This box displays the following usage attributes that you can select to specify declarations, references, and other occurrence classes. To select an attribute, click on the desired attribute and it appears in the Selected box. The usage attributes are: Address-reference to the location of a symbol Associated-associated declaration (such as EXTERNAL) Call-call to a routine or macro Command Line-command-line reference Declaration-both Primary and Associated declara- tions Fetch-fetch of a symbol value Include-source file include reference Other-any other kind of reference (such as a macro expansion or use of a constant) Pointer-reference to the location of a symbol Precompiled-precompiled file include reference Primary-most significant declaration, such as the declaration that defines the symbol Read-fetch of a symbol value Reference-all references Store-assignment of a symbol Write-assignment of a symbol Use-Ada USE reference With-Ada WITH reference Separate-reference to an Ada Unit defined as SEPARATE Base-reference to base class of a C++ class Friend-reference to a friend of a C++ class Member-reference to a member of a C++ class Limited-reference to an Ada limited private type Private-reference to a private C++ object or Ada private type Protected-reference to a C++ protected object Public-reference to a C++ public object Virtual-reference to a C++ virtual object