PCA$HELP.HLB  —  Page Fault Analysis
    The PLOT and TABULATE commands (see the PLOT and TABULATE entries
    in PCA HELP) accept the following datakind qualifiers to analyze
    your program's page-faulting behavior:

    /PAGE_FAULT        Tallies the PC where the pagefault occured
    /FAULT_ADDRESS     Tallies the virtual address accessed

    The PLOT and TABULATE commands accept nodespecs (see the
    Nodespecs entry in PCA HELP) from the following domains to
    analyze your program's pagefaulting behavior:


    The SET FILTER command accepts the following filter
    specifications to analyze your program's pagefaulting behavior:

    FAULT_ADDRESS = n[:m]           The faulting address is within
                                    the range n to m
    FAULT_ADDRESS = prog-unit       The faulting address is within
    PROGRAM_ADDRESS = n[:m]         The PC is within the range n to m
    PROGRAM_ADDRESS = prog-unit     The PC is within prog-unit
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