NET$CONFIGURE_HELP.HLB  —  NET$CONFIGURE Help, Applic destination name help
    "What is the destination name (or number) for 'application'?"

    The destination type can be either a name or a number.

    If you selected name as the destination type in response to
    the previous prompt, your reply to this prompt can be either
    the application name (for example, NOTES), or a destination
    object name (for example, IAF:.SALES.BOSTON). The destination
    object name is the DECdns full name of the node that provides the

    The application name can be from 1 to 16 characters. The
    destination object name can be a maximum of 512 characters and
    is entered in this format:


    If you selected number as the destination type in response to
    the previous prompt, your reply to this prompt must be an object

    DECnet software uses object numbers as unique object identifiers.
    Object numbers have a range of 1 to 255. Generic objects such as
    MAIL and FAL have object numbers that are recognized throughout
    the network. User-defined images may have unique object numbers;
    numbers between 128 and 255 are reserved for this purpose.

    If you are adding a user-defined application, pick a number from
    128 to 255. If you are adding an application defined by HP,
    select the appropriate number from Object Type Numbers.

    Table 1 Object Type Numbers

    Number     Mnemonic  Description

    0          Task      User program
    1-16                 Reserved for HP use
    17         FAL       File Access Listener for remote file and
                         record access
    18         HLD       Host loader for RSX-11S downline task
                         loading requests
    19         NML       Network Management Listener Object
    20                   RSTS/E media transfer program (NETCPY)
    21-22                Reserved for HP use
    23         REMACP    Network terminal handler (host side)
    24                   Network terminal handler (terminal side)
    25         MIRROR    Loopback mirror
    26         EVL       Event receiver
    27         MAIL      OpenVMS Mail Utility
    28                   Reserved for HP use
    29         PHONE     OpenVMS Phone Utility and RSX-11M/M-PLUS
                         Phone Utility
    30-41                Reserved for HP use
    42         CTERM     Network terminal handler
    43-62                Reserved for HP use
    63         DTR       DECnet Test Receiver object
    64-127               Reserved for HP use
    128-255              Reserved for customer use
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