1    /ALL

    Specifies that SCA display both hidden and visible modules.

2    /BRIEF

    Indicates how much information you want displayed. The /BRIEF
    qualifier causes SCA to display selected information about each
    indicated module in tabular format.

    If you specify a wildcard expression for the parameter, or if SCA
    assumes one, /BRIEF is the default.

3    /FULL

    Indicates how much information you want displayed. The /FULL
    qualifier causes SCA to list all information available about each
    indicated module.

    If you specify an explicit name for the parameter, /FULL is the

4    /HIDDEN

    Specifies that SCA display only hidden modules.


       /LIBRARY=* (D)

    Specifies an SCA library containing the module to be displayed.
    The library must be one of the current SCA libraries established
    by a SET LIBRARY command.

    If you do not specify the /LIBRARY qualifier, SCA assumes you have
    specified all current SCA libraries.

6    /OUTPUT


    Directs command output to a file rather than to the $SHOW buffer.
    The default output file specification is SCA.LIS.


       /VISIBLE (D)

    Specifies that SCA display only visible modules.
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