NCLHELP.HLB  —  NCL Introduction, Syntax  Node Identifiers, Names
    Node names can be specified in different ways depending upon
    the directory service(s) you are using.

    If the local node is configured to use the DECdns name service
    and the remote node is correctly registered in the DECdns
    namespace, you may refer to the node using a DECdns fullname,
    as in:

    ncl> show node NS:.lkg.remotenode all

    If the local node is configured to use the LOCAL name service
    and the remote node is correctly registered in the LOCAL
    namespace, you may choose to use the LOCAL fullname, as in:

    ncl> show node LOCAL:.remotenode all

    If both the local and remote nodes are running DECnet over
    TCP/IP (RFC 1859) and the remote host name is somehow
    translatable (perhaps using the Hosts Database or DNS/BIND),
    you may refer to the remote node using the DOMAIN fullname,
    as in:

    ncl> show node all
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