SYSMANHELP.HLB  —  DUMP_PRIORITY, ADD  and  Integrity  Qualifiers


       /INFORMATIONAL (default)

    On Alpha and Integrity servers, allows you to control the output
    of informational messages, for example, in command procedures.
    These qualifiers allow you to suppress or reinstate the display
    of informational messages.

    Suppressing messages can also be useful when you are running in a
    software installation environment and want to avoid the display
    of informational messages. The default is /INFORMATIONAL.

2    /UIC

    Specifies the UIC of the entry to add. You must enclose the UIC
    in brackets ([ ]). You can specify the /UIC with an octal number
    (for example, [377,377]) or in the identifier form (for example,
    [SYSTEM] or [VMS,USER]).

    Wildcards are allowed as follows:

    Example        Description

    /UIC = [*]     To select processes with the specified name in any
    /UIC =         To select processes with the specified name in the
    [group,*]      group called "group".
    /UIC =         To select processes with the specified name in
    [100,*]        group 100>.


       You cannot use wildcards within identifier names or within
       UIC numbers. For example, /UIC=[USER*,*] or /UIC=[17*,100]
       are not allowed.



    Specifies whether or not wildcard characters in the process name
    are to be treated as wildcards. Note, however, that you cannot
    add the same process name and UIC combination both with and
    without the /WILD_CARD qualifier. If the combination has already
    been specified, use the DUMP_PRIORITY MODIFY command to change
    the wildcard setting.

    The /WILD_CARD setting affects only the process name. Wildcards
    are always allowed in the UIC.
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