/NOAUTOMATIC_REBOOT (default)

    Reboots the system automatically when the shutdown is complete.


       /NOCLUSTER_SHUTDOWN (default)

    Shuts down the entire cluster.

    When you use the /CLUSTER_SHUTDOWN qualifier, each node suspends
    activity just short of shutting down completely, until all other
    nodes in the cluster have reached the same point in the shutdown

    You must specify this option on every cluster node. If any one
    node is not shut down completely, the clusterwide shutdown cannot

    You should use the SET ENVIRONMENT/CLUSTER command before you
    issue a SHUTDOWN NODE/CLUSTER_SHUTDOWN command to ensure that all
    nodes in the cluster are shutting down.


    Specifies the number of minutes before shutdown when autostart
    queues running on the node are marked stop pending and are
    subject to failover to another node.

    Using this qualifier gives you control over when the autostart
    failover process begins. By default, the value equals that of the
    /MINUTES_TO_SHUTDOWN qualifier.

    Determine the appropriate number of minutes for your
    configuration by weighing a smoother transition against
    completing a maximum number of jobs before shutdown. The larger
    the value, the smoother the transition will be. The smaller the
    value, the more jobs will execute on the node.


       /INVOKE_SYSHUTDOWN (default)

    Invokes a site-specific shutdown procedure.



    The number of minutes until shutdown occurs. If the system
    logical name SHUTDOWN$MINIMUM_MINUTES is defined, its integer
    value is the minimum value that you can enter. Therefore, if
    the logical name is defined as 10, you must specify at least 10
    minutes to final shutdown or an error message displays. If the
    logical name is not defined, and you do not enter a value, 0
    minutes is the default.


    Specifies that the system is to power off after shutdown is

7    /REASON


    The reason for the shutdown (one line).


       /NOREBOOT_CHECK (default)

    Checks for basic operating system files and notifies you if any
    are missing. Be sure to replace missing files before rebooting.



    The time when you expect to reboot the system such as
    IMMEDIATELY, IN 10 MINUTES, 2 P.M., or 14:00:00. Shutdown
    displays this time in a shutdown message to users.


       /NOREMOVE_NODE (default)

    Removes a node from the active cluster quorum. Use this qualifier
    when you do not expect the shut-down node to rejoin the cluster
    for an extended period.

    When you use the /REMOVE_NODE qualifier, active quorum in the
    remainder of the cluster is adjusted downward to reflect the fact
    that the removed node's votes no longer contribute to the quorum
    value. The shutdown procedure readjusts the quorum by issuing the

    You can reset options by using the following command:


    For more information about cluster management, see VSI OpenVMS
    Cluster Systems.


       /NOSAVE_FEEDBACK (default)

    Records feedback data collected from the system since it was last
    booted and creates a new version of the AUTOGEN feedback data
    file, which you can use the next time you run AUTOGEN.


       /NOSPIN_DOWN_DISKS (default)

    Spins down disks. You cannot spin down the system disk.
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