, a TELNET session) expires (within approximately 30 seconds) before the ACME LDAP agent checks the list of all servers mentioned in the server directive. The bind_timeout directive takes a timeout value in seconds for connecting to one directory server in the list of all servers mentioned in the server directive. For example, if you have two servers mentioned in the server directive and the bind_timeout directive is set to three seconds, the overall timeout period is around six seconds. search_timeout (supported on OpenVMS version 8.4 and later) This directive is similar to bind_timeout. Use the search_timeout directive, if you are providing multiple redundant servers in the server directive. The search_timeout directive takes a timeout value in seconds. The number of seconds indicate the time period after which the next server is utilized for authentication. This is useful to failover authentication requests in scenarios where the initial directory server that we are connecting to is in a state where the bind requests succeed but search operations fail. port_security This is a mandatory directive. Specifies the method used to encrypt communications over the LDAP port. Possible values are "starttls" (the default), "ssl" (dedicated SSL port ) or "none" (not recommended). ca_file This directive is optional. Specifies the file path of a PEM-format file containing the public key of the certificate authority that signed your directory server's public key. The ACME LDAP agent checks this certificate file and whether it is connecting to the right directory server, when the port_security is set to "ssl" or "starttls". If this attribute is not used, the LDAP server's certificate is NOT verified. If there are redundant servers having different public key certificates, add the certificate information of all the servers into the same file: For example: $ TYPE CACERT.PEM -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- ....... server 1 public key certificate in base64 encoded format ....... -----END CERTIFICATE----- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- ....... server 2 public key certificate in base64 encoded format ....... -----END CERTIFICATE----- $ mapping (supported on OpenVMS version 8.4 and later) Specifies whether the mapping is global or local. You are provided two options for this directive: * Server * Local For example: mapping=server indicates that global mapping is enabled for the user. mapping=local indicates the local mapping is enabled for the user. If “mapping” directive is not used, mapping will be one-to-one. mapping_attribute (supported on OpenVMS version 8.4 and later) This directive is applicable only for global mapping. Set this to the attribute on directory server that is used for user mapping. For example: mapping_attribute can be referenced to the description attribute for the user in the directory server. mapping_attribute=description You can also use any newly created attribute on the directory server for mapping. The attribute should be an IA5 multi-valued string. mapping_target (supported on OpenVMS version 8.4 and later) This directive is applicable only for global mapping. The mapping_target is searched in the value of directory server’s mapping_attribute field. For example: Let the LDAP INI file have: mapping_attribute=description mapping_target= Let the description (field in Directory Server) be populated with: The ACME LDAP agent then searches in, for a prefix of a forward slash (/) along with the mapping_target). The rest of the value that is, “jdoe” is considered as the user name present in SYSUAF.DAT file. If a multi-valued string attribute is used, the “” must be one of the array elements of the multi-valued string. mapping_file (supported on OpenVMS version 8.4 and later) This directive is applicable only for local mapping. Set this to the complete path of the text database file to be searched for mapping users. A template file is available in SYS$STARTUP:LDAP_LOCALUSER_DATABASE.TXT_TEMPLATE. This file includes the LDAP username and VMS username separated by a comma, where LDAP username is the name of the user in the domain (entered at the “username” prompt during login). For information on how to populate and load the contents of the database file, see SYS$STARTUP:LDAP_LOCALUSER_DATABASE.TXT_TEMPLATE . domain (supported on OpenVMS version 8.4 and later) This directive is applicable for multi-domain support. Set this to appropriate domain name. 3. a. Edit SYS$MANAGER:ACME$START.COM and define the following logical names: The LDAPACME$INIT logical must contain the path name to the initialization for the ACME LDAP Agent Server. $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXECUTIVE LDAPACME$INIT - _$SYS$STARTUP:LDAPACME$CONFIG-STD.INI b. In case of multi-domain support create one configuration file for each domain. For example: i. For AMERICAS domain create configuration file with name: SYS$COMMON:[SYS$STARTUP]LDAPACME$CONFIG-STD_AMERICAS.INI ii. For EMEA domain create configuration file with name: SYS$COMMON:[SYS$STARTUP]LDAPACME$CONFIG-STD_EMEA.INI Edit SYS$MANAGER:ACME$START.COM and define LDAPACME$INIT logical to point to all domain specific configuration files. DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXECUTIVE LDAPACME$INIT - _$SYS$COMMON:[SYS$STARTUP]LDAPACME$CONFIG-STD_AMERICAS.INI, - _$SYS$COMMON:[SYS$STARTUP]LDAPACME$CONFIG-STD_EMEA.INI 4. Remove the comment from the following line from SYS$MANAGER:ACME$START.COM: $! @SYS$STARTUP:LDAPACME$STARTUP-STD ! LDAP IMPORTANT: The LDAPACME$INIT logical must be defined prior to starting the ACME LDAP agent. HP recommends that you place this logical name in SYS$MANAGER:ACME$START.COM before the SYS$STARTUP:LDAPACME$STARTUP-STD procedure executes. 5. Ensure that the LDAP configuration file and the LDAP local database mapping file are accessible for privileged users only. You can set the security of these files appropriately based on your security requirements. For example, the following command sets the accessibility of LDAPACME$CONFIG-STD.INI and LDAP_LOCALUSER_DATABASE.TXT files only for system user: SET SECURITY / PROTECTION = (system:"RWED", OWNER:"", GROUP:"", WORLD:"") SYS$COMMON:[SYS$STARTUP]LDAPACME$CONFIG-STD.INI SET SECURITY / PROTECTION = (system:"RWED", OWNER:"", GROUP:"", WORLD:"") SYS$COMMON:[SYS$STARTUP]LDAP_LOCALUSER_DATABASE.TXT 2.5.2 Starting ACME LDAP agent Restart the ACME_SERVER process: $ SET SERVER ACME/EXIT/WAIT $ SET SERVER ACME/START=AUTO NOTE: You can place this command in your SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM procedure to have the ACME LDAP agent started automatically at boot. 2.6 Specifying EXTAUTH and VMSAUTH flags on OpenVMS For any user to be externally authenticated (via LDAP), the ExtAuth flag has to be set for the user account in SYSUAF.DAT. When the ExtAuth flag is specified for a user account, the user is validated only externally using external authenticator (LDAP). If you want this user to be authenticated locally as well against SYSUAF.DAT file, set VMSAuth flag for the user account in SYSUAF.DAT file and use “/local” qualifier during login as described in the following section. To set ExtAuth flag to the user, enter the following: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM $ MCR AUTHORIZE MODIFY /FLAGS=(EXTAUTH,VMSAUTH)MC AUTHORIZE A sample user profile is shown as follows: $ SET DEF SYS$SYSTEM $ MC AUTHORIZE UAF> modify jdoe/flags=(EXTAUTH,VMSAUTH) %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated UAF> sh jdoe Username: JDOE Owner: Account: TEST UIC: [201,2011] ([JDOE]) CLI: DCL Tables: DCLTABLES Default: SYS$SYSDEVICE:[JDOE] LGICMD: Flags: ExtAuth VMSAuth Primary days: Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Secondary days: Sat Sun No access restrictions Expiration: (none) Pwdminimum: 6 Login Fails: 1 Pwdlifetime: 90 00:00 Pwdchange: (pre-expired) Last Login: (none) (interactive), (none) (non-interactive) Maxjobs: 0 Fillm: 128 Bytlm: 128000 Maxacctjobs: 0 Shrfillm: 0 Pbytlm: 0 Maxdetach: 0 BIOlm: 150 JTquota: 4096 Prclm: 8 DIOlm: 150 WSdef: 4096 Prio: 4 ASTlm: 300 WSquo: 8192 Queprio: 4 TQElm: 100 WSextent: 16384 CPU: (none) Enqlm: 4000 Pgflquo: 256000 Authorized Privileges: NETMBX TMPMBX Default Privileges: NETMBX TMPMBX UAF> If your directory server is configured and your SYSUAF account is mapped with the user name on the directory server, you can now login to the system using ACME LDAP as the authentication agent as shown in the following example. The password for user “jdoe” is validated against the password from directory server. Note that if the password in directory server is different from the password in SYSUAF.DAT file, then the password on SYSUAF.DAT file will be synchronized to the password on directory server. You can disable the password synchronization for a specific user or for all the users on the system. For more information on disabling the password synchronization, see the sections “Enabling External Authentication” and “Authentication and Credentials Management Extensions (ACME) Subsystem” in HP OpenVMS Guide to System Security. $ telnet %TELNET-I-TRYING, Trying ... %TELNET-I-SESSION, Session 01, host, port 23 -TELNET-I-ESCAPE, Escape character is ^] Welcome to HP OpenVMS Industry Standard 64 Operating System, Version V8.3-1H1 Username: jdoe Password: HP OpenVMS Industry Standard 64 Operating System, Version V8.3-1H1 **** Logon authenticated by LDAP **** OpenVMS password has been synchronized with external password In the following example, the user “jdoe” is validated against the SYSUAF.DAT file. Note that the user will not be mapped when the “/local” qualifier is provided during login. The username “jdoe” must be present in SYSUAF.DAT file. $ telnet %TELNET-I-TRYING, Trying ... %TELNET-I-SESSION, Session 01, host, port 23 -TELNET-I-ESCAPE, Escape character is ^] Welcome to HP OpenVMS Industry Standard 64 Operating System, Version V8.3-1H1 Username: jdoe/local Password: HP OpenVMS Industry Standard 64 Operating System, Version V8.3-1H1 Last interactive login on Tuesday, 1-DEC-2009 01:34:50.26 **** Logon authenticated by LDAP **** For a user scenario on configuring a standalone Active directory server, see “User Scenario: Configuring a simple standalone Active directory server and OpenVMS ACME LDAP agent”. 2.7 Examples of configuration files Red Hat or Fedora Directory Server configuration file A sample configuration file using the Red Hat or Fedora directory server server = port = 636 port_security = ssl bind_dn = uid=acme-admin,ou=people,dc=acme,dc=mycompany,dc=com bind_password = swordfish base_dn = ou=people,dc=acme,dc=mycompany,dc=com login_attribute = uid scope = sub ca_file = sys$manager:acme_ca.crt Active Directory configuration file server = port = 636 port_security = ssl password_type = active-directory bind_dn = cn=acme-admin,cn=users,dc=acme,dc=mycompany,dc=com bind_password = swordfish base_dn = cn=users,dc=acme,dc=mycompany,dc=com login_attribute = samaccountname scope = sub ca_file = sys$manager:acme_ca.crt server = port = 389 bind_dn = CN=query_account,CN=Users,DC=testdomain,DC=hp,DC=com bind_password = welcome@123 base_dn = DC=testdomain,DC=hp,DC=com scope = sub port_security = none password_type = active-directory server = port = 389 bind_dn = CN=query_account,CN=Users,DC=Americas,DC=hp,DC=com bind_password = welcome@123 base_dn = DC=Americas,DC=hp,DC=com scope = sub port_security = starttls password_type = active-directory domain = Americas server = port = 389 bind_dn = CN=query_account,CN=Users,DC=testdomain,DC=hp,DC=com bind_password = welcome@123 base_dn = DC=testdomain,DC=hp,DC=com scope = sub port_security = starttls password_type = active-directory ca_file = sys$manager:cssn-ddrs.cer 2.8 Support for redundant LDAP directory servers On OpenVMS version 8.4 and later, you can configure the ACME LDAP agent to search multiple redundant directory servers for user authentication. This is helpful in a scenario where the first directory server is not reachable or active. As a result, the ACME LDAP agent tries to connect to a set of directory servers to authenticate the user. This feature is provided as a patch on OpenVMS version 8.4. In order to provide multiple redundant servers, the mandatory directives, such as server and bind_timeout and the optional directive, ca_file must be updated. Additionally, search_timeout has also been introduced to enhance the support for redundant LDAP directory servers. This is useful to failover authentication requests in scenarios where the initial directory server that we are connecting to is in a state where the bind requests succeed but search operations fail. For more information on the directives, see “Editing LDAP configuration file”. 2.9 Support for multi-domain On OpenVMS version 8.4 and later, you can configure the ACME LDAP agent to login from different domains. This is helpful in a scenario where users from different locations or departments in an organization can login by prefixing domain to username. NOTE: Domain name is not case sensitive, it must not contain any special characters, and it must not be greater than 25 characters. If domain name is not specified at the username prompt then the user will be authenticated against the default domain (domain name specified in the first configuration file mentioned in logical name ldapacme$init). For example: “AMERICAS\bwills” “EMEA\John Doe” “ASIAPACIFIC\Shaun Marsh” Session details for the users mentioned in the example are as follows Username: "Americas\bwills" Password: HP OpenVMS Industry Standard 64 Operating System, Version V8.4 on node BENZ **** Logon authenticated by LDAP **** OpenVMS password has been synchronized with external password $ sh proc 4-NOV-2013 21:04:27.26 User: BWILLS Process ID: 2020026F Node: BENZ Process name: "BWILLS" Terminal: TNA14: (Host: LOCALHOST Locn: _FTA5:/SYSTEM) User Identifier: [BWILLS] Base priority: 4 Default file spec: SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BWILLS] Number of Kthreads: 1 (System-wide limit: 2) Username: "EMEA\John Doe" Password: HP OpenVMS Industry Standard 64 Operating System, Version V8.4 on node BENZ Last interactive login on Monday, 4-NOV-2013 00:21:23.54 **** Logon authenticated by LDAP **** $ sh proc 4-NOV-2013 21:17:08.99 User: JDOE Process ID: 20200270 Node: BENZ Process name: "JDOE" Terminal: TNA15: (Host: LOCALHOST Locn: _TNA14:/BWILLS) User Identifier: [JDOE] Base priority: 4 Default file spec: SYS$SYSDEVICE:[JDOE] Number of Kthreads: 1 (System-wide limit: 2) Devices allocated: TNA15: Username: "Asiapacific\Shaun Marsh" Password: HP OpenVMS Industry Standard 64 Operating System, Version V8.4 on node BENZ Last interactive login on Thursday, 31-OCT-2013 10:40:09.01 **** Logon authenticated by LDAP **** $ sh proc 4-NOV-2013 21:31:26.80 User: SMARSH Process ID: 20200271 Node: BENZ Process name: "SMARSH" Terminal: TNA16: (Host: LOCALHOST Locn: _TNA15:/JDOE) User Identifier: [SMARSH] Base priority: 4 Default file spec: SYS$SYSDEVICE:[SMARSH] Number of Kthreads: 1 (System-wide limit: 2) Devices allocated: TNA16: Chapter 3 Global and local mapping The authentication method for OpenVMS version ACME LDAP agent on Version 8.3 and Version 8.3-1H1 supports only one-to-one mapping for users. In one-to-one mapping, the user logging in to an OpenVMS system from an LDAP server must have a matching username in the SYSUAF.DAT file. Hence, a user must login with the exact username entry stored in the SYSUAF.DAT file. To overcome this limitation of one-to-one mapping, the ACME LDAP agent uses the concept of global and local mapping. The following diagrams explain the limitations of one-to-one mapping and how global or local mapping overcomes the limitations. In this section, “jdoe” is used as a sample account in SYSUAF.DAT file and “John Doe” as the sample domain user name. One-to-One mapping One-to-One mapping issue Figure 2 illustrates that in one-to-one mapping, the system is not able to match the username “John Doe” with the username in the SYSUAF.DAT, where it is stored as “jdoe”. Using the global and local mapping: * Users can enter the user name that is common across the domain, at the user name prompt of OpenVMS. * User name is mapped to a different name in the SYSUAF.DAT file during login. * OpenVMS session after login uses the name and the privileges in the SYSUAF.DAT for all purposes. * SET PASSWORD command has the capability to understand that this is a mapped user and synchronize any password change to the directory server. In global mapping, the user’s login name is mapped based on some attributes stored in the directory server. In local mapping, a text database file is used to store the LDAP user name (name of the user in the domain) and the name in SYSUAF.DAT in the .CSV format. Figure 3 illustrates global mapping and local mapping: Global Mapping In Figure 4, the user name “John Doe” is mapped with “jdoe” in the SYSUAF.DAT and “John Doe” in the Active Directory. Three new directives, namely mapping, mapping_attribute, and mapping _target are added to configure global mapping. For more information on the global mapping directives, see Table 2. Local Mapping In this figure, the username “John Doe” is mapped with “jdoe” and “John Doe” in the local database file. Two new directives, namely mapping and mapping_file are added to configure local mapping. For more information local mapping directives, see Table 2. 3.1 User Scenario: Configuring global and local mapping Global mapping configuration In the SYSUAF.DAT file, the username is stored as “jdoe” and “jhardy”. To enable global mapping, perform the following steps: 1. Update the attributes in SYS$STARTUP:LDAPACME$CONFIG-STD.INI file along with the other mandatory attributes: 2. mapping = server 3. mapping_attribute = description 4. mapping_target = For example: Two users, John Doe and Joe Hardy have the following attributes specified in the user profile of the Active directory: DN: cn=john doe,… samaccountname: John Doe description: DN: cn=jhardy,… samaccountname: jhardy description: 5. Restart the ACME server: $ SET SERVER ACME/EXIT/WAIT $ SET SERVER ACME/START=AUTO 6. Login to the host system using the login “John Doe” for the user “John Doe” NOTE: Note that at the user name prompt, you must give this name in quotes, as the name has a space (special character) in-between. 7. Login to the host system using the login jhardy for the other user. Local mapping configuration To enable local mapping, perform the following steps: 1. Make a copy of the SYS$STARTUP:LDAP_LOCALUSER_DATABASE.TXT _TEMPLATE and rename it to a filename of your choice. For example, SYS$STARTUP:LDAP_LOCALUSER_DATABASE.TXT on the OpenVMS system. 2. Update the SYS$STARTUP:LDAP_LOCALUSER_DATABASE.TXT with the LDAP username and VMS username separated by a comma. If the LDAP username contains spaces, commas, or exclamation, provide it within quotes. 3. “John Doe”,jdoe 4. jhardy,jhardy For example, two users John Doe and Joe Hardy have the following attributes specified in the user profile of the Active directory: DN: cn=john doe,… samaccountname: John Doe DN: cn=jhardy,… samaccountname: jhardy 5. Update the directives in the SYS$STARTUP:LDAPACME$CONFIG-STD.INI file along with the other mandatory attributes: 6. mapping = local 7. mapping_file = SYS$COMMON:[SYS$STARTUP]LDAP_LOCALUSER_DATABASE.TXT 8. Load the new database file by performing the following: a. Restart the ACME server: $ SET SERVER ACME/EXIT/WAIT $ SET SERVER ACME/START=AUTO OR: b. Using LDAP_LOAD_LOCALUSER_DATABASE.EXE: c. $ load_localuser_db:=="$SYS$SYSTEM:LDAP_LOAD_LOCALUSER_DATABASE.EXE" d. $ load_localuser_db SYS$COMMON:[SYS$STARTUP]LDAP_LOCALUSER_DATABASE.TXT e. In case of multi-domain support, procedure to load the local user database is as follows, here the tool takes one extra argument domain. f. $load_localuser_db:=="$SYS$SYSTEM:LDAP_LOAD_LOCALUSER_DATABASE.EXE" g. $load_localuser_db SYS$COMMON:[SYS$STARTUP]LDAP_LOCALUSER_DATABASE_AMERICAS.TXT AMERICAS $load_localuser_db SYS$COMMON:[SYS$STARTUP]LDAP_LOCALUSER_DATABASE_EMEA.TXT EMEA 9. Login to the host system using the login “John Doe” and jhardy. Chapter 4 User Scenario: Configuring a simple standalone Active directory server and OpenVMS ACME LDAP agent This chapter provides a user scenario on how to configure an Active directory server with an OpenVMS ACME LDAP agent. This user scenario guides the user through the various steps of configuring a sample standalone Active directory server, creating an account, and creating certificates. It also provides the steps to extract the relevant values from the Active directory server to populate the ACME LDAP configuration file. IMPORTANT: This chapter aims at providing the end-user with a detailed overview of configuring a sample directory server (here, Active directory is chosen as the sample directory server) and an OpenVMS ACME LDAP agent. Note that in most of the system administration setup, the sub-procedures for certain sections such as “Configuring Active directory”, “Creating Active directory certificates” may have been already completed. Therefore, you may not have to perform these steps again. Sample account names such as, “query_account” have been used throughout this chapter and must not be considered as a standard proxy account name. You can create any account of your choice. Similarly, other accounts and system names used in this chapter are also examples and you can use any account name or system of your choice. Figure 5 illustrates how an ACME LDAP agent configured with an Active directory server works. ACME LDAP Process Flow Diagram Figure 5 illustrates how a VMS user logs in to a VMS system using LDAP authentication. In this figure, two systems are involved, which communicate over TCP/IP. The gray box on the left is the VMS system with enhanced versions of LOGINOUT.EXE and SETP0.EXE installed and the ACME LDAP agent running within the ACME_SERVER process. On the right, is the Active directory server running Windows Server 2003. Active Directory is also an LDAP server. The ACME LDAP agent communicates with Active directory using LDAP protocol over a TCP session, which can be protected by SSL (required for Active directory LDAP password changes). The LDAP “search” and “bind” operations are standard LDAP operations accessed through standard C bindings. These are operations that are supported with any standard LDAP server and are used pervasively in many applications to provide LDAP-based authentication services. Enabling your Active Directory to use ACME LDAP agent for authentication on OpenVMS system involves the following steps: 1. “Configuring Active directory” a. “Setting Active directory as the domain controller” b. “Installing Active directory domain and Lightweight services” 2. “Creating accounts on Active directory”. 3. “Extracting ACME LDAP configuration parameter values” 4. “Creating Active directory certificates” 5. “Viewing the certificate on Active directory” 6. “Adding the certificate to OpenVMS” 4.1 Configuring Active directory Configuring active directory involves the following: 1. “Installing Active directory domain and Lightweight services” 2. “Setting Active directory as the domain controller” 3. “Creating accounts on Active directory” 4.1.1 Installing Active directory domain and Lightweight services The following procedure describes how to set up Active directory as a standalone domain controller on a Windows 2012 R2 server. NOTE: In a corporate network, the Active directory might not be standalone and usually the Active directory may have been already set up. 1. Click Start?All Programs?Manage Your Server to open the Mange your Server window. 2. Locate and open the Server Manager Dashboard. Click Start?All Programs?Manage Your Server The following dashboard is displayed. 3. Select Add roles and features option and the following wizard is displayed. Click Next. 4. Select Role-based or feature-based installation and click Next. 5. Select the Active Directory Domain Services and Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services role to set Active Directory as the domain controller. Click Next to display the Summary of Selections dialog box. 6. Click Next to begin the installation. The Installation progress dialog is displayed. 7. During the install process, the Select Features dialog is displayed. This dialog is displayed if .Net Framework is not installed. 8. Click Next and the Active Directory Domain Services dialog is displayed. 9. Click Next and the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS) dialog is displayed. 10. Click Next and the Confirm installation selections dialog is displayed. 11. Click Install to complete all the selected roles and features and wait until the installation is completed. 12. After the installation, you need to promote this server to a domain controller. Click on Promote this server to a domain, see the following snapshot. 4.1.2 Setting Active directory as the domain controller The following procedure describes how to set up Active directory as a standalone domain controller on a Windows 2012 R2 server. 1. You will be asked to choose the deployment configuration to set up the domain controller. Select the required option in the Domain Controller Type dialog box based on whether you want to create a new domain or an additional domain. NOTE: If you select Additional domain controller for an existing domain, all local accounts and cryptographic keys will be deleted. The caution is provided in the wizard dialog box. In the following snapshot, as an example, the option Add a new forest is selected and the root domain name is named as Click Next. 2. Enter Password and Confirm Password for the administrator account and click Next. 3. Enter The Domain NetBIOS name or click Next if you do not want to change the displayed name. 4. Click Next to display the Paths dialog. 5. Browse and select the Database folder, Log folder, and SYSVOL folder or retain the default folder names and click Next. 6. Click Next (or install as required) in the next series of wizards to complete the Active directory installation. Click Install when you arrive at the Review Options dialog. 7. During the installation process, you will see the operational results in the summary dialog. 8. After the successful installation, system reboot message will be prompted. Reboot the system. 4.2 Creating accounts on Active directory Create two accounts on the directory server, one a binding account, for example, “query_account” and the second, a test user account, for example, “san” on the directory server. The “query_account” will be used by the ACME LDAP to connect to the Active directory server. The following sections provide information on how to get the distinguished name of the “query_account” and use in the ACME LDAP configuration file. You can use any account name of your choice here. “query_account” is an example. The account “san” is a sample user account. To create the accounts, perform the following steps: 1. Select the Active Directory Users and Computers in Tool option in the Active Directory panel. The Active Directory Users and Computers dialog is displayed. 2. Select under Active Directory Users and Computers tree to display the sub-tree Users. Right click and select New?User from the pop-up menu in the Active Directory Users and Computers window. 3. Enter the required details for the account and click Next. The following sample snapshot shows the details entered for the “query_account” for the user account. This creates the binding account, “query_account”. 4. Enter the Password and Confirm Password for the user in the specific domain and click Next. 5. The New Object—User dialog box displays the details for the user and selected password settings. Click Finish to create the user profile. Details of “query_account” is displayed. 6. Now the “query_account” is displayed in the Active Directory Users and Computers window. 7. Create the test user account “san”, similar to the “query_account”. 4.3 Extracting ACME LDAP configuration parameter values You require the following information from the Active directory to populate the LDAP INI configuration file. * LDAP port (This is usually 389 - the non-secure port and 636 the secure port). For detailed steps on how to obtain this information, see “Querying LDAP port”. * Base Distinguished Name (DN) under which all users are present. * Distinguished Name and password of the “query_account”. * Login attribute (usually “samaccountname”). The base distinguished name (base_dn directive), the distinguished name of the query_account (bind_dn directive), and the samaccountname (login_attribute directive) are obtained from the database log file, .ldf file. For more information on how to obtain the specific attribute value, see “Extracting base_dn, bind_dn, and login_attribute”. 4.3.1 Querying LDAP port To query LDAP ports, you can install the PortQryUI tool provided by Microsoft. This tool is available for download from: You can use any other query tool of your choice. 4.3.2 Extracting base_dn, bind_dn, and login_attribute You can extract the values for base_dn, bind_dn, and login_attribute directives (in the ACME LDAP configuration file) from the .ldf file. To extract the .ldf file, at the command prompt, enter the following command on your Windows system: ldifde –f .ldf After the .ldf file is extracted, copy the base_dn and bind_dn value. For more information on the base_dn and bind_dn directives, see Table 2. Figure 6 shows a sample .ldf file. Here, the account, “query_account” is identified as the binding account. The “base_dn” and “bind_dn” values are highlighted. Sample LDF file 4.4 Configuring ACME LDAP agent for non-secure port To configure an ACME LDAP agent on a non-secure port, do the following: 1. Install the ACMELOGIN and ACMELDAP kit as explained in “Installing the SYS$ACM (ACMELOGIN) enabled LOGIN and ACME LDAP PCSI kits”. 2. Check whether the images are loaded correctly: ANALYZE/IMAGE/INTER SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]LOGINOUT.EXE $ ANALYZE/IMAGE/INTER SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]LOGINOUT.EXE This is an OpenVMS IA64 (Elf format) executable image file Image Identification Information, in section 3. Image name: "LOGINOUT" Global Symbol Table name: "LOGINOUT" Image file identification: "LOGIN98 X-1" Image build identification: "XC7Q-BL4-000000" Link identification: "Linker I02-37" Link Date/Time: 8-FEB-2010 15:23:06.56 ANALYZE/IMAGE/INTER SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]SETP0.EXE $ ANALYZE/IMAGE/INTER SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]SETP0.EXE This is an OpenVMS IA64 (Elf format) executable image file Image Identification Information, in section 3. Image name: "SETP0" Global Symbol Table name: "SETP0" Image file identification: "LOGIN98 X-1" Image build identification: "XC7Q-BL4-000000" Link identification: "Linker I02-37" Link Date/Time: 8-FEB-2010 15:25:05.14 3. Set up the LDAP persona extension. For more information on how to set the persona extension, see “Setting up LDAP persona extension”. 4. Restart the OpenVMS system after setting the persona extension. 5. For a non-secure port, enter the following values for the attributes in the LDAP configuration file, SYS$STARTUP:LDAPACME$CONFIG-STD.INI: server = Ensure that you are able to make a $ TCPIP PING to the Active directory system. port = 389. This is the default value for a non-secure port. bind_dn = CN=query_account,CN=Users,DC=testdomain,DC=hp,DC=com. This value can be obtained from the .ldf file. For information on how to extract the value, see “Extracting base_dn, bind_dn, and login_attribute”. bind_password = welcome@123. This is the password given for the query_account in the Active directory. See “Creating accounts on Active directory”. base_dn = DC=testdomain,DC=hp,DC=com. This is the base account under which all other accounts reside. See “Creating accounts on Active directory”. login_attribute = samaccountname. See “Creating accounts on Active directory”. scope = sub. Retain the default value “sub”. port_security = none. Since this is a non-secure port, replace the default value with “none”. password_type = active-directory. Replace the default value with active-directory since the configuration is done with an Active directory. The populated configuration file will be as shown: server = port = 389 bind_dn = CN=query_account,CN=Users,DC=testdomain,DC=hp,DC=com bind_password = welcome@123 base_dn = DC=testdomain,DC=hp,DC=com login_attribute = samaccountname scope = sub port_security = none password_type = active-directory 6. Add the following logical to the SYS$MANAGER:ACME$START.COM: $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXECUTIVE LDAPACME$INIT - _$SYS$STARTUP:LDAPACME$CONFIG-STD.INI and uncomment the @SYS$STARTUP:LDAPACME$STARTUP-STD. 7. Restart the ACME server. $ SET SERVER ACME/EXIT/WAIT $ SET SERVER ACME/START=AUTO 8. Execute SHOW SERVER ACME/FULL to check if the ACME LDAP agent has been loaded. 9. $ SHOW SERVER ACME/FULL 10. ACME Information on node EARWIG 18-FEB-2010 06:03:42.00 Uptime 0 00:15:24 11. 12. ACME Server id: 2 State: Processing New Requests 13. Agents Loaded: 2 Active: 2 14. Thread Maximum: 1 Count: 1 15. Request Maximum: 826 Count: 0 16. Requests awaiting service: 0 17. Requests awaiting dialogue: 0 18. Requests awaiting AST: 0 19. Requests awaiting resource: 0 20. Logging status: Active 21. Tracing status: Inactive 22. Log file: "SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSMGR]ACME$SERVER.LOG;19" 23. 24. ACME Agent id: 1 State: Active 25. Name: "VMS" 26. Image: "DISK$I64SYS:[VMS$COMMON.SYSLIB]VMS$VMS_ACMESHR.EXE;1" 27. Identification: "VMS ACME built 20-SEP-2006" 28. Information: "No requests completed since the last startup" 29. Domain of Interpretation: Yes 30. Execution Order: 1 31. Credentials Type: 1 Name: "VMS" 32. Resource wait count: 0 33. 34. ACME Agent id: 2 State: Active 35. Name: "LDAP-STD" 36. Image: "DISK$I64SYS:[VMS$COMMON.SYSLIB]LDAPACME$LDAP-STD_ACMESHR.EXE;1" 37. Identification: "ACME LDAP Standard V1.5" 38. Information: "ACME_LDAP_DOI Agent is initialized" 39. Domain of Interpretation: Yes 40. Execution Order: 2 41. Credentials Type: 3 Name: "LDAP" 42. Resource wait count: 0 43. Add the user jdoe to the SYSUAF.DAT file. 44. @SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES]ADDUSER.COM 45. *************************************************************************** 46. * Creating a NEW user account... If at ANY TIME you need help about a * 47. * prompt, just type "?". * 48. *************************************************************************** 49. 50. 51. Username(s) - separate by commas: jdoe 52. 53. *** Processing JDOE's account *** 54. 55. Full name for JDOE: John Doe 56. Password (password is not echoed to terminal) [JDOE]: 57. 58. UIC Group number [200]: 59. UIC Member number: 201 60. Account name: TEST 61. Privileges [TMPMBX,NETMBX]: 62. 63. Login directory [JDOE]: 64. Login device [SYS$SYSDEVICE:]: 65. 66. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, SYS$SYSDEVICE:[JDOE] already exists 67. %UAF-I-PWDLESSMIN, new password is shorter than minimum password length 68. %UAF-E-UAEERR, invalid user name, user name already exists 69. %UAF-I-NOMODS, no modifications made to system authorization file 70. %UAF-I-RDBNOMODS, no modifications made to rights database 71. 72. Check newly created account: 73. 74. 75. Username: JDOE Owner: 76. Account: TEST UIC: [201,2011] ([JDOE]) 77. CLI: DCL Tables: DCLTABLES 78. Default: SYS$SYSDEVICE:[JDOE] 79. LGICMD: 80. Flags: VMSAuth 81. Primary days: Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 82. Secondary days: Sat Sun 83. No access restrictions 84. Expiration: (none) Pwdminimum: 6 Login Fails: 1 85. Pwdlifetime: 90 00:00 Pwdchange: (pre-expired) 86. Last Login: (none) (interactive), (none) (non-interactive) 87. Maxjobs: 0 Fillm: 128 Bytlm: 128000 88. Maxacctjobs: 0 Shrfillm: 0 Pbytlm: 0 89. Maxdetach: 0 BIOlm: 150 JTquota: 4096 90. Prclm: 8 DIOlm: 150 WSdef: 4096 91. Prio: 4 ASTlm: 300 WSquo: 8192 92. Queprio: 4 TQElm: 100 WSextent: 16384 93. CPU: (none) Enqlm: 4000 Pgflquo: 256000 94. Authorized Privileges: 95. NETMBX TMPMBX 96. Default Privileges: 97. NETMBX TMPMBX 98. %UAF-I-NOMODS, no modifications made to system authorization file 99. %UAF-I-RDBNOMODS, no modifications made to rights database 100. 101. Is everything satisfactory with the account [YES]: 102. Set ExtAuth and VMSAuth flag for the user jdoe. For information about adding a SYSUAF account, see “Specifying EXTAUTH and VMSAUTH flags on OpenVMS”. 103. $ SET DEF SYS$SYSTEM 104. $ MC AUTHORIZE 105. UAF> modify jdoe/flags=(EXTAUTH,VMSAUTH) 106. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated 107. UAF> SHOW jdoe 108. 109. Username: JDOE Owner: 110. Account: TEST UIC: [201,2011] ([JDOE]) 111. CLI: DCL Tables: DCLTABLES 112. Default: SYS$SYSDEVICE:[JDOE] 113. LGICMD: 114. Flags: ExtAuth VMSAuth 115. Primary days: Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 116. Secondary days: Sat Sun 117. No access restrictions 118. Expiration: (none) Pwdminimum: 6 Login Fails: 1 119. Pwdlifetime: 90 00:00 Pwdchange: (pre-expired) 120. Last Login: (none) (interactive), (none) (non-interactive) 121. Maxjobs: 0 Fillm: 128 Bytlm: 128000 122. Maxacctjobs: 0 Shrfillm: 0 Pbytlm: 0 123. Maxdetach: 0 BIOlm: 150 JTquota: 4096 124. Prclm: 8 DIOlm: 150 WSdef: 4096 125. Prio: 4 ASTlm: 300 WSquo: 8192 126. Queprio: 4 TQElm: 100 WSextent: 16384 127. CPU: (none) Enqlm: 4000 Pgflquo: 256000 128. Authorized Privileges: 129. NETMBX TMPMBX 130. Default Privileges: 131. NETMBX TMPMBX 132. UAF> 133. Login to the system as user “jdoe”. 4.5 Enabling ACME LDAP for secure ports This section includes the following: 1. “Creating Active directory certificates” 2. “Configuring ACME LDAP for secure port” 4.5.1 Creating Active directory certificates To create a certificate file to enable secure authentication, you can install the Microsoft certification service and create the root CA as explained in the following procedure. Optionally, you can install third-party certificates. Refer to the knowledge brief provided by Microsoft: How to enable LDAP over SSL with a third-party certification authority” 1. Go to Start?All Programs?Manage Your Server to open the Manage Your Server dialog. Now, select the Add roles and feature option from the Manage Your Server dialog and the Configure Your Server wizard is displayed. Click Next. 2. Select Role-based or feature-based installation and click Next. 3. Select the Active Directory Certificate Services and click Next to display the Summary of Selections dialog. 4. After the successful installation, a completion screen is returned displaying that the Certificate Services role has been installed successfully. 5. Click Configure Active Directory Certificate Services on the destination server. 6. Verify that you are using the proper credentials to configure the Certificate Services role, if not change to the proper account. Click Next. 7. Select the specific function of Certificate Services to configure. Leave the Certification Authority selected and click Next. 8. Specify the setup type for the Certification Authority, select Enterprise CA and click Next. 9. Specify the type of the CA, select Root CA and click Next. 10. Specify the private key to be created, select Create a new private key and click Next. 11. Do not change the cryptography value. Click Next. 12. Specify the certificate name. HP recommends you to use the generated default names, as the generated names are based on the domain name and server name where the CA is being installed. Click Next. 13. Specify the validity period, default value is five years. As appropriate, you can modify the value for the years. NOTE: Ensure you do not have to recertify this value for sometime. 14. Click Next. 15. Specify the location to store the certification database. HP recommends you to use the default values. Click Next. 16. Verify the configuration settings and click Configure. 17. The configuration process runs for few seconds, and then a confirmation message is displayed indicating that the Certificate Services Installation is succeeded. Click Close. 18. After configuring role services of AD CS, Add Roles and Features Wizard displays the final installation results. 4.5.2 Configuring ACME LDAP for secure port 1. Update the LDAP configuration file, SYS$STARTUP:LDAPACME$CONFIG-STD.INI similar to how the file was updated in section “Configuring ACME LDAP for non-secure port”. The only difference is the values provided to the port and port_security directives. See the following sample configuration file: server = port = 636 bind_dn = CN=query_account,CN=Users,DC=testdomain,DC=hp,DC=com bind_password = welcome@123 base_dn = DC=testdomain,DC=hp,DC=com scope = sub port_security = ssl password_type = active-directory or server = port = 389 bind_dn = CN=query_account,CN=Users,DC=testdomain,DC=hp,DC=com bind_password = welcome@123 base_dn = DC=testdomain,DC=hp,DC=com scope = sub port_security = starttls password_type = active-directory 2. Restart ACME_SERVER and check the login as explained in section “Configuring ACME LDAP agent for non-secure port”. 4.6 Providing Active directory certificates to ACME LDAP This is an optional step, where you can export the public root certificate of the Active directory and provide it to the ACME LDAP agent. The ACME LDAP agent checks if it is connecting to the correct active directory server by validating the certificate. 4.6.1 Viewing the certificate on Active directory To view the certificate generated, perform the following steps: 1. Go to Run and open mmc to open a console. 2. Go to File?Add/Remove Snap-in to open the Add/Remove Snap-in dialog box. 3. Select Certificates and click Add to display the Certificates snap-in dialog box. You will be required to enter details of the certificate in the next few dialogs. 4. Select the Computer account option and click Next to display the Select Computer dialog. 5. Select Local computer (the computer this console is running on) option and click Finish to complete the process of adding the certificate. Click Finish. 6. Go to Console Root?Certificates?Personal?Certificates. The available certificates are displayed in the right-hand side panel of the Console Root window. Right click on the Certificates and select All Tasks?Export to export the certificate. The Certificate Export Wizard dialog is displayed. 7. Click Next in the Welcome dialog to start exporting the certificate. The Export Private Key dialog is displayed. 8. Select No, do not export the private key and click Next to display the Export File Format dialog. 9. Export the certificate in Base-64 encoded X.509 format only. Click Next. The File to Export dialog is displayed. 10. Browse and select the File name: or click Next with the default file name. The Completing the Certificate Export Wizard dialog is displayed. 11. Click Finish to complete exporting the certificate. You get the following message if the export is successful. The export was successful. To view the certificate, open the certificate file with Notepad. The certificate generated on the system is shown in the following figure: 4.6.2 Publish Certificates to Active Directory 1. Launch the Certification Authority Management Console. 2. Right click on Certificate Template and navigate to New?Certificate Template to Issue. 3. Enable Certificate Templates dialog is displayed, now select Kerberos Authentication, Domain Controller and Domain Controller Authentication and then click OK. 4. Now selected certificates are visible when you select the Certificate Templates. 5. Click Certificate Templates and click Manage. Certificates Template Console dialog is displayed. 6. Right click Kerberos Authentication and select Properties. From the General tab, check the option Publish Certificate in Active Directory and click OK. 7. From the Start menu, go to Run and type mmc to open the console. Now, go to File?Add/Remove Snap-in to open the Add/Remove Snap-in dialog, select Certificates form the Available snap-ins. 8. Go to Console Root?Certificates?Personal?Certificates. The available certificates are displayed in the right-hand side panel of the Console Root window. Right click on the certificate and select All Tasks?Request New Certificate. 9. Click Next in the Certificate Enrollment dialog. 10. Click Next to enroll certificate for Active Directory. 11. Select all certificates which you have selected as templates and click on Enroll. 12. Enrollment process takes some time and upon successful the status message changes to Succeeded. Click Finish. 13. The enrolled certificates will be visible in Console?Root?Certificates?PersonalCertificates. 4.6.3 Verifying the configured SSL 1. Open the LDP snap-in as an administrator. i. Search for ldp from the Windows Start menu. ii. Right click on ldp.exe and click Run as administrator. 2. In the User Account Control window, click Yes to allow the program to make changes to the computer. 3. In Ldp, click Connection?Connect. 4. In the Connect dialog, enter the following details: i. In the Server field, enter the host name to connect. ii. In the Port field, enter 636. iii. Check the SSL option and uncheck the Connectionless option. iv. Click OK. 5. The command output must display the user name and domain name for the binding. 6. If the following dialog is displayed, LDAP-over-SSL binding is not configured properly. 7. Click OK. 8. From the Ldp dialog, select Connection?Bind. 9. From the Bind type, select the option Bind with credentials. Enter the username and password and click OK. 10. The command output must display the username and domain name for the binding. 4.6.4 Adding the certificate to OpenVMS To add the certificate for LDAP authentication, perform the following steps: 1. Create a file SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSMGR]. For example, SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSMGR]BASE64_TESTDOMAIN_ROOTCA.CER, where BASE64_TESTDOMAIN_ROOTCA.CER is the name of the certificate. 2. Copy the certificate from the Active directory server and paste it on to the BASE64_TESTDOMAIN_ROOTCA.CER file. 3. Save the file. NOTE: If you FTP this file, use ASCII mode. 4. Ensure that this file is protected. SET SECURITY/PROTECTION =(SYSTEM:"RWED",OWNER:"",GROUP:"",WORLD:"") 5. Open the SYS$STARTUP:LDAPACME$CONFIG-STD.INI file and edit the ca_file attribute with the exact directory location of the certificate file. For example, ca_file = SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSMGR]:BASE64_TESTDOMAIN_ROOTCA.CER and save the configuration file 6. Restart ACME server: $ SET SERVER ACME/EXIT/WAIT $ SET SERVER ACME/START=AUTO 4.6.5 Configuring ACME LDAP to utilize multi-domain support Perform the following steps to configure ACME LDAP to utilize the multi-domain support: 1. Identify the different domains in the organization, and the respective directory servers which hosts these domains. For example: Domain: Americas Server: Domain: EMEA Server: Domain: Asiapacific Server: 2. Create a separate INI file for each domain. For example: SYS$COMMON:[SYS$STARTUP]LDAPACME$CONFIG-STD_Americas.INI SYS$COMMON:[SYS$STARTUP]LDAPACME$CONFIG-STD_EMEA.INI SYS$COMMON:[SYS$STARTUP]LDAPACME$CONFIG-STD_Asiapacific.INI 3. Enter the required attributes value in each INI file, mention the attribute domain and the respective domain name as shown in the following example. Examples of INI files after configuring ACME LDAP agent for multi-domain support are as follows: a. SYS$COMMON:[SYS$STARTUP]LDAPACME$CONFIG-STD_Americas.INI file b. server = BOSTON.AMERICAS.HP.COM c. port = 636 d. bind_dn = CN=query_account,CN=Users,DC=AMERICAS,DC=hp,DC=com e. bind_password = welcome@123 f. base_dn = DC=AMERICAS,DC=hp,DC=com g. login_attribute = sAMAccountName h. scope = sub i. port_security = ssl j. password_type = active-directory k. domain = AMERICAS l. SYS$COMMON:[SYS$STARTUP]LDAPACME$CONFIG-STD_EMEA.INI file m. server = LONDON.EMEA.HP.COM n. port = 389 o. bind_dn = CN=query_account,CN=Users,DC=EMEA,DC=hp,DC=com p. bind_password = welcome@123 q. base_dn = DC=EMEA,DC=hp,DC=com r. login_attribute = sAMAccountName s. scope = sub t. port_security = none u. password_type = active-directory v. domain=EMEA w. SYS$COMMON:[SYS$STARTUP]LDAPACME$CONFIG-STD_Asiapacific.INI file x. server = SYDNEY.ASIAPACIFIC.HP.COM y. port = 636 z. bind_dn = CN=query_account,CN=Users,DC=ASIAPACIFIC,DC=hp,DC=com aa. bind_password = welcome@123 bb. base_dn = DC=ASIAPACIFIC,DC=hp,DC=com cc. login_attribute = sAMAccountName dd. scope = sub ee. port_security = ssl ff. password_type = active-directory gg. domain = ASIAPACIFIC 4. After completing the aforementioned steps, edit sys$manager:acme$, and define a multilevel system wide logical ldapacme$init to point all the domain's INI files using comma separated values. For example: DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXECUTIVE LDAPACME$INIT  – _$SYS$COMMON:[SYS$STARTUP]LDAPACME$CONFIG-STD_Americas.INI,- _$SYS$COMMON:[SYS$STARTUP]LDAPACME$CONFIG-STD_EMEA.INI,- _$SYS$COMMON:[SYS$STARTUP]LDAPACME$CONFIG-STD_Asiapacific.INI 5. Restart ACME server using the following commands: 6. $ SET SERVER ACME/EXIT/WAIT $ SET SERVER ACME/START=AUTO Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Problem System displays the following error when @SYS$STARTUP:ACME$START.COM is executed: $ @sys$startup:acme$ Please ensure the following logical is defined /SYSTEM/EXECUTIVE_MODE LDAPACME$INIT Solution The LDAPACME$INIT logical is not defined before the @SYS$STARTUP:LDAPACME$STARTUP-STD command in SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]ACME$START.COM. For more information, see the steps in “Editing LDAP configuration file”. Problem When @SYS$STARTUP:ACME$START.COM is executed, the system displays the following error, all ACME agent are in stopped state when using the SHOW SERVER ACME/FULL command and new logins are not permitted: $ @sys$startup:acme$ %ACME-E-INVPARAMETER, parameter selector or descriptor is invalid Solution The LDAPACME$INIT logical is defined to a wrong INI file name. Perform the following steps: 1. Deassign the LDAPACME$INIT logical $ deassign /system/exec LDAPACME$INIT 2. Stop the ACME Server process $ set server acme/exit/wait 3. Correct the LDAPACME$INIT logical to point to the right path inside SYS$STARTUP:ACME$START.COM 4. Start the ACME server in auto mode so that it starts the ACME LDAP agent during startup. $ set server acme/start=auto Problem The SHOW SERVER ACME/FULL command does not display the LDAP agent. $ sh server acme/full ACME Information on node EARWIG 18-FEB-2010 05:50:06.40 Uptime 0 00:01:48 ACME Server id: 2 State: Processing New Requests Agents Loaded: 1 Active: 1 Thread Maximum: 1 Count: 1 Request Maximum: 826 Count: 0 Requests awaiting service: 0 Requests awaiting dialogue: 0 Requests awaiting AST: 0 Requests awaiting resource: 0 Logging status: Active Tracing status: Inactive Log file: "SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSMGR]ACME$SERVER.LOG;17" ACME Agent id: 1 State: Active Name: "VMS" Image: "DISK$I64SYS:[VMS$COMMON.SYSLIB]VMS$VMS_ACMESHR.EXE;1" Identification: "VMS ACME built 20-SEP-2006" Information: "No requests completed since the last startup" Domain of Interpretation: Yes Execution Order: 1 Credentials Type: 1 Name: "VMS" Resource wait count: 0 $ Solution Check if the SYS$STARTUP:ACME$START.COM has been updated with the LDAP logical names and @SYS$STARTUP:LDAPACME$STARTUP-STD ! LDAP command is uncommented in the file. For more information on updating the SYS$STARTUP:ACME$START.COM, see “Editing LDAP configuration file”. ACME Server id: 2 State: Processing New Requests Agents Loaded: 2 Active: 2 Thread Maximum: 1 Count: 1 Request Maximum: 826 Count: 0 Requests awaiting service: 0 Requests awaiting dialogue: 0 Requests awaiting AST: 0 Requests awaiting resource: 0 Logging status: Active Tracing status: Inactive Log file: "SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSMGR]ACME$SERVER.LOG;19" ACME Agent id: 1 State: Active Name: "VMS" Image: "DISK$I64SYS:[VMS$COMMON.SYSLIB]VMS$VMS_ACMESHR.EXE;1" Identification: "VMS ACME built 20-SEP-2006" Information: "No requests completed since the last startup" Domain of Interpretation: Yes Execution Order: 1 Credentials Type: 1 Name: "VMS" Resource wait count: 0 ACME Agent id: 2 State: Active Name: "LDAP-STD" Image: "DISK$I64SYS:[VMS$COMMON.SYSLIB]LDAPACME$LDAP-STD_ACMESHR.EXE;1" Identification: "LDAP ACME Standard V1.5" Information: "ACME_LDAP_DOI Agent is initialized" Domain of Interpretation: Yes Execution Order: 2 Credentials Type: 3 Name: "LDAP" Resource wait count: 0 $ Problem All the ACME LDAP configuration is correct, but the user is unable to log in. Solution 1 Use the Ping command to check whether the LDAP server provided in the server directive of the LDAP INI file is reachable: $ tcpip ping PING earwig ( 56 data bytes 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=0 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0 ms ----earwig PING Statistics---- 4 packets transmitted, 4 packets received, 0% packet loss round-trip (ms) min/avg/max = 0/0/0 ms Solution 2 Ensure that the ExtAuth flag is provided for the user in SYSUAF.DAT file. Solution 3 Use TCPDUMP to check whether data is flowing on the configured LDAP port. $ tcpdump -w tcpdump.enc tcp port 389 tcpdump: Filtering in user process tcpdump: listening on WE1, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 96 bytes *CANCEL* 24 packets captured 24 packets received by filter 0 packets dropped by kernel $ dir .enc Directory SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSMGR] TCPDUMP.ENC;1 Total of 1 file. $ $ tcpdump -r TCPDUMP.ENC reading from file tcpdump.enc, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet) 05:39:16.726000 IP > CSSN-DDRS.TESTDOMAIN.HP.COM.389: S 1252791091:1252791091(0) win 61440 05:39:16.726000 IP CSSN-DDRS.TESTDOMAIN.HP.COM.389 > S 1725693481:1725693481(0) ack 1252791092 win 16384 05:39:16.726000 IP > CSSN-DDRS.TESTDOMAIN.HP.COM.389: . ack 1 win 62780 05:39:16.726000 IP > CSSN-DDRS.TESTDOMAIN.HP.COM.389: P 1:78(77) ack 1 win 62780 05:39:16.728000 IP CSSN-DDRS.TESTDOMAIN.HP.COM.389 > P 1:23(22) ack 78 win 65458 05:39:16.729000 IP > CSSN-DDRS.TESTDOMAIN.HP.COM.389: P 78:154(76) ack 23 win 62780 Solution 4 (needs C compiler) To troubleshoot issues with the LDAP configuration, use a compiled version of SYS$EXAMPLES:LDAP_EXAMPLE.C Once compiled, the LDAP_EXAMPLE.EXE file can be used to search the directory server. The LDAP_EXAMPLE.EXE file accepts arguments similar to the directives in the LDAP INI configuration file. As a result, you can populate the INI file with the correct directive information, based on the output of LDAP_EXAMPLE.EXE. $ set def sys$examples $ cc LDAP_EXAMPLE $ link LDAP_EXAMPLE $ ldap_example:=="$sys$examples:LDAP_EXAMPLE.EXE" $ ldap_example $ ldap_example Usage:ldap_example server port bind_dn bind_password port_security cafile base_dn filter [attributes] Mandatory arguments : For specifying NULL values use "" server --> The node which is providing LDAP access to a directory port --> The port through which to search bind_dn --> The bind dn, enclose in double quotes. Specify a "" if anonymous bind is supported by LDAP directory server. bind_password --> The bind password. Specify a "" if anonymous bind is supported by LDAP directory server. port_security --> The port security "SSL" or "TLS". Specify a "" if you are not using any port security. cafile --> The location of the ca file. Specify a "" if ca file is not present. base_dn --> The base object in the directory for the search operation. This is a required argument. filter --> The search filter to be used. Specify a "" if the LDAP search needs to be done without filters. Optional arguments : attributes --> An optional list of one or more attributes to be returned for each matching record. If no attributes are specified, then all user attributes will be returned. Example : $ ldap_example server1 389 "" "" "" "" "ou=vms,o=testcom" "" $ ldap_example server1 389 "cn=admin,ou=vms,o=testcom" "WELCOME123" "" "" - "ou=vms,o=testcom" "" $ ldap_example server1 389 "cn=admin,ou=vms,o=testcom" "WELCOME123" "" "" - "ou=vms,o=testcom" "" "DN" $ ldap_example server1 389 "cn=admin,ou=vms,o=testcom" "WELCOME123" "" "" - "ou=vms,o=testcom" "" "DN" "SN" $ ldap_example server2 389 - "CN=query_account,CN=Users,DC=testdomain,DC=testcom,DC=com" - "welcome@123" "" "" "CN=Users,DC=testdomain,DC=testcom,DC=com" - "" "samaccountname" $ ldap_example server2 636 - "CN=query_account,CN=Users,DC=testdomain,DC=testcom,DC=com" - "welcome@123" "SSL" "" "CN=Users,DC=testdomain,DC=testcom,DC=com" - "" "samaccountname" $ ldap_example server2 389 "CN=query_account,CN=Users,DC=testdomain,DC=testcom,DC=com" - "welcome@123" "starttls" "" "CN=Users,DC=testdomain,DC=testcom,DC=com" - "" "samaccountname" $ ldap_example server2 636 "CN=query_account,CN=Users,DC=testdomain,DC=testcom,DC=com" - "welcome@123" "SSL" "SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSMGR]server2.CER" - "CN=Users,DC=testdomain,DC=testcom,DC=com" "" "samaccountname" Program terminating 5.1 FAQ What events can be traced using the “$ SET SERVER ACME/TRACE=” command and how do we interpret the traces? You can view critical errors logged by the agent in ACME$SERVER.LOG without setting the SET SERVER ACME/TRACE=. See Table 3 for setting the appropriate values. For example: When ACME LDAP agent is configured to a Directory server, which is not reachable, the following error messages are displayed: %ACME-I-LOGAGENT, agent initiated log event on 25-FEB-2010 10:41:06.43 ==> Time of Log -ACME-I-THREAD, thread: id = 4, type = EXECUTION ==> Thread ID of the ACME Server causing this error -ACME-I-REQUEST, request information, id = 1, function = AUTHENTICATE_PRINCIPAL ==> Function code passed to SYS$ACM -ACME-I-CLIENT, client information, PID = 2020044C ==> Process ID of the client talking to ACME Server -ACME-I-AGENT, agent information, ACME id = 2, name = LDAP-STD ==> Agent handling this request. -ACME-I-CALLOUT, active callout routine = acme$co_accept_principal ==> Authentication routine handling the request -ACME-I-CALLBACK, active callback routine = acme$cb_send_logfile ==> Callback routine. -ACME_-I-TRACE, message from LDAP ACME agent: Internal error. LDAP search operation failed ==> Status returned by the ACME agent Another example on giving port_security = nonenone instead of port_security = none in the configuration file: %ACME-I-LOGAGENT, agent initiated log event on 25-FEB-2010 10:42:39.41 -ACME-I-THREAD, thread: id = 1, type = CONTROL -ACME-I-CONTROL, control information, operation = STARTUP -ACME-I-AGENT, agent information, ACME id = 2, name = LDAP-STD -ACME-I-CALLOUT, active callout routine = acme$co_agent_startup -ACME-I-CALLBACK, active callback routine = acme$cb_send_logfile -ACME_-I-TRACE, MESSAGE FROM LDAP ACME agent: Reading the config file (LDAPACME$INIT) failed ===> Error message The information starting from “%ACME-I-” to the next “%ACME-I-“ marks one trace. When you execute $ SET SERVER ACME/TRACE=, tracing is enabled and logged to SYS$MANAGER:ACME$SERVER.LOG file. You must search for the “MESSAGE FROM LDAP ACME agent” line in the ACME$SERVER.LOG to locate status messages returned by the LDAP ACME agent. For details about the various flags that can be enabled for tracing execute $ HELP SET SERVER ACME/TRACEon a OpenVMS system. The following table provides details about the trace flags: Bitmask Bitmask Event Description 0 agent Enable agent tracing. 1 general General (non-specific) tracing. 2 vm Virtual memory operations. That is, trace the memory allocation and de-allocation of both the ACME_SERVER and the agent (if the agent uses the memory services provided by ACME_SERVER process). NOTE: Tracing is not enabled if the agent uses is own or standard (malloc, calloc, free) memory management routines. 3 ast AST processing. Traces ASTs that are triggered by agents to the ACME_SERVER. 4 wqe WQE parameter that flows between the ACME_SERVER process and agent. 5 report Agent status or attribute operations. 6 message Messaging operations. 7 dialog Dialogue operations. 8 resource Agent resource operations. Agents can request for some specific resource locks from the ACME_SERVER process. 9 callout Agent callout routine. Routines that are implemented by individual agents such as ACME LDAP, that are called by the ACME_SERVER. 10 callout_status Agent callout return status. For example: If you want tracing of “agent”, “general”, “report”, “message”, “dialog”, “callout”, and “callout_status”, use: $ SET SERVER ACME/TRACE=1763 Chapter 6 Restrictions This section lists the restrictions associated with ACME LDAP agent. 6.1 Username and password restrictions * Password modifications are made to the standard userPassword attribute or Active directory's unicodePwd attribute. The details of the configuration attributes are described in “Installing and configuring ACME LDAP agent”. The ldap_modify "replace" or "remove-old/add-new" semantics for password modifications can be configured to support a variety of directory servers based on the user requirements. The following LDAP password policy client controls are supported to warn users of password expiration events: Netscape "password has expired" "2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.4" Netscape "password expiration warning" "2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.5" NOTE: Netscape controls are supported by Netscape Directory Server, Netscape/Sun iPlanet and Red Hat/Fedora Directory Server. Password policy client controls other than the Netscape controls mentioned above are not supported. Password expiration warnings will not be seen during OpenVMS login when using directory server software that does not support Netscape password policy client controls, such as Active Directory and Novell eDirectory. * Characters used in user names and passwords are restricted to the 8-bit ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1) character set. UTF-8 support is not included in this release. * Active directory password changes are restricted to the 7-bit ASCII subset of the ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1) character set in this release. The reason is that Active Directory expects UTF-8 character strings when updating the unicodePwd attribute. * SET PASSWORD command is not supported for SSH logins. 6.2 Mapping restrictions * SSH login is not supported for mapped users. * While executing DECnet operations, such as DECnet copy, you must use the user name and password that is present in the SYSUAF.DAT file. * The "SYSTEM" account is not mapped for the following scenarios: * If a user enters "SYSTEM" at the user name prompt, the user is mapped only to the "SYSTEM" account in SYSUAF.DAT. * If the mapping is done for any user to SYSTEM, for example, "johnd" is mapped to "SYSTEM" account in SYSUAF.DAT, this mapping does not occur and the user gets an Operation failure error at the login prompt. Chapter 7 References The following resources can be referred for more information: * SYS$HELP:ACME_DEV_README.TXT * “Enabling External Authentication” and “Authentication and Credentials Management Extensions (ACME) Subsystem” sections in the HP OpenVMS Guide to System Security manual. * HP OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual Index A adding certificate, Adding the certificate to OpenVMS attribute unicodePwd, Username and password restrictions userPassword, Username and password restrictions B base_dn, LDAP configuration attributes bind_dn, LDAP configuration attributes bind_password, LDAP configuration attributes bind_timeout, LDAP configuration attributes C ca_file, LDAP configuration attributes certificate adding, Adding the certificate to OpenVMS generating, Viewing the certificate on Active directory ovms, Adding the certificate to OpenVMS viewing, Viewing the certificate on Active directory configuration file, Editing LDAP configuration file configuration files example, Examples of configuration files configuring, Installing and configuring ACME LDAP agent ACME LDAP non-secure port, Configuring ACME LDAP agent for non-secure port secure port, Configuring ACME LDAP for secure port ACME LDAP agent, Configuring ACME LDAP agent active directory, Configuring Active directory global mapping, User Scenario: Configuring global and local mapping local mapping, User Scenario: Configuring global and local mapping creating accounts, Creating accounts on Active directory certificate, Creating Active directory certificates D DECnet restriction, Mapping restrictions define logical, Troubleshooting defining logical, Configuring ACME LDAP agent for non-secure port directive base_dn, LDAP configuration attributes bind_dn, LDAP configuration attributes bind_password, LDAP configuration attributes bind_timeout, LDAP configuration attributes ca_file, LDAP configuration attributes filter, LDAP configuration attributes login_attribute, LDAP configuration attributes mapping, LDAP configuration attributes mapping_attribute, LDAP configuration attributes mapping_file, LDAP configuration attributes mapping_target, LDAP configuration attributes password_type, LDAP configuration attributes password_update, LDAP configuration attributes port, LDAP configuration attributes port_security, LDAP configuration attributes scope, LDAP configuration attributes search_timeout , LDAP configuration attributes server, LDAP configuration attributes domain, LDAP configuration attributes domain controller active directory, Setting Active directory as the domain controller E editing configuration file, Editing LDAP configuration file enabling ACME LDAP, Enabling ACME LDAP for secure ports extracting base_dn, Extracting base_dn, bind_dn, and login_attribute bind_dn, Extracting base_dn, bind_dn, and login_attribute login_attribute, Extracting base_dn, bind_dn, and login_attribute parameter values, Extracting ACME LDAP configuration parameter values F faq, FAQ filter, LDAP configuration attributes G generating certificates, Viewing the certificate on Active directory global mapping, Global and local mapping I Installing ACMELDAP, Installing the SYS$ACM (ACMELOGIN) enabled LOGIN and ACME LDAP PCSI kits SYS$ACM, Installing the SYS$ACM (ACMELOGIN) enabled LOGIN and ACME LDAP PCSI kits installing, Installing and configuring ACME LDAP agent active directory, Installing Active directory domain and Lightweight services kits, Installing the SYS$ACM (ACMELOGIN) enabled LOGIN and ACME LDAP PCSI kits K kits ACMELDAP, Installing the SYS$ACM (ACMELOGIN) enabled LOGIN and ACME LDAP PCSI kits installing, Installing the SYS$ACM (ACMELOGIN) enabled LOGIN and ACME LDAP PCSI kits SYS$ACM, Installing the SYS$ACM (ACMELOGIN) enabled LOGIN and ACME LDAP PCSI kits L LDAP configuration attributes, LDAP configuration attributes LDAP persona extension, Setting up LDAP persona extension local mapping, Global and local mapping logical defining, Editing LDAP configuration file login_attribute, LDAP configuration attributes LOGINOUT, Installing the SYS$ACM (ACMELOGIN) enabled LOGIN and ACME LDAP PCSI kits M mapping, LDAP configuration attributes global, Global and local mapping mapping, LDAP configuration attributes mapping_attribute, LDAP configuration attributes mapping_target, LDAP configuration attributes local, Global and local mapping mapping, LDAP configuration attributes mapping_file, LDAP configuration attributes mapping_attribute, LDAP configuration attributes mapping_file, LDAP configuration attributes mapping_target, LDAP configuration attributes mutli-domain support, LDAP configuration attributes P password_type, LDAP configuration attributes password_update, LDAP configuration attributes port, LDAP configuration attributes port_security, LDAP configuration attributes prerequisites, Prerequisites Q querying LDAP port, Querying LDAP port R reboot, Setting up LDAP persona extension restarting ACME LDAP agent, Starting ACME LDAP agent ACME server, User Scenario: Configuring global and local mapping, Configuring ACME LDAP agent for non-secure port restrictions active directory, Username and password restrictions DECnet operation, Mapping restrictions SSH, Mapping restrictions username and password, Username and password restrictions S scope, LDAP configuration attributes search_timeout , LDAP configuration attributes secure port configure, Configuring ACME LDAP for secure port server, LDAP configuration attributes SETP0, Installing the SYS$ACM (ACMELOGIN) enabled LOGIN and ACME LDAP PCSI kits setting active directory domain controller, Setting Active directory as the domain controller LDAP persona extension, Setting up LDAP persona extension specifying EXTAUTH, Specifying EXTAUTH and VMSAUTH flags on OpenVMS VMSAUTH, Specifying EXTAUTH and VMSAUTH flags on OpenVMS SSH restriction, Mapping restrictions T tcpdump, Troubleshooting tracing, FAQ troubleshooting configuration file, Troubleshooting define logical, Troubleshooting ExtAuth flag, Troubleshooting for programmers, Troubleshooting logical, Troubleshooting ping command, Troubleshooting tcpdump, Troubleshooting tracing errors, FAQ U user scenario, User Scenario: Configuring a simple standalone Active directory server and OpenVMS ACME LDAP agent configuring, Configuring Active directory configuring ACME LDAP, Configuring ACME LDAP agent for non-secure port creating accounts, Creating accounts on Active directory creating certificate, Creating Active directory certificates domain controller, Setting Active directory as the domain controller extracting attributes, Extracting base_dn, bind_dn, and login_attribute extracting parameter values, Extracting ACME LDAP configuration parameter values global mapping, User Scenario: Configuring global and local mapping installing acitve directory, Installing Active directory domain and Lightweight services local mapping, User Scenario: Configuring global and local mapping querying LDAP, Querying LDAP port viewing certificate, Viewing the certificate on Active directory username and password restrictions SSH, Username and password restrictions V viewing certificate, Viewing the certificate on Active directory viewing certificate user scenario, Viewing the certificate on Active directory