PCA Command

    Scrolls a display's screen window in a specified direction over
    the text of the display, making additional display contents


      SCROLL  [display-name]

1  –  Parameters


    Specifies the screen display to scroll. This display must be a
    predefined display (PLOT, SRC or OUT) or a display established
    with the SET DISPLAY command. If you omit this parameter, the
    current scrolling display, as specified by the SELECT/SCROLL
    command, is scrolled.

2  –  Description

    The SCROLL command is used to view display contents that are not
    currently visible in a display's screen window. Using the SCROLL
    command, you can move the screen window up or down over the text
    of the display. You can also move it left or right. By scrolling,
    you can see all parts of a large display, even though only a
    small part may fit in the display's window at any one time.

    The easiest way to use the SCROLL command is to use the
    predefined scrolling keys (see the Keypad entry in PCA HELP for
    PCA key definitions).

3  –  Qualifiers

3.1    /BOTTOM

    Scrolls the window down to the bottom of the display's text.

3.2    /DOWN


    Scrolls the window down through the display to reveal text
    farther down in the display. If the optional :n is omitted, the
    window scrolls approximately 3/4 of the window height. If the
    optional :n is specified, the window scrolls down the specified
    number of lines.

3.3    /LEFT


    Scrolls the window left over the display to reveal text beyond
    the left margin. If :n is not specified, the window scrolls left
    by eight columns. If the optional :n is specified, the window
    scrolls left the specified number of columns. You cannot scroll
    past the first column.

3.4    /RIGHT


    Scrolls the window right over the display to reveal text beyond
    the right margin. If :n is not specified, the window scrolls
    right by eight columns. If the optional :n is specified, the
    window scrolls right the specified number of columns.

3.5    /TOP

    Scrolls the window up to the top of the display's text.

3.6    /UP


    Scrolls the window up through the display to reveal text farther
    up in the display. If the optional :n is omitted, the window
    scrolls approximately 3/4 of the window height. If the optional
    :n is specified, the window scrolls up the specified number of

4  –  Examples


      This command scrolls the window to the right by eight columns
      over the current scrolling display so that you can see the rest
      of long source lines.


      This command scrolls the window up through the OUT display by
      four lines.
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