NCLHELP.HLB  —  NCL Introduction, Syntax  Node Identifiers, Unqualified Names and Node Synonyms
    A node synonym is a Phase IV-style node name, between 1 and 6
    characters long, that is unique within the namespace.  This
    node synonym is required for Phase IV applications that can
    handle only a maximum of 6-character node names.

    An unqualified name is the final simplename -- that portion
    of the DECdns or LOCAL full name following the last "."
    Although this unqualified name is usually identical to the
    node synonym, it is not required to be identical to the node

    An unqualified name may be substituted for a full name in
    an NCL command only when the remote node specified in the
    command and the local node use the same primary naming
    service and their full names are identical except for the
    unqualified names themselves.

    For example, in the following cases:

                        LOCAL NODE           REMOTE NODE

    Full name:          ns:.lkg.localnode    ns:.lkg.remotenode
    Unqualified name:   localnode            remotenode
    Synonym:            locnod               remnod

    Full name:          local:.localnode     local:.remotenode
    Unqualified name:   localnode            remotenode
    Synonym:            locnod               remnod

    You can substitute the unqualified name for the full name in
    the NCL command:

    ncl> set event dispatcher outbound stream ost_1 -
        sink node remotenode

    However, for the following examples:

                        LOCAL NODE           REMOTE NODE

    Full name:          ns:.uct.localnode    ns:.lkg.remotenode
    Unqualified name:   localnode            remotenode
    Synonym:            locnod               remnod

    Full name:          ns:.localnode        local:.remotenode
    Unqualified name:   localnode            remotenode
    Synonym:            locnod               remnod

    Full name:          local:.uct.localnode local:.remotenode
    Unqualified name:   localnode            remotenode
    Synonym:            locnod               remnod

    You must specify the full name for the remote node in the
    NCL command:

    ncl> set event dispatcher outbound stream ost_1 -
    _ncl> sink node ns:.lkg.remotenode

    Or, on a Tru64 UNIX system:

    ncl> set session control proxy dth source end user = -
    _ncl> { [ node=local:.remotenode , end user=uic=[0,0]dan ] }

    The node synonym cannot be substituted for a full name in
    the NCL command. However, in most cases since the unqualified
    name and the node synonym are usually identical, it may
    appear that the synonym substitution was successful.
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