UAFHELP.HLB  —  DEFAULT  Description
    Modify the DEFAULT record when qualifiers normally assigned to
    a new user differ from the VSI-supplied values. The following
    qualifiers correspond to fields in the default record that are
    commonly modified:

    Qualifier   Reason for Modification

    /CLI        Specifies the default Command Line Interpreter to be
                used for this user. (Most OpenVMS users use the DCL
                command interpreter.)

    /DEVICE     If most users have the same default login device,
                allows you to specify a default login device for
                newly-created users.

                The use of a logical name is recommended.

    /LGICMD     Specifies the filename of a command procedure to be
                invoked during the login of the user.

                1. OpenVMS first looks for a systemwide login command
                   procedure, using the systemwide logical name
                   SYS$SYLOGIN. If this logical name successfully
                   translates to a valid file specification, the
                   command interpreter invokes the resulting command
                   procedure during login.

                   If the file specification does not include a
                   file extension, the command interpreter applies
                   a default value that is specific to that command
                   interpreter. In the case of the DCL interpreter,
                   the default file extension is .COM.

                2. OpenVMS then looks for a LGICMD specification. If
                   it finds this specification, OpenVMS invokes the
                   command procedure.

                   If the LGICMD specification does not include a
                   file extension, the current command interpreter
                   applies a default value. In the case of the DCL
                   interpreter, the default file extension is .COM.

                You can disable or override the command procedure
                invocation during login by specifying qualifiers
                such as /NOCOMMAND or /LGICMD at the login username

                Also see the CAPTIVE and RESTRICTED flags.

    /PRIVILEGES When users are given different privileges than those
                supplied by VSI.

    Quota       When the default quotas are insufficient or
    qualifiers  inappropriate for mainstream work.
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