Enables the item specified by the option word.


      SET   option


    [SCA Command] Identifies the SCA physical libraries to be used for
    subsequent SCA functions.


      SET LIBRARY   directory-spec[, . . . ]

1.1  –  Qualifiers

1.1.1    /AFTER


    Instructs SCA to insert the new library or libraries into the
    list of active SCA libraries after the library you specify as
    the qualifier value. If you do not specify a value, SCA adds the
    library or libraries to the end of the list.

1.1.2    /BEFORE


    Instructs SCA to insert the new library or libraries into the
    list of active SCA libraries before the library you specify as
    the qualifier value. If you do not specify a value, SCA adds the
    library or libraries to the beginning of the list.

1.1.3    /LOG

       /LOG (D)

    Indicates whether SCA reports the resulting list of active SCA

1.2  –  Parameter

 directory-spec[, . . . ]
    Specifies one or more directories, each of which comprises a
    separate SCA library. The list of libraries you specify replaces
    the current list of active libraries unless you specify an /AFTER
    or /BEFORE qualifier.


    [SCA Command] Removes the specified SCA libraries from the current
    list of active libraries.


      SET NOLIBRARY   [library-spec[, . . . ]]

2.1  –  Qualifier

2.1.1    /LOG

       /LOG (D)

    Indicates whether LSE reports removal of the libraries from the
    active list.

2.2  –  Parameter

 library-spec[, . . . ]
    Specifies the libraries to be removed from the current active
    libraries list. If you omit this parameter, SCA removes all the
    active libraries from the list.


    [SCA Command] Sets the command language to the specified syntax.


      SET COMMAND LANGUAGE command_language

    The command language options are PORTABLE and VMS.  The PORTABLE
    option enables the portable comnmand-language parser.  On OpenVMS,
    the VMS option enables the VMS-only Command Language Interpreter
    (CLI) parser.  The VMS option is not available on ULTRIX.
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