Assigns a specific, previously unused device name to a specific, previously unused worldwide identifier (WWID) from the SYSMAN IO LIST_WWID display. VSI recommends that you execute this command clusterwide and that you follow the command with a SYSMAN IO AUTOCONFIGURE command to actually configure the device. Format IO CREATE_WWID devnam_string/WWID=wwid_string
1 – Parameter
devnam_string Specifies a device-name string. The string must be in the form $2$MGAn, where n is less than 9999.
2 – Qualifier
2.1 /WWID
/WWID=wwid_string Specifies a WWID string that comes directly from a SYSMAN IO LIST_WWID display. This qualifier is required.
3 – Description
This command is an alternative to the SYSMAN IO FIND_WWID command, which selects system-generated device names for the discovered WWIDs. Do not, however, use the SYSMAN IO CREATE_WWID command after the SYSMAN IO FIND_WWID command to redefine WWID correlations. Also, do not specify device and WWID strings in the SYSMAN IO CREATE_WWID command that are specified elsewhere in the cluster.
4 – Example
SYSMAN> SET ENVIRONMENT/CLUSTER SYSMAN> IO CREATE_ WWID $2$MGA5/WWID=04100022:"DEC TZ89 (C) DECCX939S2777" SYSMAN> IO CREATE_WWID $2$MGA3/WWID=02000008:500E-09E0-0005-30D7 SYSMAN> IO AUTOCONFIGURE The commands in this example create two device names, $2$MGA5 and $2$MGA3, and configure the devices.