1 SET Enables the item specified by the option word. Format SET option 2 LIBRARY [SCA Command] Identifies the SCA physical libraries to be used for subsequent SCA functions. Format SET LIBRARY directory-spec[, . . . ] 3 Qualifiers /AFTER /AFTER[=library-spec] Instructs SCA to insert the new library or libraries into the list of active SCA libraries after the library you specify as the qualifier value. If you do not specify a value, SCA adds the library or libraries to the end of the list. /BEFORE /BEFORE[=library-spec] Instructs SCA to insert the new library or libraries into the list of active SCA libraries before the library you specify as the qualifier value. If you do not specify a value, SCA adds the library or libraries to the beginning of the list. /LOG /LOG (D) /NOLOG Indicates whether SCA reports the resulting list of active SCA libraries. 3 Parameter directory-spec[, . . . ] Specifies one or more directories, each of which comprises a separate SCA library. The list of libraries you specify replaces the current list of active libraries unless you specify an /AFTER or /BEFORE qualifier. 2 NOLIBRARY [SCA Command] Removes the specified SCA libraries from the current list of active libraries. Format SET NOLIBRARY [library-spec[, . . . ]] 3 Qualifier /LOG /LOG (D) /NOLOG Indicates whether LSE reports removal of the libraries from the active list. 3 Parameter library-spec[, . . . ] Specifies the libraries to be removed from the current active libraries list. If you omit this parameter, SCA removes all the active libraries from the list. 2 COMMAND LANGUAGE [SCA Command] Sets the command language to the specified syntax. Format SET COMMAND LANGUAGE command_language The command language options are PORTABLE and VMS. The PORTABLE option enables the portable comnmand-language parser. On OpenVMS, the VMS option enables the VMS-only Command Language Interpreter (CLI) parser. The VMS option is not available on ULTRIX.