(1) CMS> SET ACL/OBJECT=ELEMENT SAMPLE.PAS/ACL=(IDENTIFIER=WALLEN, -) _CMS> ACCESS=RESERVE+CONTROL "setting up acl on element" %CMS-S-MODACL, modified access control list for element DISKX:[PROJECT.CMSLIB]SAMPLE.PAS This command assigns an ACL on the element SAMPLE.PAS, specifying that the user holding the identifier WALLEN has reserve and control access on the element. (2) CMS> SET ACL/OBJECT=LIBRARY ELEMENT_LIST/ACL=((IDENTIFIER=WALLEN, -) _CMS> OPTIONS=DEFAULT,ACCESS=FETCH,(IDENTIFIER=WALLEN, -) _CMS> ACCESS=CREATE+CONTROL)) _Remark: assign ACEs to newly created elements %CMS-S-MODACL, modified access control list for subtype DISKX:[PROJECT.CMSLIB]ELEMENT_LIST This example shows how to assign two separate ACEs on the element list. The first ACE specifies a default ACE to be inherited by newly created elements in the library. The second ACE allows the user holding the identifier WALLEN to create elements in the library. (3) CMS> SET ACL/OBJECT=ELEMENT/DEFAULT SAMPLE.PAS _Remark: inherit default ACEs from element list %CMS-S-MODACL, modified access control list for element DISKX:[PROJECT.CMSLIB]SAMPLE.PAS CMS> SHOW ACL/OBJECT=ELEMENT SAMPLE.PAS ACLs in CMS Library DISKX:[PROJECT.CMSLIB] SAMPLE.PAS (IDENTIFIER=[PROJECT,WALLEN],ACCESS=FETCH) The SET ACL command causes the default ACE from the element list (see example 2) to be placed on the element SAMPLE.PAS. The SHOW ACL command displays the ACE on element SAMPLE.PAS (which is now assigned the default ACE from the element list in example 2). (4) CMS> SET ACL/OBJECT=CLASS BL1/ACL=(IDENTIFIER=[DEV,*]+LIBRARIAN, -) _CMS> ACCESS=INSERT+REMOVE _Remark: allow access to class for library employees %CMS-S-MODACL, modified access control list for class DISKX:[PROJECT.CMSLIB]BL1 This command assigns an ACL allowing insert and remove access to class BL1 for users in group DEV holding the LIBRARIAN identifier. (5) CMS> SET ACL/OBJECT=CLASS/LIKE=BL1 BL2 _Remark: put ACL from class BL1 on class BL2 %CMS-S-MODACL, modified access control list for class DISKX:[PROJECT.CMSLIB]BL2 CMS> SHOW ACL/OBJECT=CLASS ACLs in CMS Library DISKX:[PROJECT.CMSLIB] BL1 (IDENTIFIER=[DEV,*]+LIBRARIAN,ACCESS=INSERT+REMOVE) BL2 (IDENTIFIER=[DEV,*]+LIBRARIAN,ACCESS=INSERT+REMOVE) In this example, the /LIKE qualifier causes the ACL from the class BL1 (see example 4) to be placed on the class BL2. The SHOW ACL command displays the ACL on both classes BL1 and BL2.