1  –  Trace

 SDA> USB SHO DEV trace 89750e50
 Device  address is:             89750e50
 Device tracing messages:
                   0:  4-SEP-2008 17:50:10.38 - hub_device_sc
                   1:  4-SEP-2008 17:50:10.48 - hub_device_sc
                   2:  4-SEP-2008 17:50:10.48 - PORT_CONNECTION is set
                   3:  4-SEP-2008 17:50:10.48 - set device_state = USBD_DEVICE_POWERED
                   4:  4-SEP-2008 17:50:10.48 - open default address
                   5:  4-SEP-2008 17:50:10.48 - usbd_open_default_pipe
                   6:  4-SEP-2008 17:50:10.48 - set next_device_state = USBD_DEVICE_DEFAULT
                   7:  4-SEP-2008 17:50:10.48 - Ack the change
                   8:  4-SEP-2008 17:50:10.48 - change needed
                   9:  4-SEP-2008 17:50:10.48 - next_device_state == USBD_DEVICE_DEFAULT
                  10:  4-SEP-2008 17:50:10.48 - hub_device_sc
                  11:  4-SEP-2008 17:50:10.48 - No change needed
                  12:  4-SEP-2008 17:50:10.48 - next_device_state == USBD_DEVICE_DEFAULT
                  13:  4-SEP-2008 17:50:10.48 - No ack change
                  14:  4-SEP-2008 17:50:10.64 - hub_device_sc
                  15:  4-SEP-2008 17:50:10.64 - PORT_RESET is clear
                  16:  4-SEP-2008 17:50:10.64 - set device_state to USBD_DEVICE_DEFAULT
                  17:  4-SEP-2008 17:50:10.64 - set next_device_state to USBD_DEVICE_ADDRESSED
                  18:  4-SEP-2008 17:50:10.64 - Ack the change
                  19:  4-SEP-2008 17:50:10.64 - hub_device_sc
                  20:  4-SEP-2008 17:50:10.64 - No change needed
                  21:  4-SEP-2008 17:50:10.64 - next_device_state == USBD_DEVICE_ADDRESSED
                  22:  4-SEP-2008 17:50:10.64 - change needed
                  23:  4-SEP-2008 17:50:10.64 - next_device_state ==USBD_DEVICE_ADDRESSED
                  24:  4-SEP-2008 17:50:10.64 - No ack change
                  25:  4-SEP-2008 17:50:10.65 - hub_read_device_desc1
                  26:  4-SEP-2008 17:50:10.65 - usbd_setup_control_request
                  27:  4-SEP-2008 17:50:10.65 - hub_set_address
                  28:  4-SEP-2008 17:50:10.65 - usbd_setup_control_request
                  29:  4-SEP-2008 17:50:10.65 - usbd_close_default_pipe
                  30:  4-SEP-2008 17:50:10.65 - usbd_open_default_pipe
                  31:  4-SEP-2008 17:50:10.65 - hub_read_device_desc2
                  32:  4-SEP-2008 17:50:10.65 - usbd_setup_control_request
     Press RETURN for more.

2  –  Data Structure

 SDA> USB SHO DEV 89750e50
 Device  address is:             89750e50
 Descriptor header Flink         897317e0
 Descriptor header Blink         8974ded0
 Pointer to array descriptor     897317d0
 Index                           00000003
 Flags 0 -> avail 1 ->used       00000001
 Numbers of entries in this chunk00000001
 Descriptor type                 00000002
 Lock                            0000003a
 KPB pointer                     00000000
 Host controller UCB             00000000
 Device state                    00000010
 Device next state               00000000
 Port number                     00000003
 Speed 0->full 1->low 2->High    00000001
 Tier level                      00000002
 USB bus address                 00000003
 Reference count                 00000000
 Default pipe                    896f1ed0
 Bus device is attached to       89731750
 Upstream hub address            8974ded0
 Default pipe requests Flink     89750e98
 Default pipe requests Blink     89750e98
 Driver name
 Device descriptor length        00000012
 Descriptor type                 00000001
 Revision                        00000110
 Device class                    00000000
 Device sub class                00000000
 Device protocol                 00000000
 Max packet size                 00000008
 Vendor ID                       00000d3d
 Product  ID                     00000001
 Manufactures index              00000000
 Product index                   00000002
 Serial number index             00000000
 Number of configurations        00000001
 Pointer to configuration array  89755010
 Number of configuration desc    00000001
 Active configuration pointer    896f4690
 Pointer to interface desc array 89758ed0
 Default interface array ptr     89758e90
        Interface Address: 89758ED0 UCB: 8975A780 Driver Name: SYS$KBDDRIVER
        Interface Address: 89759010 UCB: 8975E800 Driver Name: SYS$MOUDRIVER
 Pointer to endpoint array       89759190
      Endpoint Address           89759190
         Device:    89750E50
         Interface: 89758ED0
         Desc:      896F46AB
         Number:    01
         Pipe:      8975ACD0

      Endpoint Address           897591a8
         Device:    89750E50
         Interface: 89759010
         Desc:      896F46C4
         Number:    02
         Pipe:      8975ED50

 Number of interface descriptors 00000002
 Number of endpoint descriptors  00000002
 Config_value                    00000001
 Failed configure attempts       00000000
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