1 INCLUDE Analyzer Command Adds a new data kind into the plot. This command allows you to compare more than one data kind in the same collection. Format INCLUDE 2 Description The INCLUDE command adds a new data kind into the current plot. It is used with the EXCLUDE command to incrementally build one plot that contains a maximum of eight data kinds per bucket. The data kinds must be compatible with the node specifications for the current plot. If you want a new set or order of the buckets, then you must issue a new PLOT or TABULATE command. The use of INCLUDE command qualifiers does not affect the old qualifiers in the PLOT/TAB default entry of the current active plot. If no active plot is available an error message is displayed. A different filter can be applied to the data kind for every INCLUDE command. The first page of the newly created plot appears after you issue the command. 2 Qualifiers /ANC Adds this data kind to the current buckets. /COUNTERS Adds this data kind to the current buckets. /COVERAGE Adds this data kind to the current buckets. /CPU_SAMPLING Adds this data kind to the current buckets. /CREATOR_PC Charges the data point to the program address that created the task. /NOCREATOR_PC Charges the data point to the address of the data record. /FAULT_ADDRESS Adds this data kind to the current buckets. /IO_SERVICES Adds this data kind to the current buckets. /NONCOVERAGE Adds this data kind to the current buckets. /PAGE_FAULTS Adds this data kind to the current buckets. /PARENT_TASK Charges the data point to the task that created the task. /NOPARENT_TASK Charges the data point to the task. /PC_SAMPLING Adds this data kind to the current buckets. /PHYSICAL_IO_COUNT Adds this data kind to the current buckets. /READ_COUNT Adds this data kind to the current buckets. /SERVICES Adds this data kind to the current buckets. /TASK_SWITCH Adds this Ada data kind to the current buckets. /UNALIGNED Adds this data kind to the current buckets. /VCOUNTERS Adds this data kind to the current buckets. /VCPU_SAMPLING Adds this data kind to the current buckets. /VPC_SAMPLING Adds this data kind to the current buckets. /WRITE_COUNT Adds this data kind to the current buckets. /FILL /FILL= Defines the fill to be used within a PLOT command. A maximum of eight character strings can be defined, and each must be delimited by double or single quotation marks. The default fill characters are: (/FILL=\"*","^","@",">","o","#","$","x"). /DEFAULT Applies the default characteristics from the SET PLOT command to the specified data kind. Only the applicable qualifiers that are following in the list may be applied. /CUMULATIVE /CUMULATIVE[=n] Performs the cumulative tabulation for this data kind only. /MAIN_IMAGE /MAIN_IMAGE[=prog-unit] Performs the main image tabulation for this data kind only. /NOCUMULATIVE Does not perform the cumulative tabulation for this data kind. /NOMAIN_IMAGE Does not perform the main image tabulation for this data kind. /NOSTACK_DEPTH Does not apply a stack depth to this data kind. /STACK_DEPTH /STACK_DEPTH=n The stack is measured to a depth of n for this data kind. 2 Examples PCAA> PLOT/MAIN/IO_SERVICES/FILL=("io","pc") PROG BY ROUT PCAA> INCLUDE/PC_SAMPLING PCAA> INCLUDE/PHYSICAL_IO/FILL="phys_io" This series of commands plots I/O services, PC sampling and physical I/O data points in the same histogram.