1 User_Routines User routines are called by the PCA collector during system service interception. They provide the user with the following capabilities: o Independent recording (including system service information); o Control of the recording by PCA of system services; 2 API The PCA Collector supports the following application program interface to user routines. pca-control-flag = entry-routine( ap-pointer, sequence-number, CPU-time, system-service-name-pointer, system-service-name-index, user-routine-buffer-pointer) pca-control-flag = exit-routine( ap-pointer, sequence-number, CPU-time, system-service-name-pointer, system-service-index, user-routine-buffer-pointer) Routine Parameter Description pca-control-flag Flag to indicate whether PCA is to attempt to write the system service record. The write will only be attempted if the low bit is set. ap-pointer The contents of the argument pointer at the system service call by value. sequence-number The PCA sequence number corresponding to the performance data record by value. CPU-time The CPU time by value. system-service-name- The name of the system service being pointer called by the address of a counted ASCII string. system-service-index The index of the system service being called by value. user-routine-buffer- User specified buffer by reference. pointer The following rule applies regarding the construction of user routines images: 1. The user must write a shareable image, making the entry and exit routine names UNIVERSAL; 2 Example The DEMO_USER_ROUTINE example is intended to introduce the concept of User Routines. The example files are: PCA$EXAMPLES:*DEMO_USER_ROUTINE*.* 3 Construction The example user routine image can be constructed by running: $ @PCA$EXAMPLES:DEMO_USER_ROUTINE.COM If you are using the VAX C rather than DEC C compiler replace the line: SYS$LIBRARY:DECCRTL.OLB/LIBRARY ^^^ from VAX_DEMO_USER_ROUTINE.OPT with: SYS$LIBRARY:VAXCRTL.OLB/LIBRARY ^^^ 3 Usage Run an example program to check user routine support: $ DEFINE DEMO_USER_ROUTINE DISKN:[USER]DEMO_USER_ROUTINE.EXE You must define the logical name to access the user routine image if it is not found in SYS$SHARE. $ DEFINE LIB$DEBUG PCA$COLLECTOR $ RUN PCA$EXAMPLES:PCA$8QUEENS.EXE PCAC> SET SERVICES/USER_ROUTINE=(DEMO_USER_ROUTINE,-) _PCAC> DEMO_ENTRY$USER_ROUTINE,- _PCAC> DEMO_EXIT$USER_ROUTINE PCAC> GO Using LIB$DEBUG is the preferred method for using the PCA collector. 2 Usage For information on specifying collection with user routines enter the following commands: $ PCA PCAA> HELP SET SERVICES /NOUSER_ROUTINE PCAA> HELP SET SERVICES /USER_ROUTINE PCAA> HELP SET IO_SERVICES /NOUSER_ROUTINE PCAA> HELP SET IO_SERVICES /USER_ROUTINE 3 Restrictions - PCA will not call, or invoke, your user routine image if it is linked with warnings or errors. - You must define a logical name to access the user routine image if it is not found in SYS$SHARE. - A system service routine which is invoked from a user- supplied routine should be written in the C language (as referenced by the /USER_ROUTINE qualifier in the glossary of the DIGITAL Performance and Coverage Analyzer for OpenVMS Reference Manual). If written in some other languages, it may have the effect of locking up PCA. Examples are provided in PCA$EXAMPLES. 3 Side_Effects Lost Data Indications will occur in the PCA Analyzer if the user supplied routines instructs PCA not to write some data records;